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Cine T1 Mapping: Look-Locker inversion recovery for phase resolved T1-Mapping with B1+ Correction At 3T
Sebastian Weingärtner1,2,3, Chetan Shenoy4, Lothar R. Schad3, and Mehmet Akçakaya1,2

1Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States, 2Center for Magnetic Resonance Research, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States, 3Computer Assisted Clinical Medicine, Heidelberg University, Mannheim, Germany, 4Department of Cardiology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States


Conventionally, evaluation of myocardial T1-times is limited to a single snapshot of the cardiac cycle, leaving much of the dependence between functional and tissue characterization unstudied. Here, we propose an ECG-triggered steady-state Look-Locker technique that allows for functional, cardiac phase-resolved native T1-mapping. Integratedly acquired phase-resolved B1+-maps are used for T1-time correction. High accuracy and good consistency of the T1-times across cardiac phases is shown in phantom scans. In-vivo T1-times show slight underestimation and similar precision compared to saturation-recovery T1-mapping. High visual image quality at all cardiac phases is obtained at temporal resolutions up to 40ms in a single breath-hold.


Quantitative assessment of myocardial T1-mapping has potential for characterizing the staging of various cardiomyopathies1. However, its variation through the cardiac cycle remains largely unstudied. Commonly-used myocardial T1-mapping techniques employ single-shot imaging, limiting temporal resolution to a single-snapshot of the cardiac cycle, typically during diastolic quiescence2. Initial studies using systolic imaging have indicated variations in T1-time3,4. Temporally-resolved quantitative assessment of T1-times at different cardiac phases may provide integrated functional and quantitative information. This may improve depiction of subtle lesions and reveal information in presence of abnormal contractility, e.g. in restrictive cardiomyopathy or restrictive pericarditis5. In this study, we sought to develop a steady-state Look-Locker imaging sequence for cardiac phase-resolved myocardial T1-mapping in a single breath-hold, while compensating for transmit field inhomogeneities.


Sequence: In the proposed Look-Locker CINE (LLCine) sequence, T1-quantification is based on magnetization readout during the approach to pulsed steady-state. Initially, magnetization is driven to steady-state using FLASH excitations, and an inversion pulse is applied (Fig. 1). Then imaging pulses are played continuously, while the pulsed inversion-recovery curve is sampled with segmented k-space sampling for each cardiac phase. After reaching steady-state again, magnetization is re-inverted, and the next k-space segment is acquired. This recovery to pulsed steady-state spans several heartbeats. Hence, multiple time points on the inversion-recovery curve are sampled, allowing for spatially- and temporally-resolved quantification of T1-time throughout cardiac cycle. Dummy pulses without signal acquisition fill the end of cardiac cycles after acquiring the last cardiac phase, to maintain pulsed steady-state, and minimize effects of R-R interval variability. Reconstruction: Apparent relaxation during continuous FLASH excitations is described6 by T1*

M_z(t)=M_0\left(1–B\cdot e^{-\frac{t}{T_1^*}}\right) B=1-\cos(\alpha_{inv}) \frac{1}{T_1^*} = \frac{1}{T_1} - \frac{\log( \cos( \alpha ) ) }{T_R}

Hence, actual T1 can be derived from this sequence, given TR and excitation flip angle (FA). Efficiency of the rectangular inversion pulse (B in Eq. 2 above) can be used to estimate B1+-inhomogeneities and calculate the actual FA as:

\frac{\alpha}{\alpha^{nom}}\approx\frac{\alpha_{inv}}{\alpha_{inv}^{nom}} T_1=\left(\frac{1}{T_1}-\frac{\log(\cos(\frac{\arccos(1-B)}{\alpha_{inv}^{nom}}\cdot\alpha_{nom}))}{T_R}\right)^{-1}

Numerical Simulations: The conditioning of extracting T1 from T1* depends on TR and FA. Numerical simulations were performed to minimize T1-error sensitivity by optimizing these two parameters. Bloch-simulations for the proposed sequence were performed for TR=3.5,4, …15.0ms and FA=1°,2°,...20°. T1-times were then calculated from 1000 noisy simulations, and evaluated for accuracy and precision at all parameter values. Imaging: All imaging was performed at 3T (Siemens Magnetom Prisma) and the following imaging parameters were used in the remainder of the study: TR/TE/FA=5/2.5ms/3°, FOV=300x300mm2, resolution=1.9x1.9mm2, slice thickness=10mm, temporal resolution=40-60ms, breath-hold duration=19-23s. SAPPHIRE T1-mapping7 was performed for comparison. Phantom imaging was performed to test T1-mapping accuracy, and consistency of the T1 estimate across the cardiac phases. In-vivo imaging of a mid-ventricular short-axis slice was performed on 10 healthy subjects (4male, 32±15y/o). T1-times were evaluated using septal ROIs drawn for each cardiac phase. In-vivo precision was defined as T1-time variation within the ROIs.


Numerical simulations indicate diminished precision and accuracy for short TR and high FA, both causing rapid apparent relaxation. T1-precision is also compromised with low FA due to insufficient signal. Optimal T1-sensitivity, at breath-hold scan-times was achieved at TR/FA=5ms/3°.

In phantom experiments (Fig. 2), LLCine is in good agreement with SAPPHIRE T1-mapping (NRMSE=3.1%) and highly consistent across phases (Coefficient-of-Variation (CoV)=2.1±0.9%). In-vivo T1-maps display a high level of homogeneity in the myocardium and good delineation towards the blood pool at all phases (Fig. 3). In-vivo T1-times after B1+-correction fall into the expected range at 3T, while uncorrected T1-maps exhibit underestimation (Fig. 4). Minor variations of the in-vivo T1-times are observed throughout the cardiac cycle (CoV=1.9%). In-vivo precision is comparable to SAPPHIRE T1-mapping, with slightly higher variability at late diastolic phases. B1+-maps generated by the proposed approach are visually homogeneous and largely T1-insensitive, with increased variability towards the end of cardiac cycle.

Discussion and Conclusion

This study demonstrates the feasibility of cardiac phase-resolved T1-mapping at temporal resolutions as fine as 40ms in a single breath-hold. The integrated phase-resolved B1+-maps were leveraged to correct for flip-angle deviations, in order to maximize accuracy.

The sequence parameters were numerically optimized for the expected T1 range at 3T. Hence, if tissue with T1-times other than native myocardium, e.g. post-contrast, is to be evaluated, a dedicated parameter optimization should be performed to allow for adequate recovery durations and accuracy.

In the proposed sequence, sample-points on the inversion-recovery curve are dependent on cardiac phase. Later cardiac phases lack acquisition of short inversion times, hence increased in-vivo variability was observed. However, since myocardium remains largely stationary during diastolic quiescence, temporal acquisition/reconstruction window can be increased in later phases, for improving SNR to mitigate this effect.


The project described was supported by NIH R00HL111410 and NIH P41EB015894.


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7. Weingärtner S, Akçakaya M, Basha T, Kissinger KV, Goddu B, Berg S, Manning WJ, Nezafat R. "Combined saturation/inversion recovery sequences for improved evaluation of scar and diffuse fibrosis in patients with arrhythmia or heart rate variability." Magn Reson Med. 2014 Mar;71(3):1024-34.


Sequence diagram of the LLCine T1-mapping method. The sequence is driven to FLASH steady-state with start-up pulses. Then a Look-Locker inversion curve is readout with continuous FLASH pulses. Image acquisition is segmented to yield multiple cardiac phases with a temporal resolution of 40-60 ms. This recovery curve is sampled throughout 5 RR intervals, before the pulsed steady-state is reached,. Then the next inversion pulse and subsequent k-space segment acquisition can be performed. T1 times are then calculated based on the apparent T1*, TR and FA. B1+ correction is additionally performed using the inversion efficiency achieved by the rectangular inversion pulse.

Phantom accuracy of the proposed LLCine sequence with and without B1+ correction, compared to a conventional T1 mapping method. Minor variations across the cardiac phases and good agreement with the reference method are observed with the LLCine approach when using B1+ correction. Long T1 times are highly underestimated if no correction for the excitation flip-angle is performed.

Spatially and temporally resolved T1 maps and B1+ maps acquired in 19 cardiac phases at a temporal resolution of 40ms in a healthy subject, using the proposed LLCine sequence. Good homogeneity and high visual T1 map quality is achieved in the T1 maps throughout the entire cardiac cycle. B1+ show good depiction of the B1+ drop in the apical region, although with a trend of increased variability at later phases.

T1 maps acquired in two healthy subjects using LLCine and SAPPHIRE. Diastolic LLCine images show image quality and myocardial T1-times that are comparable to the reference method, if B1+ correction is applied. T1 maps without correction display underestimation. Systolic maps show increased myocardial wall thickness, but similar T1 values. LLCine B1+ maps present largely T1 invariant depiction of the B1+ trend in both diastole and systole.

Quantitative analysis of septal T1 times (top row) and precision (middle row) of the proposed LLCine method. To average T1 times across scans with different number of cardiac phases, all maps were interpolated to 25 cardiac phases. Representative T1 maps for five phases are given in the bottom row of the figure. T1 times acquired with the proposed method show little variation across cardiac phases, although with slight underestimation compared to the reference method. LLCine in-vivo precision is comparable to SAPPHIRE, with a slight trend of increased variability at the end of the cardiac cycle.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 25 (2017)