Multi-shot interleaved EPI is an effective method to acquire high-resolution and less distorted diffusion weighted images, but with relatively low acquisition efficiency, especially for diffusion tensor imaging. Here, a novel model-based reconstruction is proposed for accelerated multi-shot diffusion imaging with simultaneous multi-slice (SMS) and partially parallel imaging (PPI). The method can directly estimate diffusion tensors from the undersampled k-space data, by integrating information of all shots and diffusion encoding directions. Simulation and in-vivo experiment demonstrated that the proposed method can achieve higher acceleration efficiency and improved accuracy in tensor estimation compared with conventional 2D GRAPPA.
As reported, the k-space from SMS acquisition can be described as an undersampled 3D k-space for more straightforward reconstruction7. Here, we extend the model-based reconstruction to SMS imaging, and the diffusion tensor D can be estimated by solving the following optimization problem:argminwhere I are the DW images of all shots and directions synthesized by multiplying non-diffusion-weighted image with phase variation and diffusion contrast. F is the 3D Fourier Transform operator and \tilde{K} is the undersampled SMS 3D k-space. The first term is data fidelity and the second is total variation (TV) constraint. \lambda is a parameter to control the contribution of TV. Figure 1 illustrates the reconstruction procedure of the proposed method. First, undersampled 3D k-space from SMS is roughly reconstructed by 2D GRAPPA. Then, the image phase of each shot is estimated and filtered by Tukey windowing. Nonlinear conjugate gradient (NLCG) algorithm is then adopted to solve the optimization problem iteratively to reconstruct the multiple slice tensors D. In model-based reconstruction, direct estimation of tensors using data from all directions reduces the number of unknowns than reconstruction of all DW images8. In addition, full-sampled non-diffusion-weighed image and total variation constraint further improve the accuracy of estimation.
Simulation: DTI datasets were simulated to evaluate the proposed method quantitatively. A DTI scan was performed to acquire non-diffusion-weighted images and diffusion tensors. The D matrices of two slices were used to simulate the SMS data. Non-diffusion-weighted images were duplicated first and the diffusion contrast was generated using D to simulate multi-direction diffusion-encoded images. Spatially varying random phases (2nd-order) and Gaussian noise (SNR=5) were also included. To mimic the undersampled 3D k-space using SMS and in-plane PPI, the synthesized images were first transformed to 3D k-space and then manually undersampled. Here, the acceleration factors of SMS and in-plane PPI were denoted by MB and AF, respectively. In this test, 32-direction 32-channel DTI data were simulated with AF = 3 and MB = 2. The performance of the proposed method was compared with conventional 2D GRAPPA9.
In-vivo experiment: In vivo SMS accelerated DTI data were acquired with a 4-shot iEPI sequence with 2D navigators, using a 32-channel head coil. The scan parameters were: MB = 2, FOV = 216×216 mm2, slice thickness = 4 mm, TR/TE = 3000/75 ms, in-plane image resolution = 1×1 mm2, number of diffusion directions = 16, b value = 800 s/mm2, NSA = 1, partial Fourier factor = 0.7. First, the fully sampled 4-shot data with navigators were reconstructed by a SMS 3D k-space method10 as a reference. Then the performance of the proposed method and 2D GRAPPA were compared at two different in-plane acceleration factors: AF=2 (using image-echo data from 2 shots) and AF=4 (using image-echo data from only 1 shot).
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