Hyperpolarized 13C-MRI of DMPO and NAC for evaluating oxidative stress in living animal
Keita Saito1, Deepak Sail2, Burchelle N. Blackman2, Hellmut Merkle3, Rolf E. Swenson2, James B. Mitchell1, and Murali C. Krishna1

1National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, United States, 2National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, 3National Institute of Neurological Disorder and Stroke


5,5-Dimethyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide (DMPO) is used to detect reactive oxygen species in vitro, and N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) is an antioxidant. We synthesized 13C-labeled DMPO and NAC, and investigated feasibility of hyperpolarized 13C-DMPO and 13C-NAC for evaluating oxidative stress in mice. Hyperpolarized 13C-DMPO and 13C-NAC provided a single peak at 76 ppm and 174 ppm, respectively, and the T1 relaxation time was sufficiently long to apply them for mouse imaging. The signals 13C-DMPO and 13C-NAC were also detected in a mouse body after intravenous injection. The results showed 13C-DMPO and 13C-NAC can be applied to some disease models to evaluate oxidative stress in vivo.


Reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as superoxide anion radical and hydroxyl radical play an important role in various physiological processes, but on the other hand they readily react with biomolecules and disrupt those functions. The excessive production of ROS is harmful to living body, and considered to be related to various diseases. Therefore, evaluation of oxidative stress in living body would be of help not only to understand the mechanisms of the diseases but also to develop prophylactic and therapeutic methods. 5,5-Dimethyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide (DMPO) is a spin trap agent frequently used to detect oxygen radicals in vitro with electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, and N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) is an antioxidant clinically used. The reaction of both compounds with ROS were well investigated in vitro studies, but the pharmacokinetics, metabolism, and the reaction of them in vivo is not elucidated in vivo. Recent development of 13C-MRI with hyperpolarized 13C-labeled compounds enabled us to detect 13C-labeled compounds and those metabolites in vivo. In this study, we synthesized 13C-labeled DMPO and NAC, and investigated feasibility of hyperpolarized 13C-DMPO and 13C-NAC to evaluate oxidative stress in living animals.


30 μL of [5-13C]DMPO-d9 containing 15 mM Finland-HCl or 100 μL of [1-13C]NAC containing 15 mM OX063 was mixed with 1.5 μL of 50 mM gadolinium chelate ProHance, polarized for 1-2 hour using a hyperpolarizer (HyperSense, Oxford Instruments), and rapidly dissolved in 4.5 mL PBS containing 100 mg/L EDTA. The hyperpolarized [5-13C]DMPO-d9 (60 mM) or [1-13C]NAC (15 mM) was intravenously injected to a mouse through a catheter placed in the tail vein of the mouse (12 μL/g body weight). 13C-spectra in the mouse body were acquired every 1 sec after the injection, with the flip angle of 10º. 13C-MRI studies were performed on a 3 T scanner (MR Solutions) using a 30 mm home-built 13C saddle coil.


Non-labeled DMPO and NAC were hyperpolarized, and 13C-MR spectra of them were measured using the 3T scanner. Hyperpolarized DMPO and NAC provided a single peak at 76 ppm and 174 ppm, respectively on the 13C-spectrum. We synthesized [5-13C]DMPO-d9 and [1-13C]NAC. They were hyperpolarized and dissolved in PBS to estimate the T1 relaxation time. The T1 relaxation time of [5-13C]DMPO-d9 and [1-13C]NAC was 60 sec and 18 sec, respectively in the 3 T magnet (Figure 1). Then, 13C-MR spectroscopic measurements were carried out with mice. The solution of hyperpolarized [5-13C]DMPO-d9 or [1-13C]NAC was intravenously injected into the mouse, and 13C spectra in the mouse body were acquired every 1 sec. The signal of [5-13C]DMPO-d9 was detected in the mouse body for more than 100 sec after the DMPO injection, and the signal was sufficiently large for imaging. 13C-chemical shift imaging revealed that DMPO was distributed through the mouse body (Figure 2). The signal was higher in the chest and abdomen region, and signal from liver region was relatively small compared to the other region. The signal of [1-13C]NAC was also detected in the mouse body, but it was smaller than DMPO.


Hyperpolarized 13C-DMPO provided sufficient magnitude of the 13C signal and long T1 to be applied to some disease models of mice. The signal of NAC was also detected in mouse body, but the T1 was short compared to DMPO, and optimization of the experimental conditions is necessary for further animal experiments.


This study was supported by intramural research program of NCI/NIH.


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Signal intensity curves of 13C-DMPO and 13C-NAC

Chemical shift image of 13C-DMPO in mouse body

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 25 (2017)