In this work, we apply the TractCaliber approach to a group of healthy subjects and show that distinct tract-specific estimates of axon diameter may be obtained in different white matter tracts in the normal human brain. Larger diameter axons are consistently estimated in the corticospinal tracts and are shown to be distinct from those in the cingulum, an adjacent and orthogonal white matter tract. The development of robust tract-specific axon diameter-weighted maps may be useful for refining existing tractography algorithms.
Data acquisition: Twelve healthy volunteers (6M, 6F, ages 23-58) were scanned with approval from the institutional review board. All scans were performed on the dedicated high-gradient 3T CONNECTOM scanner with maximum gradient strength of 300 mT/m using a custom-made 64-channel head coil (3). To demonstrate intra-subject reproducibility, initial diffusion imaging protocols consisting of 1.5- and 2.4-mm3 resolution sagittal diffusion-weighted spin echo EPI images were acquired in separate scan sessions on a single healthy subject with whole brain coverage. The following parameters were used: TR/TE=3900/85 ms, diffusion gradient pulse duration δ=8 ms, diffusion times Δ=16/36/56 ms, 8 gradient strengths ranging from 30–290 mT/m per Δ for a total of 24 q-shells, 64 non-collinear diffusion-encoding gradient directions with 5 interspersed b=0 images, and parallel imaging (R=2). The total acquisition time for the 1.5- and 2.4-mm3 imaging protocols was 120 min and 103 min, respectively.
A shortened acquisition was then performed on all 12 healthy subjects. The protocol consisted of sagittal diffusion-weighted spin echo EPI images at 2-mm3 resolution throughout the whole brain, including the cerebellum and upper cervical spinal cord. The following parameters were used: TE/TR=77/3800 ms, δ=8 ms, Δ=19/49 ms, 8 gradient strengths ranging from 30–290 mT/m per Δ for a total of 16 q-shells, parallel imaging (R=2), and simultaneous multislice (MB factor=2). The diffusion gradients were applied in 64 non-collinear directions with 5 interspersed b=0 images for b-values greater than 2300 s/mm2. For b-values less than or equal to 2300 s/mm2, the diffusion gradients were applied in 32 non-collinear directions with 2 interspersed b=0 images. The maximum b-value at the longest diffusion time was 17,800 s/mm2. The total acquisition time for this imaging protocol was 55 min.
Data analysis: Following preprocessing to correct for distortions due to gradient nonlinearity, motion and eddy currents, the data were fitted using the TractCaliber approach outlined in Figure 1 to obtain axon diameter and volume fraction estimates (2). NODDI fitting was also performed using data with b=700 and 3100 s/mm2 to obtain estimates of orientation dispersion index (ODI) within white matter tracts. Combined volume and surface-based registration (CVS) in FreeSurfer (4) was used for cross-subject registration of axon diameter and volume fraction maps obtained from TractCaliber analysis.
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