Amanda DV MacCannell1, Kevin Sinclair 2, Lannete Friesen-Waldner2, Charles A McKenzie2, and James Staples1
1Biology, University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada, 2Medical Biophysics, University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada
Hibernating mammals use brown
adipose tissue (BAT) as a primary source of heat production. Volumes of both
white adipose tissue (WAT) and BAT increase in the autumn even when temperatures
are warm. Between Aug 19th and Oct 13th we used water-fat MRI to measure the
dynamics of BAT and white adipose tissue as ground squirrels prepared for
hibernation under either cold or thermoneutral temperatures. We found that the
volume of a tissue that resembles BAT around the eye, increased significantly
in cold exposed animals to warm exposed in October, as the animals are
preparing for winter.
Target Audience
This abstract is targeted to those interested in MRI of brown adipose
tissue. Introduction
During the winter, hibernating
mammals cycle between periods with very low body temperature (~5°C) that last
for several days, and brief arousal periods with normothermic body temperature
near 37°C. During these spontaneous arousals, brown adipose tissue (BAT) is the
primary source of heat production. In non-hibernating mammals, proliferation of
BAT requires extensive acclimation to cold environmental temperatures. In
contrast, expression of BAT-specific genes in hibernators follows an endogenous
rhythm, increasing in autumn even when animals are held at constant, warm
temperatures1. Recently we demonstrated that BAT in the thorax of ground
squirrels increases in volume without cold exposure in anticipation
of hibernation 2. We also described a tissue near the eyes with a fat fraction that
resembles closely thoracic BAT. The brain temperature of hibernating ground
squirrels is maintained about 3.7°C above the core body temperature3. We hypothesize
that volumes of this “eye BAT” would increase as the hibernation season
approached, and that cold exposure would accelerate this proliferation.Purpose
To assess the effect of cold
versus warm exposure on the volume of BAT-like tissue in squirrels surrounding
the eyes in anticipation for hibernation using water-fat MRI.Methods
Two groups of four male
13-lined ground squirrels (Ictidomys tridecemlineatus) were housed at constant
photoperiod (12h light, 12h dark) but at different temperatures: 25°C and 5°C.
The squirrels were scanned using a 3T MRI scanner (Discovery MR750, GE
Healthcare, Waukesha, WI, USA) and a 32 channel cardiac coil under a protocol
approved by the institution’s Animal Care Subcommittee. Animals were
anaesthetized using isoflurane and 100% oxygen and scanned in August and again
4 and 7 weeks after the initial scan. T1-and T2-weighted images were acquired
(TR/TE/flip angle/number of averages = 4.3ms/2.0ms/15°/4 and
2000ms/162ms/90°/2, respectively, with voxel dimensions = 0.9mm isotropic for
both acquisitions). IDEAL water-fat images (reconstructed with correction for
T2* decay and fat spectral complexity) were also collected with TR/∆TE/#
echoes/flip angle = 7.96ms/0.856ms/6/4° and voxel dimensions = 0.9mm isotropic.
The T1-weighted images were used to manually segment total squirrel volume. BAT
has a lower fat fraction than White Adipose Tissue4, so fat fraction images
generated from the water-fat images were used for semi-automatic segmentation
of BAT surrounding the eyes. All segmentation was performed by (AM) using the
“2D growing region” tool of OsiriX v.5.8.2 (Pixmeo, Geneva, Switzerland).
Repeated measures two-way ANOVA was used to test the null hypothesis that BAT
volume did not change over the 7 weeks, and that cold exposure did not affect
BAT volume.
Figure 1a shows a
representative fat fraction image at three time points with the BAT locations
indicated. Figure 1b shows corresponding T1 weighted images. Figure 2
demonstrates a significant increase in eye BAT volume when acclimated to cold.
On Oct 13th there is significant increase in volume of eye BAT between warm and
cold squirrels (P=0.006). The mean eye BAT volume with cold acclimation
increased 2.8 fold, and warm 1.6 fold during the 7 weeks between imaging sessions.Discussion
In most mammals cold exposure
is necessary for BAT proliferation, but our data show that BAT volume increases
in hibernators held at thermoneutral temperatures. Cold exposure has an
additive effect on BAT proliferation surrounding the eyes. This is the first
report of a tissue resembling BAT around the eyes. It is remotely possible that
this tissue is actually the Harderian gland that, in mice is comprised of 35%
lipid (w/w), which is within the fat fraction values we used to identify BAT
(i.e. 25%-70%). The chemical lipid extraction used to assess Harderian gland
lipid composition5 detects virtually all lipids, including lipids found in the
membranes. Water-fat MRI, on the other hand, only detects lipids that are
'mobile', especially triglycerides, but not lipids found within membranes
including myelin6. We believe, therefore, that the MRI-detectable fat fractions
from this gland would be lower than that detected by chemical extraction. In
fact, we expect the fat fraction of this gland to fall below the lower 25%
threshold to be detected by our water-fat MRI technique. Finally, it is
unlikely that there would be a 2.8-fold increase volume of the Harderian gland
prior to hibernation. Conclusion
This water-fat MRI study
shows, first time that a BAT (based on fat fraction) was discovered behind the
eyes and that cold exposure can have an additive effect in proliferation of BAT
in hibernators.Acknowledgements
The authors acknowledge support from the Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Council. References
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2. Amanda
MacCannell, Kevin Sinclair, Lanette Friesen-Waldner, et al.
Water-Fat MRI Detects Increased Brown Adipose Tissue Volume In Anticipation of
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