Recently, Double Diffusion Encoding (DDE) has been proposed for quantification of pore size distributions in a voxel or a Region Of Interest. Although the technique has been validated on animals with experimental MR systems, its translation to human scanners is challenging, mainly because of the limited gradient strength available on clinical systems. In this work, we present a validation of DDE on a clinical scanner on a biological phantom (asparagus). Furthermore, we restricted the acquisition time to 16 minutes which remains acceptable in clinical conditions.
We implemented a DDE sequence (double spin echo with single shot EPI read out of the second echo) on an Achieva 3T scanner (Philips, Best, The Netherlands). The two gradient pairs had identical diffusion time and zero mixing time. Six white asparagus stems were placed in a wrist antenna (4 Channels) with their axis aligned with the z-direction (Feet-Head). Five axial slices (thickness 4 mm) were imaged with 2mm*2mm in plane resolution (acquisition) and 1.35mm for reconstruction. Diffusion parameters were: 6 equidistant q-values from 0 to 40mm-1 by stepping the gradient pulses (duration δ=12.6ms) from 0 to 80mT/m and diffusion time ∆=60ms. Five equidistant angles θ between the two gradient pairs were used, ranging from 0 to 180° in the xy-image plane (first pair was along the y-direction). Other parameters were: TE=162ms, TR=4654ms, SENSE factor=2, NSA=8 leading to a scan time=16min. An extra standard DTI sequence with 32 gradient directions and b=800s/mm2 with the same resolution as DDE was performed in order to locate the fibers of the pro-epidermis. The signal attenuation EV of a voxel (S(q,θ)S(q=0)) is :
where N is the number of sampled pore sizes, E is the attenuation for a cylindrical pore of radius ai and fi is its volume-weighted contribution. The relative probability is then Pi= fi/ai2 and the PSD is given3 by the ensemble of Pi normalized to 1. E was calculated numerically with the MCF method4 and we used N=20. A parametric estimation was performed assuming a log-normal distribution (2 parameters: µ and σ). Note that a gaussian contribution was added in eq. [1] but was always found to be negligible in our work. For validation, light microscopy was performed wherefrom PSD estimations where obtained using ImageJ software (National Institutes of Health, USA). Pore sizes can also be obtained from DDE using only one q-value and two angles (0 and 180°) and thus with reduced scan time. The mean radius of gyration <r2> is then estimated through1,5 :
<r^2>=(3/2)\frac{E_V(q,180°)-E_V(q,0)}{q^2} \qquad [2]
For a cylinder, <r2>=a2/2. We compared the
results of both methods.
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