Late Gadolinium Enhancement imaging is the gold standard for identifying infarcted myocardium. Existing data acquisition methods rely on good ECG-gating signal and breathholding to acquire images in quiescent diastolic cardiac phase. However, in patients with arrhythmias and when imaging at higher field strengths, R-R interval is inconsistent and a good ECG signal can be challenging. This can lead to increased acquisition time and inconsistent recovery of longitudinal magnetization affecting signal-to-noise ratio and optimal myocardial nulling. Here we propose an ungated free-breathing scheme that acquires multiple slices at the same time with consistent nulling of healthy myocardium at systole and diastole.
The ungated LGE acquisition scheme is shown in Figure 1. After an inversion pulse and an inversion recovery time, TI, to null the healthy myocardium, radial SMS data were acquired. Three short-axis slices were acquired simultaneously. The process was repeated after a longitudinal magnetization recovery time (RT). Undersampled radial SMS data was acquired on a Siemens 3T Prisma scanner using a 32 channel torso coil. The scan parameters were TR=2.3 msec, TE=1.3 msec, slice thickness=8mm, flip angle=20°, FOV=260 mm2. Matrix size=176 x 36 (readout x number of rays), RT=800 msec. TI was determined using a TI-scout sequence. A total Gadolinium dose of 0.15 mmol/kg (Prohance) was given 10 minutes before the start of LGE imaging. The ungated LGE sequence was run continuously for a minute in a normal subject and in a subject with a known infarct.
Reconstruction of the radial SMS data was performed using a joint multi-slice spatio-temporal total variation constrained reconstruction (STCR)[9] by minimizing C in equation(1).
In equation(1),d_i is the acquired data for coil i, nc is the number of coils, I_j is the image estimate for slice j, nsl is the number of simultaneously excited slices, S_{ij} is the coil-sensitivity for coil i and slice j, \phi_j phase modulates k-space data for slice j (for a slice acceleration factor of three this corresponds to alternating phase modulation with phases 0,2pi/3,4pi/3), and G is the gridding operator to convert image data to radial k-space data. TV_t and TV_s are the temporal and spatial total variation constraints [11].
A preliminary STCR reconstruction with 25 iterations was first performed in order to retrospectively bin the data into near systolic and near diastolic cardiac phases. A region of interest encompassing the heart was drawn and the summed signal in the region was used for self-gating the data[12, 13]. Local peaks in the self-gating signal were identified as near diastole and local minima as near systole. Final STCR reconstruction for each cardiac phase was done separately in order to reduce the effect of cardiac motion.
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