In this study we explore whether scanner-related-variabilities contribute to an individual’s distinct fingerprint – and whether the fingerprint specificity would be robust as a biomarker by scanning the same subject across multiple vendors and multiple scanner in four institutions. Both Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Multi-shell Multi-band diffusion imaging (MSMBDI) was tested, and differences within acquisition type (using fractional anisotropy and normalized quantitative anisotropy) and between acquisition types comparisons (using q-space diffeomorphic reconstruction) analysis were examined. We found that scanner may contribute partly to the fingerprint patter, but the fingerprint was robust at maintaining pattern, especially in MSMBDI to warrant further studies.
Five sets of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and multi-shell, multiband diffusion (MSMBD) scans were acquired on one subject (male 44 year-old) within a five-month period on four scanners at different institutions. The types of scanners and their designations are listed in Figure 1. All Siemens scanners used the same multi-band EPI diffusion sequence MSMBD scheme with 256 directions – 128 unique directions at B3000s/mm2 (at TE/TR=110ms/3300ms) and B5000s/mm2 (at TE/TR=130ms/3600ms). The Ingenia followed a similar 256 directions scheme, but with B=2500 s/mm2 and B=4000 s/mm2. The following parameters were used across all platforms: FOV=240mm, voxel size=2.4mm (isotropic), matrix size=100x100x60, and multiband factor=3. For the DTI all Siemens scanners used the same 42-direction scheme and Ingenia used a similar 42-direction scheme, with following parameters: FOV = 256mm, voxel size = 2.0mm (isotropic), TE/TR=92ms/12600 ms, B = 1000s/mm2. All sequences were approved by the IRBs of the respective institutions.
Each sequence was processed in DSI-studio6 to generate normalized quantitative anisotropy (nQA) for MSMBD scans (GQI technique), and FA for DTI scans. Linear rigid body registration (FSL FLIRT7) was used to register nQA images to each other and FA images to each other. For subsequent analysis q-space diffeomorphic reconstruction (QSDR) technique was used8,9.
For within acquisition-type analysis, the reshaped FA and nQA images are presented in Figure 1, with brain arranged slice by slice from inferior (left) to superior (right). Qualitatively, no identifiable pattern observed for FA (Figure 1A), while a distinct pattern was observed for nQA on the Siemens machines (Figure 1B). A pair-wise root mean squared deviation for each acquisition-type (Table 2) showed the RMSD range for FA was higher than RSMD range for nQA – lowest RMSD for FA is higher than the highest RMSD for nQA.
The Local connectome SDF fingerprint comparison analysis is presented in Figure 2, and the pair-wise correlation and RMSD are presented in Figure 3. Within the MSMBD based scans, especially on the Skyras, a distinctly similar local connectome “fingerprint” pattern emerged (Figure 2B), and this is further supported by the high correlation association (Figure 3A) and low deviation (Figure 3B) between the Skyras. It is important to note that the MSMBD scans on the Prisma and Ingenia also seem to share more similarity – as seen by an RMSD of 0.019 (Table 2), moderately high correlation (Figure 3A) – which may be related in part to the higher diffusion levels observed at the more inferior slices in both scans. The DTI-based fingerprints showed more variable and less similar patterns than the MSMBD, with the similarity observed only between the scans on the same scanner, SkryaC-20ch and SkryaC-32ch (Figure 2A).
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