We investigated the effect of intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) on the brain diffusion MRI signal in a cohort of 143 control patients. We compared the diffusivities derived from a mono-exponential fit at b =0 and 1ms/μm2 versus at b = 0.25 and 1 ms/μm2. This allowed for a quantitative assessment of the IVIM signal fraction f* in specific brain matter types. Our results show a significant difference in the mean diffusivity of about 3% in white matter and up to 7% in grey matter, with corresponding f* estimated to be about 2% and 6% in white and grey matter respectively.
143 subjects (62 male, mean age = 50.2 ± 17.9) underwent MRI on a Magnetom Prisma 3T MRI system (Siemens AG, Erlangen, Germany). A monopolar diffusion-weighted EPI sequence was applied with b=0, 0.25, 1, and 2 ms/μm2 along 84 directions in total. Data was acquired in a volume of 50 slices, 130 × 130 matrix, with voxel size = 1.7 mm × 1.7 mm × 3 mm, TE/TR = 70/3500 ms, GRAPPA with acceleration 2, and multiband 2.
dMRI images preprocessing included denoising,6 Gibbs removal,7 as well as eddy distortion and motion correction.8 For each subject, the dMRI signal S(b) was fitted to S(b)=S0exp(−bD) using a weighted linear least square fit6 to extract S0 and the diffusion tensor D, based on S(b) from two different b-ranges: b=0 and 1 ms/μm2, and b=0.25 and 1 ms/μm2. Assuming that at both b=0.25 and 1 ms/μm2 diffusion weighting is enough to exclude the effects of IVIM, the fit curve for b=0.25 and 1 ms/μm2 was extrapolated to calculate S′0 as the “true” S0 signal without IVIM contribution. Comparing S′0 to the measured S0 (b=0 and 1 ms/μm2) then allows one to calculate the IVIM signal fraction f∗ as shown in Eq. 1.
f^*= (S_0 – S_0')/(S_0)\,\quad(1)
Maps of the mean diffusivity (MD) calculated both for b=0 and b=1 ms/μm^2, and for b=0.25 and b=1 ms/μm^2, as well as maps of f^* were derived for each subject, and mean values were extracted over several regions of interest. S_0 images were co-registered to the MNI152 T2 brain atlas to identify gray matter regions and FSL FAST^9 was used to reduce CSF and white matter partial voluming in relevant ROIs. Fractional anisotropy (FA) maps were co-registered to the JHU FA atlas using FNIRT^9 to identify white matter regions.
A slight deviation from the mono-exponential model due to IVIM is observed in WM, while a larger deviation is observed in GM, and CSF (Figure 1). The much larger IVIM effect observed in GM and more so in CSF compared to WM may be due to greater levels of flow. Arteries and capillary networks densely run through the GM, but many terminate in the GM and primarily only large blood vessels continue to the WM towards the ventricular angle.^{10} The corresponding estimated IVIM f^* of 0.05 for cortical GM is about twice as large as f^* of 0.02 in the WM, in agreement with well-known blood volume fractions in these tissues, This suggests that the IVIM effect is predominantly present in GM.
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