We propose to validate the PICASO (Precise Inference and Characterization of Structural Organization)1 biophysical model of tissue microstructure using a full-slice histology of cat spinal cord. The PICASO model was fit to high resolution diffusion MRI (dMRI) of a cat spinal cord to estimate microstructural measures of diffusion disturbance, which is directly related to axonal packing and density. We found that the structural disturbance coefficient (SDC) in the direction orthogonal to the fiber orientation from the PICASO model was strongly correlated with the axonal density obtained from histology2, with a correlation coefficient of r=0.67. Thus, the SDC could provide very precise information about the microscopic arrangement of axons or cells in biological tissue.
Histology: Ex-vivo tissue preparation was done as described in our earlier work2. A slice of spinal cord was stained with osmium 4% dehydrated, embedded in paraffin, cut in 4 mm slices. The resolution was 230 nm/px. The axons were automatically segmented using the AxonSeg software3: https://github.com/neuropoly/axonseg. A contiguous slice was scanned using an optical 20x whole slice microscope (Hamamatsu NanoZoomer 2.0-HT) for the histology data. MRI: The MRI data was acquired from an axial slice in a cervical segment of cat spinal cord on an Agilent 7T animal scanner equipped with 600 mT/m gradients. The spatial resolution of diffusion MRI data was 0.16x0.16x0.20 mm3. The matrix size was 64x64. The diffusion parameters were d=3 ms, D=30 ms, TE=47 ms. Diffusion gradients were acquired along 796 directions in 4 shells with b-values of 40/189/1680/6720 s/mm2. PICASO model: The microstructure of the tissue is captured by a structural disturbance function u(q,t), which provides information about the spatial distribution of the disturbances, where q is in the reciprocal space of displacement. In practice, if dMRI data is measured at a single diffusion time, we can assume that u(q,t) is time-invariant. Moreover, if the data is measured at low q-value, we can use a polynomial model to approximate the disturbances. Following our earlier work1, we fitted the dMRI measurements to the following PICASO model:s(b,n)=nTMn+(1−nTMn)exp(−bnTMn),where n is the gradient direction vector with unit norm, M is a positive definite tensor with the same set of eigenvectors as D, and the D is assumed to have a cylindrical shape with two identical small eigenvalues. Assuming time-independence of the diffusion disturbance as u(q)=nTMnqTDq, the model parameters were estimated by solving a nonlinear least squares problem. The SDC’s were estimated as the eigenvalues of the product MD along the perpendicular direction of axons1. We note that the unit of SDC is μm2/ms, which is the same as that of diffusivity. SDC can be considered as the amount of reduced diffusivity due to structural restrictions and hindrances and hence is related to the axonal density and packing. Validation: The axon-segmented image was down-sampled to the same resolution as dMRI data and registered to MRI using affine transformation. Correlation coefficient was computed between the estimated SDC and the number of axons in each voxel.
1. L. Ning, et al., Precise Inference
and Characterization of Structural Organization (PICASO) of tissue from
molecular diffusion. Accepted by NeuroImage, 2016.
2. T. Duval, et al., Validation of
quantitative MRI metrics using full slice histology with automatic axon segmentation.
Singapore, ISMRM; 2016.
3. Zaimi A, Duval T, Gasecka A, Côté D, Stikov N, Cohen-Adad
J. AxonSeg: open source software for axon and myelin segmentation and
analysis. Front Neuroinform 2016;10(37).