Kyoko Sakamoto1, Mahadevan Rajasekaran1, Valmiki Bhargava2, Vadim Malis3, and Shantanu Sinha4
1VA Medical Center, San Diego, CA, United States, 2VA Medical Center, 3Physics, UC San Diego, San Diego, CA, United States, 4Radiology, UC San Diego, San Diego, CA, United States
sphincters play an important role in urinary incontinence, a major clinical
problem affecting the aging population. We elucidate the anatomy of the
urethral sphincter muscles pertinent to urinary continence function using in vivo, non-invasive proton-density and
diffusion tensor imaging and DTI-based fiber tracking in young adults. Muscle
fiber tracking consistently revealed, perhaps for the first time, the existence
of two sphincter like muscles, with one proximal near the bladder neck and the
other more distal, supporting the two sphincter concept to constrict/close the
urethral opening with important implications for the effect of prostatectomy on
urethral closure function.
sphincters, including striated external (EUS) or rhabdo-sphincter, (as well as
pelvic floor muscles), play an important role in urinary incontinence. This is
a major clinical problem affecting a very large portion of the population,
particularly as they age and their muscles degenerate. Prior to characterization of the age-related changes
in the sphincters, the anatomical description of the normal male urethral
sphincter has to be established. Such descriptions have undergone several
revisions since it was first described more than 150 years ago, given previous conclusions
were mostly derived
from gross cadaveric dissection of adult male pelvis. These findings have been plagued
by the inevitable accompanying distortions and alterations of the anatomical
structures in cadavers. Our objective in this report was to elucidate the anatomy of the
urethral sphincter muscles pertinent to urinary continence function by
resorting to in vivo, non-invasive
imaging, using proton-density, diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and DTI-based
fiber tracking in young adults and thereby improve our understanding by avoiding
and minimizing the errors arising in cadaveric studies.Methods
Five normal
healthy male young subjects, (mean age ~25 yrs), after obtaining IRB consent,
were scanned on a 3T GE MR scanner, using a multi-channel cardiac coil, lying
supine, feet-first. After acquisition of a set of sagittal scout slices (Fig. 1.A),
which clearly demarcated the urethra (arrow) in the mid-line slice,
morphological axial high-resolution proton-density scans were acquired
extending from a few slices below the base of the bladder to beyond the entry
of the urethra into the penis (~18-22 slices depending on the height of the
subject). DTI scans were obtained using a fat-suppressed single shot EPI
sequence, with 32 non-collinear gradient directions with a b-factor of 400s/mm2,
TE/TR of 57/~8000ms, 120x120 matrix, 23 FOV, 6 averages. 3 mm thick were acquired
in the same position as the PD scans. These images were registered to baseline
images to correct for eddy current and motion related artifacts, denoised using
a Rician linear minimum mean square error. Tensor images were calculated using
a Gaussian model of diffusion, followed by correction for susceptibility based
distortion artifacts and finally processed to generate the eigenvalue and
fractional anisotropy and tensor images (Fig. 1.B). Fiber tracking was
performed using either DTIStudio1 or DTITools2, with
‘fiber assignment by continuous tracking’ (FACT) algorithm, and stopping
criteria of FA< 0.12~0.15. ROI’s were placed in the tensor slices where the
annular rings of the sphincter muscles were visualized, and fibers tracked to construct
fibers within this urethral complex.Results
DTI images could be obtained using the above protocol, with little distortion
as revealed by a visual check of the error color maps between the reoriented
images and the original ones. However, in some subjects, there was some amount
of distortion, though not prohibitive, caused by the susceptibility mismatch
between the air in the rectal canal and adjacent tissue. FA values, and the
different eigenvalues were determined. A consistent finding over all the
subjects was that of possibly two sphincter like muscles (Fig. 1.D-E), with one
proximal near the bladder neck (arrow in Fig. 1.B) and the other more distal
(Fig.1.C). In the tensor images, a conventional coloring scheme was utilized,
with blue color indicating fibers oriented superior-inferior, red left-right
while green anterior-posterior directions. Fiber tracking of these tensor
images yielded fiber structures within the urethral sphincter complex. The
proximal sphincter is shown in Fig. 1.D, the distal sphincter in Fig. 1.E. The
connecting superior-inferior longitudinal fibers are shown in blue in Fig. 1.F.
A consistent finding was the distance between the two sphincters is between 21 and
24 mm (i.e., 7 to 8 slices) in all subjects.Discussion and Conclusion
is perhaps the first DTI and fiber tracking of the male urethral sphincter
complex. Our findings support the two sphincter concept to constrict/close the
urethral opening. Our results have important implications for the effect of
prostatectomy on urethral closure function and the currently used surgical
techniques for prostate surgery. These observations will form the basis of
normal urethral morphology that can be monitored in post-surgery patients and
correlated with age /urinary incontinence symptoms.Acknowledgements
This work was supported by the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Grant 5RO1-AR-053343-08References