This abstract presents a novel method for diffusion tensor image (DTI) directly from highly under-sampled data acquired at multiple diffusion gradients. This method formulates the diffusion tensor estimation as a problem of parametric manifold recovery. We solve the recovery problem by alternatively shrinking the diffusion weighted images, estimating diffusion tensor, and enforcing data consistency constraint. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method is able to reconstruct the diffusion tensors accurately at high acceleration factors with low computational complexity.
Theory: In DTI, the m-th diffusion-weighted image Im can be written as: Im=I0e−bgTmDgm,(1)where I0 is the reference non-diffusion weighted image, b is diffusion weighting factor, gm is the m-th normalized diffusion gradient vector, and the diffusion tensor D is a 3 × 3 symmetric matrix. It can be seen that regardless the large number of diffusion-weighted images with different diffusion gradient directions, all these images lie on a low dimensional manifold whose dimension depends only on the six degrees of freedom in D. We therefore are able to recover the diffusion tensor D directly from the under-sample k-space dm acquired at all diffusion gradients, which is related to the diffusion-weighted image Im as:dm=FmIm+nm,(2)where Fm is the Fourier operator with a specific under-sampling pattern at m-th acquisition, nm denotes noise. We formulate the estimation of the diffusion tensor D as following minimization problem:D:=argminD∑m||dm−FmI0e−bgTmDgm||22,(3)To solve such a non-convex minimization problem, we first initialize Im by performing a zero-filled Fourier reconstruction. We then alternate among the following three steps iteratively.
Step1:Shrinkage-thresholding: We first use a soft-thresholding function to update each individual DWI in wavelet domain:ˆIm=Shrink(W(Im),λ)Δ={W(Im)−λ,ifW(Im)>λ0,else,(4)here Shrink(.) is the soft-thresholding function and λ is the threshold.
Step2:Diffusion tensor estimation by projecting DWIs onto the parametric manifold model: The updated images from the first step ˆIm is used here to estimate the diffusion tensor D, which can be easily solved by the least squares method:D=argminD∑m‖
Step3:Projection onto the subspace with data consistency: The images are further transformed into k-space to enforce the data consistency constraint. Specifically the values at unacquired k-space locations are replaced by updated values in step 2 while the values at acquired k-space locations are maintained. These three steps are performed iteratively until convergence.
MRI: The proposed method was evaluated using a mice brain DTI dataset (n=5) acquired using a horizontal 11.7T MR scanner as described in [11]. The data were acquired using a 3D GRASE sequence with selective excitation pulses and the following parameters: TE/TR=21/1000msec, two signal averages; spectral width = 120kHz; Four non-diffusion weighted images and sixty diffusion-weighted images (b=2500s/mm2, resolution=0.1mm isotropic, matrix size = 92 × 54). The fully sampled k-space data was retrospectively under-sampled with reduction factors of 2,3 and 4 using different 2D random under-sampling patterns for different diffusion directions. Mean diffusivity (MD) and fractional anisotropy (FA) maps were used to evaluate the performance.
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