Atherosclerotic plaques prone to rupture are characterized by endothelial dysfunction and increased endothelial permeability. The aortic root is a vascular territory where permeable atherosclerotic plaques form consistently and reliably. However, morphological and quantitative parametric imaging of the mouse aortic root is very challenging, due to the small dimensions, rapid blood flow through the valves, and high heart rate. Here we demonstrate feasibility of pre and post-contrast T1 mapping of the mouse aortic root using a 3 dimensional, self-gated fast low angle shot (FLASH) sequence with black blood imaging for improved vessel wall delineation. Future studies will entail further development of this technique for the more accurate quantification of endothelial permeability and fractional blood volume in the mouse aortic root.
Image acquisition: Two 8 weeks old female ApoE-/- mice were fed a high-fat diet for approximately 28 weeks. Two wild type mice were used as controls. Mice were imaged using a pre-clinical 7T MRI scanner. After self-gated localizer scans to identify the mouse aortic root, a pre-contrast T1 map was acquired using a variable flip angle 3D self-gated FLASH sequence. Acquired flip angles were 2, 5, 8, 11 and 14 degrees. Other relevant imaging parameters were: repetition time (TR), 7.6 ms; echo time (TE), 1.7 ms; field of view, 3 x 3 x 0.6 cm3; in-plane spatial resolution, 0.117 mm2; slice thickness, 0.3 mm; number of slices, 20; number of cardiac cine frames per slice, 6. Black blood was achieved by using a flip angle of 90 degrees for excitation of the navigator slice that allows for a self-gated acquisition. Following acquisition of the last flip angle, 0.3 mmol/Kg of Gd diethylenetriaminepentacetate (DTPA) – a contrast agent commonly used in the clinics – was injected through a catheter placed in the mouse tail vein. Immediately afterwards, 5 data points after injection were acquired using the same 3D self-gated FLASH sequence, using the same imaging parameters used for pre-contrast T1 mapping, and a flip angle of 14 degrees for all time-points.
Image analysis: For each mouse inner and outer vessel wall contours were drawn for the slice corresponding to the aortic root, and two consecutive slices above (only 1 cardiac frame). Contours were drawn separately on all 3D self-gated FLASH acquisitions (5 pre-contrast and 5 post-contrast), and average vessel wall region-of-interest (ROI) signal was calculated. Pre-contrast T1 was calculated from the 5 pre-contrast acquisitions using the DESPOT1 analysis, previously described by Deoni et al8, by linear fitting of Equation 1, and multiplied by a correction factor to account for its known under-estimation due to black blood imaging6.
with E1=exp−TRT1
Post-contrast T1 values were then derived from Equation 2
and then converted to contrast agent concentration using Equation 37
where R1=1T1 (s-1) and r1 is the contrast agent relaxivity (4.5 s/mM).
Unpaired t-tests were used to compare T1 and concentration values among atherosclerotic and control animals. p<0.05 was considered significant.
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