In addition to conventional signal averaging, compressed sensing (CS) can be applied to fluorine-19 MRI to improve its low signal-to-noise ratio. For a given acquisition time and CS algorithm, an N-averages N-fold-undersampled dataset results in higher sensitivity than a fully sampled non-averaged dataset. However, it is still unclear whether averaging changes the sensitivity to motion artifacts for an undersampled acquisition.We therefore tested the hypothesis that an N-averages N-fold undersampled acquisition is more robust against motion artifacts than a fully sampled non-averaged acquisition when both are reconstructed with CS.
Images were acquired at 3T (Magnetom Prisma, Siemens) with a 35-mm-diameter 19F/1H volume RF coil (Rapid Biomedical), and an isotropic 3D turbo spin echo prototype pulse sequence (matrix size 64x64x64, voxel size 0.5x0.5x0.5mm3, echo train length 10, and TR/TE=847/9.4ms). A phantom was made of 5 syringes of agar gel mixed with PFPE (perfluoropolyether, Celsense Inc) at different 19F concentrations (1.05/0.52/0.26/0.13/0M). Two different acquisitions were performed: a non-averaged, fully sampled acquisition (number of averages NA=1, acceleration factor AF=1; NA1-AF1) and an 8 averages, 8-fold prospectively undersampled acquisition (NA8-AF8), which have an identical acquisition time Tacq=7:09min. Three different simulated motion patterns were applied to both acquisitions: a one-time displacement of the phantom (body-motion, Figure 2a), a regular sinusoidal motion (sinus-motion, Figure 2b) and an asymmetric periodic pattern that simulates respiratory motion with a long end-expiration and a short inspiration period (breathing-motion, Figure 2c). A fully sampled acquisition with 32 averages was obtained and used as ground truth (GT) for the analysis. A previously published CS algorithm6,7 was used to reconstruct all datasets (Matlab), and behaved like a wavelet denoising filter for NA1-AF1. As a qualitative measure of image quality, the number of visible tubes (NTV) in each image was counted and averaged; the 1H image was used as a guide to distinguish real tubes from ghosting artifacts. As a quantitative measure of image quality, a Dice similarity coefficient (DSC)8,9 was calculated between GT and a test image (Test, either NA1-AF1 or NA8-AF8, both with CS reconstruction):
DSC represents the percentage of overlap between two binary masks generated by applying a threshold to GT and Test images; this threshold was calibrated to allow the highest DSC without suppressing signal intensity information from the four tubes in the GT binary mask. DSC was used to assess the differences (paired Student’s t-test) between the tested protocols in the different motion scenarios. To confirm the results in vivo with true breathing motion, both NA1-AF1 and NA8-AF8 protocols were acquired in two mice that received intraperitoneal injections of 300μl of PFPE 24h before imaging.
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