To optimize neuromodulation therapy of orofacial pain, a more profound insight in the trigeminal pathways in the human brainstem is of crucial importance. Using ex-vivo, 11.7T magnetic resonance imaging, polarized light microscopy and myelin staining methods, both the ventral and dorsal trigeminothalamic tracts can be visualized in humans. The combination of these visualization techniques strengthens the validity of these findings although the number of specimens forms a limitation. Future research must show whether these results are reproducible in more human brains and whether the described tracts could lead to new neuromodulation targets for the treatment of orofacial pain.
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Figure 1 Anatomical MR images of the human brainstem
A) 3D visualization of the human brainstem, depicting the levels of the cutting planes of B and C
B) Transverse section
C) Transverse section
CST= Corticospinal tract, DTT= Dorsal trigeminothalamic tract, ML= Medial lemniscus, PSN= Principal sensory nucleus, SCP= Superior cerebellar peduncle, VTT= Ventral trigeminothalamic tract, White arrow= Location of the mesencephalic trigeminal tract
Figure 2 Tractography of the trigeminal tracts in the human brainstem superimposed on the FA-maps. Color indicates the direction of the streamlines
Transverse sections, resolution of 0,5mm; interplanar spacing from A till G consists of 8mm with A being the most cranial section
Red=Left-right; Green= Anterior-posterior; Blue= Caudal-rostral; DTT= Dorsal trigeminothalamic tract, PSN= Principal sensory nucleus, TT= Trigeminal tract, VTT= Ventral trigeminothalamic tract
Figure 3 Histological sections of the human brainstem stained for myelin with a Heidenhain-Woelcke stain
A) Section through the upper part of the pons
B) Section through the mid part of the pons
C-E) Section through the pons at the level of the trigeminal entry zone
CST= Corticospinal tract, DTT= Dorsal trigeminothalamic tract, ML= Medial lemniscus, PSN= Principal sensory nucleus, SCP= Superior cerebellar peduncle, TT= Trigeminal tract, VTT= Ventral trigeminothalamic tract; White arrow= Location of the bifurcation of the TT into the VTT and DTT
Figure 4 Polarized light imaging microscopy of the human brainstem. The in-plane orientation of myelinated fibres is color-coded according the HSV-sphere.
A) Rostral section through the mid part of the pons
B) Caudal section through the mid part of the pons
CST= Corticospinal tract, DTT= Dorsal trigeminothalamic tract, ML= Medial lemniscus, PSN= Principal sensory nucleus; TT= Trigeminal tract, VTT= Ventral trigeminothalamic tract