Single-shot EPI is the most widely used sequence in diffusion tensor imaging. However, severe distortion in single-shot EPI limits its application for higher resolution images. Multi-shot EPI DTI can reduce distortion but results in longer acquisition time especially when a large number of diffusion-encoding directions are used. Here, we propose a model-based reconstruction framework for EPI DTI to estimate diffusion tensors from undersampled EPI sequences, in order to achieve high resolution diffusion imaging in a shorter scan time. The effectiveness of the proposed model-based method to get precise tensor estimation is validated by DTI simulation and in-vivo experiments.
If a Gaussian model for diffusion is assumed, the k-space signal of DTI can be represented by:Ki,k(D)=Ns∑j=1e−i→ki→xj(fxjpxj,k)e−BkDxj
where fxj is the magnitude of non-diffusion-weighted (b0) image at location →xj. The diffusion weighted image along the k-th diffusion-encoding direction can be represented by multiplying the b0 image with pxj,k, the phase of the corresponding diffusion image, and exponential attenuation e−BkDxj, where D is the diffusion tensor and B is the b-matrix. ∑Nsj=1e−i→ki→xj is the Fourier Transform operator and Ki,k represents the k-space data at the i-th point.
In the proposed model-based reconstruction, image phase of each direction and each shot can be estimated using PI-based methods or 2D navigators, and f is fully sampled. Thus, diffusion tensor D is the only unknown in this equation if data K is given. To estimate the diffusion tensor, we use the following object function with the input of undersampled k-space data:
Here, the first term is data fidelity and the second term is total variation (TV). \tilde{K} is the acquired undersampled k-space data. K(D) is the k-space data calculated by Equation 1 using the estimated D. \lambda is a parameter to control the contribution of TV. To solve this optimization problem, a nonlinear conjugate gradient algorithm is adopted. Figure 1 illustrates the estimation process.
Simulation: To evaluate the proposed method quantitatively, DTI datasets were simulated. A diffusion scan was performed to calculate a set of diffusion tensors D as the golden standard. Non-diffusion weighted images were duplicated and multiplied by the exponential attenuation term using tensor D to generate multi-direction diffusion-encoded images. Then, spatially varying random phases (2nd-order) were applied to the images and Gaussian noise was added in k-space (SNR = 5). Finally, the simulated k-space data were uniformly undersampled with predefined acceleration factors (AF). In the first simulation, 12-direction and 32-direction DTI data were simulated with different AFs. The performance of the proposed method was compared with SENSE 1 and PI+CS method L1-SPIRiT 8. In the second simulation, 12-direction DTI data with different partial Fourier factors were simulated to evaluate the combination of model-based reconstruction and partial Fourier acquisition.
In-vivo experiment: In vivo DTI data were acquired using an interleaved 4-shot EPI sequence with navigators on a Philips 3T Achieva TX scanner. The scan parameters were: number of RF channels = 8, FOV = 220×220 mm2, slice thickness = 4 mm, TR/TE = 3500/83 ms, in-plane image resolution = 1×1 mm2, number of diffusion directions = 10, b value = 1000 s/mm2, NSA = 2, partial Fourier factor = 0.75. The proposed method and L1-SPIRiT reconstructed images with using the image echo of one shot along each direction to achieve an AF of 4 (two shots with AF = 2). The fully sampled 4-shot data were reconstructed using a multi-shot GRAPPA method 5 as a reference.
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