Biomarkers for fiber density: comparing Stejskal-Tanner diffusion encoding metrics with microscopic diffusion anisotropy from double-diffusion encoding imaging
Siawoosh Mohammadi1,2,3, Isabel Ellerbrock1, and Luke Edwards2

1Department of Systems Neuroscience, Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany, 2Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany, 3UCL Institute of Cognitive Neurology, University College London


Different MRI biomarkers for fiber and myelin density have been proposed for MR g-ratio mapping, leaving open the question which biomarker is optimal. Here, we compare four different MRI biomarkers for fiber density using standard Stejeskal-Tanner diffusion encoding to the microscopic diffusion anisotropy (MA) measured by double-diffusion encoding. Thereby, we hypothesize that a better measure of the microscopic environment shows higher (and more significant) correlations to the MA metric. Our preliminary results showed that the marker by Kaden et al. (2016) shows higher correlation to MA than NODDI, suggesting it to be a better biomarker for fiber density.


The recent development on a highly flexible biophysical model that relates the microscopic g-ratio, only accessible by ex vivo histology, to MRI biomarkers for the myelin and fiber compartment (1), shows promising results for in vivo mapping g-ratio, here dubbed MR g-ratio. Different MRI biomarkers have been proposed for MR g-ratio mapping, leaving open the question which biomarker is optimal. A recent study has compared suitable biomarkers for the myelin compartments (2) but not for fiber density biomarkers. A fundamental problem of most current models for fiber density is that they are estimated from the standard Stejskal-Tanner (ST) diffusion encoding (3). Consequently, these models need to disentangle the influence of macroscopic arrangements (e.g., dispersion and fiber crossing (4)) from microscopic properties (e.g., fiber density) of fiber pathways on the diffusion signal. The microscopic diffusion anisotropy (MA), which is estimated by the double-diffusion encoding technique (5), is solely sensitive to the microscopic properties of fiber pathways (6). As such, it can serve as a silver standard for measuring the microscopic properties of fiber pathways. Therefore, we hypothesize that a better measure of the microscopic environment shows higher (and more significant) correlations to the MA metric. The purpose of this study is to test the similarity of four ST-diffusion encoding based biomarkers for fiber density to the silver-standard MA metric: (i) tract fiber density (TFD) (7), (ii) intra-cellular volume fraction (icvf) (8,9), (iii) microscopic fractional anisotropy (μFA) (10), and (iv) fractional anisotropy (FA). Thereby, the additional comparisons to μFA and FA are included for sanity checking: μFA should correlate very well (as it specifically models the microscopic anisotropy) and FA should correlate less well, as the diffusion tensor model does not sufficiently model the influence of the macroscopic arrangement of fibers on the diffusion signal (4).


MRI: A multi-shell diffusion-weighted imaging protocol was acquired on 2 healthy volunteers with the following details: 1.6 mm isotropic spatial resolution, b-values of b=1000 s/mm2, b=2000 s/mm2, 60 directions for each shell, 12 reference images without diffusion weighing (b=0 s/mm2), all repeated with reversed phase-encoding directions, making 264 images per subject. MRI was performed on a 3T Tim TRIO system (Siemens, Erlangen). Analysis: Data analyses were performed using: MATLAB (The MathWorks, Natick, MA, R2014b); statistical parametric mapping (SPM12, London) and DARTEL (11) for spatial registration; the ACID toolbox for pre-processing and diffusion tensor fitting (12,13); Fibertools (7) for calculating the TFD; the NODDI toolbox (9) for calculating icvf (NODDI); and the Spherical Mean Technique (SMT) toolbox (8,10) for calculating the icvf (Kaden) and μFA (Kaden). For quantitative comparison the median and standard error within 9 major fiber tracts (Fig. 3a) were calculated for the metrics MA, icvf (NODDI), icvf (Kaden), μFA (Kaden), and FA. Fiber tracts were selected from the SPM anatomy toolbox (14).

Results and Discussion

The whole-brain comparisons (Fig. 1 and 2) showed qualitative agreement between the two subjects. The μFA biomarker by Kaden et al. (8) showed the highest correlation to MA, and TFD the lowest (Fig. 4 and 5). When comparing the correlation between MA and the two icvf metrics, the metric by Kaden et al. outperformed the NODDI metric. Since the two icvf models differed only in the way they handled macroscopic fiber arrangements (NODDI used a single Watson distribution (9) and Kaden et al. used the STM (10)), we can conclude that STM better accounts for the macroscopic fiber arrangement than NODDI. However, one should bear in mind that drawing conclusions from this correlative comparison about the sensitivity of the ST-based biomarkers for fiber density is difficult because the MA is not only sensitive to fiber density but also to other microscopic properties such as the pore size (6). This makes the interpretation of the low and not significant correlation coefficient between TFD and MA particularly difficult: is it because TFD is less sensitive to microscopic fiber properties or because it is sensitive to different compartments, i.e. to fiber density but not to pore size?


The fact that the icvf metric by Kaden et al. shows higher correlation to MA than NODDI could mean it better disentangles macroscopic from microscopic properties of fiber pathways and thus serves better as a biomarker for the fiber density than the NODDI based icvf. However, these preliminary results are drawn from two subjects only and need to be confirmed within a larger group of subjects.


SM received funding from the EU's Horizon 2020 / MSC grant agreement no. 658589.


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Figure 1: Illustration of biomarkers for the fiber density in white matter (from left to right): (a) the microscopic anisotropy (MA) measured by the double-diffusion encoding (DDE) acquisition scheme, (b) tract-fiber density (TFD), (c) intra-cellular-volume fraction (icvf) using the NODDI model, (d) icvf using the model by Kaden et al. (2016), (e) microscopic fractional anisotropy (μFA) using the model by Kaden et al. (2016), as well as the fractional anisotropy (FA) using the standard diffusion tensor model. In this study, the DDE acquisition scheme based MA serves as a silver standard to which all other metrics will be compared.

Figure 2: For qualitative comparison the Log density between MA and: (a) TFD, (b) icvf (NODDI), (c) icvf (Kaden), (d) μFA (Kaden), and (e) FA is depicted. The shape of the scatter plot is similar between subjects. Note that the scatter plots includes the whole volume, i.e. white and gray matter. In the Figs. 3-5, the white matter is investigated in more detail.

Figure 3: For quantitative comparison the median (lines) and standard error (error bars) of each metrics in Fig. 1 is depicted (b) within 9 major fiber tracts (a) for subjects 1 and 2. Fiber tracts were selected from the SPM anatomy toolbox (Eickhoff et al., 2005). The standard error within each tract is smaller than the variation between tracts for both subjects.

Figure 4: Correlative comparison (Pearson's Correlation) between MA and: (a) TFD, (b) icvf (NODDI), (c) icvf (Kaden), (d) μFA (Kaden), and (e) FA for subject 1. Out of the biomarkers for fiber density, μFA (Kaden) (d) showed the highest correlation (significant, p<0.037) to MA and TFD (a) the lowest. The correlation between MA and FA (e) serves as a lower limit because it is well known that variation in the FA metric can be caused by both: macroscopic arrangement of fiber pathways and microscopic fiber properties such as fiber density.

Figure 5: Correlative comparison (Pearson's Correlation) between MA and: (a) TFD, (b) icvf (NODDI), (c) icvf (Kaden), (d) μFA (Kaden), and (e) FA for subject 2. Again, μFA (Kaden) (d) showed the highest correlation (significant, p<0.002) to MA and FD (a) the lowest. For this subject, the correlation between TFD and MA was even less than for the FA metric.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 25 (2017)