We report the development of a novel in-silico modelling framework for probing the in-vivo diffusion MRI signal in tumours, based on high-resolution (5-10µm) optical imaging data from complete tumours. Blood flow in tissue substrates was estimated using fluid dynamical modelling. We then simulated the MRI signal using a Monte Carlo approach, and fitted the VERDICT model. VERDICT has previously been proposed as a method to noninvasively quantify histological features of tissue, including intracellular, extracellular and vascular volume fractions, cell radius and blood flow. We report preliminary findings of a good correspondence between the ground truth and measured values.
Simulation – Substrate Generation: The vessel structures for the tissue substrate (Figure 1) were generated from optical projection tomography data, acquired from a resected subcutaneous tumour (LS174T human colon adenocarcinoma), with vessels labelled by systemic administration of fluorescently conjugated lectin2,3. This allows complete, three-dimensional tumour blood vessels to be reconstructed, with a resolution of 5-10µm4. Fluorescent signal from vessels was segmented from background noise by subtracting a 3D Gaussian-filtered version of the data (25x25x25 kernel), then applying a Frangi filter to enhance vessel structures5. A skeletonisation algorithm was then applied, thresholded, and the result converted into graph format (nodes and segments). Blood flow values were estimated using a discrete network model. This model simulates Poiseuille flow through the individual segments with conservation of flux at network bifurcations. Unknown boundary conditions are estimated based on minimising the deviation of network pressures and wall shear stresses from specific target values6, and the model outputs flows and pressures throughout the network. Cells within the substrate were randomly generated using a sphere-packing algorithm, with a Gaussian distribution (mean 8µm, σ 0.1µm) of cell radii and the number of cells dictated by target intracellular volume fractions.
Simulation - Dynamics: Walkers were randomly initialised in the intracellular, extracellular or intravascular space within the substrate, with the number of walkers weighted by the volume fractions specified. The walker position was updated for each time-step of the simulation using a random-walk protocol7. At each step in the intra/extracellular space a new direction was chosen at random, and a step vector generated. The walker position was then updated, provided it did not cross a boundary between compartments (in which case the step is rejected). If the walker initialises in a vessel, the trajectory followed the direction and velocity of the flow within that vessel, given by the multi-scale modelling described above.
Signal Generation and Model Fitting: Diffusion-weighted MRI signal was generated from the recorded trajectories of the walkers using the Camino Diffusion MRI Toolkit8. A full 46 b-value, 3 direction VERDICT scheme was used to generate the signal in order to match preclinical data acquired previously. The ‘BallSphere’ and ‘BallSphereStick’ VERDICT models were then fitted to the ‘no-flow’ and ‘flow’ signals respectively, and the resulting parameters (intra/extracellular volume fractions, vascular volume fraction, cell radius) were compared against the ground truth values specified in the simulation to establish the correspondence between them.
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