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On Quantitatively Comparing Tractography Algorithms
Birkan Tunç1, Drew Parker1, and Ragini Verma1

1University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States


Systematic comparison of tractography algorithms is rendered challenging by the differences in diffusion models and multiple parameters. In this work, we have defined a statistical framework to compare tractography algorithms, from two different perspectives: (1) the volume of generated tracts and (2) number of unbroken fibers. We applied our framework to compare six algorithms (four using tensor model and two using HARDI model) in reconstructing the contralateral corticospinal tract in ten brain tumor patients. Our results demonstrated significant differences between algorithms. These experiments establish our tractography comparison framework which can be used by researchers and tractography challenges for quantitative comparison.


Tractography enables the reconstruction of white matter pathways in vivo, using diffusion weighted imaging (DWI). Comparison of tractography algorithms is rendered challenging by the differences in diffusion models (e.g., DTI or HARDI), parameters (e.g., fractional anisotropy (FA)), and sampling methodologies (e.g. deterministic or probabilistic). The current literature mostly relies on visual inspections of tracts of interest (TOIs), which is hard to generalize. Despite existence of statistical models to compare algorithms1, a comprehensive framework is still missing, which we propose here.


We define a statistical framework to compare tractography algorithms, from two perspectives: (1) the change in the volume of TOI by varying parameters and (2) number of unbroken fibers connecting selected regions of interest (ROIs). First, to analyze the volume of the tract, we defined the following linear model,


where V is the volume of the TOI, computed as the number of voxels visited by fibers. The model is used to compare two algorithms at once, with M is 0 for the first algorithm and 1 for the second. P is the percentage of fibers of that are included. The model considers gradually increasing number of fibers (P), with fibers being included in the order of their sampling density (that is, from the most sampled fibers to the least sampled fibers). The sampling density of fibers are computed as explained in Figure 1. This procedure enables taking into account redundant fibers. The last three terms correspond to FA, curvature, and step size, respectively. More parameters can be included easily. Once the model is fitted, we query the statistical significance of a1 (overall increase in volume from the first algorithm to the second) and a3 (increase in the rate of volume per fiber). Second, we compare algorithms based on unbroken fibers between ROIs. This is especially important to quantify the efficiency of an algorithm in reconstructing challenging pathways, e.g. pathways connecting to the face area of the motor cortex.

We applied our framework to compare six algorithms in reconstructing the corticospinal tract (CST) in 10 brain tumor patients, on the contralateral side where the CST is intact. DTI data was acquired on a Siemens 3T TrioTim scanner: TR/TE = 5000/86 ms, b-value = 1000 s/mm2, 30 gradient directions, single b0, resolution = 1.7 x 1.7 x 3.0 mm. We compared four deterministic tracking algorithms using tensor models (FACT, RungeKutta (order 4), Tensorline, Streamline)2, as well as one deterministic and one probabilistic algorithm using HARDI model3. We ran each algorithm to generate fibers of whole brain using 4 FA, 3 curvature, and 3 step size thresholds. We then used inclusion and exclusion ROIs to get the CST as cleanly as possible. For the second analysis (i.e., number of unbroken fibers), we considered unbroken fibers between cerebral peduncle and the precentral gyrus (primary motor cortex). We computed the ratio of volume of the motor cortex that was visited by fibers, both for the entire motor cortex and for its subdivisions separately (body, hand, and face regions).


The probabilistic algorithm generated higher volumes of CST (p<0.05) and had higher rate of volume per fiber (p<1e-8), as compared to all other methods. There was no significant change in the overall volume between the four algorithms using tensor model, with only exception that the Streamline algorithm generated more volume than the RK4 (p<1e-2). Surprisingly, the FACT algorithm generated more volume compared to the deterministic algorithm using HARDI model (p<1e-4). However, the volume per fiber rate was always the lowest for the FACT, suggesting that it tends to sample redundant fibers. Between the Tensorline and Streamline algorithms, the Tensorline generated more volume per fiber (p<1e-3). When compared in terms of unbroken tracts, probabilistic tractography generated more fibers reaching to entire motor cortex, as compared to all other methods (p<1e-8). The FACT algorithm performed the worst (p<1e-8). Regarding other four, the Tensorline performed the best, followed by the Streamline, RK4, and the HARDI deterministic. Other than the probabilistic algorithm, no method could generate fibers reaching to face region, with the Tensorline being an exception in a few subjects when using very high angle thresholds.


We have proposed a statistical framework to compare multiple tractography algorithms. Our results demonstrated significant differences between algorithms in reconstructing CST, with probabilistic tracking generating higher volumes. Among deterministic algorithms, the Tensorline performed better than the others. These experiments establish the utility of our tractography comparison framework which can be used by researchers and tractography challenges to quantitatively evaluate algorithm differences.


This research was supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant R01-MH092862 (PI: Ragini Verma and C-F Westin).


1. Tensaouti F, Lahlou I, Clarisse P, Lotterie JA, Berry I. Quantitative and reproducibility study of four tractography algorithms used in clinical routine. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2011;34(1):165-172. doi:10.1002/jmri.22584.

2. Wang R, Benner T, Sorensen AG, Wedeen VJ. Diffusion Toolkit: A Software Package for Diffusion Imaging Data Processing and Tractography. In: Intl Soc Mag Reson Med. ; 2007:3720.

3. Tournier J-D, Calamante F, Connelly A. MRtrix: Diffusion tractography in crossing fiber regions. Int J Imaging Syst Technol. 2012;22(1):53-66. doi:10.1002/ima.22005.


Figure 1. The statistical model of tract volume (see Eq. 1 in the text) considers gradually increasing number of fibers (P in Eq. 1), with fibers being included in the order of their sampling density. To calculate the fiber sampling density for the fibers in (a), first a track density image is generated as in (b), counting the number of fibers per voxels. Then, the sampling density of a fiber is calculated as the average of voxel values along the fiber, as seen in (c).

Figure 2. Three example comparisons, with minimum FA=0.2, maximum angle=15o, step size=1. The blue volume is the cerebral peduncle, the yellow is the precentral gyrus, and the white is the ipsilateral edema. Contralateral tracts are visualized. Rows show comparisons for (a) FACT using tensor model vs the probabilistic algorithm using HARDI; (b) Tensorline vs Streamline algorithms, using tensor model; and (c) the deterministic vs probabilistic algorithms, using HARDI. Columns show results for the first method (left), for the second method (middle), and for the comparison of both (right). p-values are for the comparison of the methods considering all parameter values.

Figure 3. Unbroken fibers reaching to the primary motor cortex, for an example subject. Three segments of the motor cortex are visualized, coarsely corresponding to body (yellow), hand (green), and face (orange) regions. (Left) the Tensorline algorithm using tensor model, (Middle) the probabilistic algorithm using HARDI model, (Right) comparison. In this specific example, the Tensorline algorithm was able to cover 22.31%, 4.97%, and 0.27% of the three regions of the motor cortex (computed based on the visited number of voxels), respectively, whereas the probabilistic algorithm was able to cover 14.95%, 7.33%, and 2.85%.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 25 (2017)