Min Tang1, Wei Di, Xin Zhang, Jie Gao, Kaining Shi2, Xiaohong Wu, and Xiaoling Zhang
1Shaanxi Provincial People`s Hospital, Xi’an, People's Republic of China, 2Clinical science, Philips Healthcare China
To observe the microstructural longitudinal alterations in
neural tissues after ischemic stroke and assess the correlation with clinical outcome
and NODDI metrics. 18 subjects were enrolled. Intra-cellular volume fraction(Vic) and orientation dispersion index(OD) exhibited positive correlations with NIHSS scores of
patients at day 30. The correlation of the susceptibility with the NODDI
metrics and prognosis is higher than the ADC values with it. NODDI may provide
a more promising and reliable methods for microstructural reorganization follow-up
stroke than other measures previously used in studies of stroke recovery.
Neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging (NODDI) is technique
for an in vivo measure of the microstructural complexity of dendrites and axons
complexity on clinical MRI scanners, which offers information complimentary to standard
diffusion metrics and may potentially be a more sensitive biomarker for probing
pathophysiological changes in stroke. At present, DWI is the most reliable
neuroimaging technique for ischemic stroke assessment, however, ADC velues will
gradually pseudo-normalized for 4-14 days after stroke onset, becoming normal or
high in the subacute and chronic stages. The purpose of this study is to
observe the microstructural complexity susceptibility dynamic changes in ischemic
stroke from at day 1,day10 and day30 , elucidate
the plausible biophysical mechanism and assess correlation with the clinical outcome
and NODDI metrics.
A total of 18 patients (age 65±7.8 years old) with ischemic stroke were involved with the
approval of local IRB. Patients with a history of brain tumor or intracranial
hemorrhages were excluded from study. All patients who underwent MRI and the
National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale(NIHSS)at day 1,day10 and day30 after symptom onset were analyzed. MRI was performed on a 3.0T scanner (ingenia,
Philips Medical Systems,The Netherlands),including routine sequences, DWI and
NODDI. NODDI sequences were acquired with 3 b-values (0,1000 and 2000s/mm2)
along 30 diffusion encoding directions with following parameters: TR/TE:2440/83ms,
FOV=224x224mm2, acquisition matrix=112×112,image resolution=2.5×2.5x2.5mm2,
acceleration factor=3, slice thickness=5 mm (no gap), acquisition time
approximately 15 minutes. The post process was performed on NODDI Toolbox
software and the noddi model ('WatsonSHStickTortIsoV_B0') implemented in MATLAB,
the NODDI were calculated on a voxel-by-voxel basis. Parametric maps for orientation
dispersion index(OD), intra-cellular volume fraction(vic), and isotropic (CSF) volume fraction(viso) were subsequently
obtained. ROIs were manually identified by the hyperintensity on the
diffusion-weighted images, ROIs were included the ischemic lesion with pixel
values distinctly higher than the contralateral hemisphere, and any ambiguous
pixels were not included.
Percent change((ROIlesion-ROI normal)/ROInormal) of DWI and NODDI metrics from normal contralateral
hemispheres to ischemic tissue was computed. The paired t-test was used to
compare NODDI metrics and ADC values in normal and lesional tissue, we performed a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) on the percent change rADC,rOD, rvic
and rviso in lesional
tissue in every phases separately. we performed a Spearman
correlation to test for the possible correlations between changes in the rADC,
rOD, rvic and rviso at the first measures and the clinical outcome after 30 day.Results
Notice the distinct ischemic lesion signal heterogeneity
on NODDI metrics that is not apparent on ADC maps,especically at day10 after stroke onset. OD and vic were higher in lesional tissue than contralateral normal
zone, what is more, the percent change of OD value was from blow to high
to below,vic was from high
to below to below. The percent changes of viso were
statistically decrease in the ischemic lesion, viso
value was from blow to blow to high. OD and viso have significantly higher absolute percent change
compared with complementary standard diffusion metrics at day 1 and day 10 after
stroke (Table 1). We found that the percent changes in the rADC,
rOD and rvic of the ischemic
lesion the first 1 day after stroke were correlated with the
NIHSS after 30 day in the stroke patients (Fig.2). Discussion
This longitudinal study confirms that NODDI indices are
sensitive to pathological changes and microstructural complexity in stroke. Our
results from NODDI indicate that ischemia causes a remarkable increase in neurite
orientation dispersion and density, and the well-known decrease in ADC appears
to be dominated by the change in the intra-axonal microenvironment of white matter. The
change of NODDI indices that OD and
vic values increase and
viso reduce, may be consistent with lesional region
of axonal swelling or beading of axons and dendrites as a result of osmotic imbalance.
However, ADC value changes appear to be gradually pseudonormalized at day 10
after stroke (Fig.1), it was not significantly different change between the ischemic lesion and the contralateral normal hemisphere. We find that early changes in the rADC and NODDI metrics of the
lesion may be useful for predicting the short-term clinical outcomes in stroke
patients, these changes are be connected with severity of neurite lesion.
suggested that NODDI may provide sensible neurite density and orientation
dispersion estimates and more promising and reliable tool for assessment of complicated
pathology of ischemic stroke, especially subacute stroke.
The authors would like to thank Philips Healthcare for their technicalassistance.References
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