Axon diameter distributions (ADDs) change during brain development and are altered in several brain pathologies. Mapping ADDs non-invasively using dMRI could provide a useful biomarker, but existing methods are either parametric, orientation-dependent, summarize the whole ADD as a single measure or use non-standard protocols. We propose to estimate the ADD from an orientation-invariant PGSE protocol optimized for axon diameter sensitivity, using a discrete linear model with smoothness and sparsity regularization. To our knowledge, we are the first to show that PGSE sequences can be used to extract orientationally invariant and non-parametric ADD estimates.
Tissue model: similarly to the MMWMD model2 implemented in AMICO,4 we suppose the white matter is made of an intracellular (IC) compartment (modeled as a mixture of cylinders5) and an extracellular (EC) compartment (modeled as a mixture of zeppelins5).
Simulations: Simulations were split into Yec and Yic. Yec was simulated using Camino's Monte Carlo simulator,6 placing spins in the EC space of 1’000 impermeable cylinders with radii sampled from a gamma distribution (k=3.50, θ=3.26∗10−7, IC volume fraction ICVF=0.73). Diffusivity was set to (D∥=0.6x10−9m2/s) and the protocol taken from Dyrby et al7 (ActiveAx optimized PGSE protocol, Gmax=300mT/m). The mean volume weighted diameter was 3.73 μm, which is above the resolution lower bound for the diameter index of this protocol.7 Yic was computed analytically from the list of radii used in the Monte Carlo simulation, the final signal computed as Y=ICVF∗Yic+(1−ICVF)∗Yec, and contaminated with 100 rician noise realization corresponding to SNR = 30.
Intra-axonal reconstruction: We suppose that the ADD can be reconstructed by solving the discrete linear model min,8 where A^{ic} is a dictionary of cylinders5 with radii in [0.5, 7.0] um, \Gamma introduces a smoothness penalty on coefficients x^{ic} and Y^{ic} is the intracellular dMRI signal.
Extra-axonal reconstruction: we
consider that the EC compartment can be recovered by solving: \min_{x^{ec} \geq 0}||A^{ec}x^{ec}-Y||^2_2+\lambda_2\mathcal{R}(x^ {ec}),
where A^{ec} is a dictionary of zeppelins5 with D_\perp \in [0.0,D_\parallel], x^{ec} are the volume fractions to be
estimated, Y^{ec} is the extacellular dMRI signal and \mathcal{R}(x^ {ec}) is a regularization term.
Full substrate reconstruction: the parameters of the full substrate were recovered by solving a problem of
the form \min_{x \geq 0}||Ax-Y||^2_2+\lambda _1||\Gamma x^{ic}||^2_2 + \lambda _2\mathcal{R}(x^ {ec}), where A=[A^{ic}, A^{ec}], x=[x^{ic},
x^{ec}] and Y is the substrate dMRI signal. We explored different regularizations of the EC coefficients to address their
influence on the ADD estimation: (i) no
regularization, (ii) standard Tikhonov regularization: \mathcal{R}(x^ {ec})=||x^{ec}||^2_2 and (iii) sparsity regularization: \mathcal{R}(x^ {ec})=||x^{ec}||_1. In each experiment, \lambda _1 and \lambda _2 were
tuned to recover the ADD closest to the ground-truth.
Results are summarized in Figure 1.
No regularization: the system fails to estimate the ADD and the mean volume weighted diameter.
Tikhonov regularization: recovered ADD and mean diameter estimates are closer to the ground-truth, although the shape of the ADD is wrong.
Sparse regularization: promoting sparsity yields the best results concerning both ADD reconstruction and the estimated mean diameter. Big diameters are slightly overestimated, likely because of their similarity with the EC signal.
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