A Janus Chelator Enables Biochemically Responsive MRI Contrast With Exceptional Dynamic Range
Eric M Gale1, Chloe M Jones1, Ian Ramsay1, Christian T Farrar1, and Peter Caravan1

1A. A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, MGH/ Harvard Medical School, Charlestown, MA, United States


Mn-JED is a new biochemically responsive MRI contrast agent that provides 9-fold relaxivity change by switching between the Mn(3+) and Mn(2+) oxidation states. The JED chelator is the only chelator that supports both the Mn(3+) and Mn(2+) oxidation states in biological milieu. Rapid interconversion between oxidation states is achieved by peroxidase activity (oxidation) and cysteine (reduction). Peroxidase activity is drastically elevated during acute inflammation. Thiols such as cysteine are overabundant in the microenvironment of proliferative tumors. Mn-JED provides a new paradigm for the design of biochemically responsive MRI contrast agents.


Molecular MR imaging adds an aspect of biochemical specificity to the rich anatomic and physiologic information available through MRI. Gadolinium (Gd) based agents that undergo relaxivity change catalytically triggered by enzyme activity have been developed, but these agents suffer poor dynamic range for detection.1 The Gd-based agents that provide the largest relaxivity change do so at lower field strengths, ≤1.5T, and at ≥3T the dynamic range is impractically small.2 Manganese (Mn) complexes that undergo relaxivity change by switching between low-relaxivity Mn(3+) and high-relaxivity (Mn2+) oxidation states offers an interesting strategy to overcome the limitations of “activatable” Gd-based agents.3-5 Unfortunately, no Mn chelators support both oxidation states in biological milieu. The purpose of this study was to design a ligand to stably chelate both Mn(3+) and Mn(2+) in biological milieu, and to evaluate the relaxivity change achieved by biochemically mediated interconversion between the Mn oxidation states.


Mn(3+)- and Mn(2+)-JED, Fig 1, were independently prepared, isolated, and characterized by high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) and mass spectrometry (MS). Oxidation and reduction kinetics were measured using H2O2/ peroxidase and cysteine, respectively. The thermodynamic stability of Mn(3+)- and Mn(2+)-JED at pH 7.4 was determined by competition with ligands of known stability. T1-relaxivity in water and human blood plasma at 37 °C was determined from plots of 1/T1 vs. Mn concentration for at least 4 Mn concentrations, with T1 determined using an inversion recovery sequence. T1-weighted images were acquired at 25 °C, 4.7T using a 2D FLASH sequence, or a 2D FLASH sequence proceeded by an inversion pre-pulse to null signal from phantoms of a given T1 and maximizing contrast between adjacent phantoms.


JED supports both Mn(3+) and Mn(2+) in water and blood plasma. Figure 2 shows relaxivity values at 1.4, 4.7, and 11.7T for Mn(3+)- and Mn(2+)-JED. The relaxivity of the Mn(2+) complex remains 3.3-5.0-fold greater than the Mn(3+) complex under all conditions measured. In human blood plasma at 1.4T, 37 °C, the Mn(2+) complex has 9-fold greater relaxivity than the Mn(3+) complex. Peroxidase-triggered Mn(2+) to Mn(3+) conversion occurs cleanly and without by-products. Figure 3A depicts HPLC traces of Mn(2+) and Mn(2+)-JED after incubation with H2O2/ peroxidase. The only species identified in the peroxidase incubated sample corresponds to Mn(3+)-JED. Fig 3B depicts the dynamic relaxivity change oxidation of Mn(2+)-JED by H2O2/ 15U/mL peroxidase, kobs = 19.1±4.8 s-1. Note that H2O2 alone triggers negligible conversion. The reaction is reversible. Mn(3+)-JED is rapidly reduced to Mn(2+)-JED in the presence of thiols, kobs = 3.6±0.5 s-1. Fig 3C depicts cysteine mediated reduction of Mn(3+)-JED in blood plasma triggered by addition of 5 mol. equiv. cysteine. No reduction occurs when incubating in blood plasma without added cysteine. The MRI contrast between equal concentration solutions of Mn(3+)- and Mn(2+)-JED is striking. Fig 4A shows a T1-weighted image at 4.7T of phantoms with 0.5 mM Mn(2+)-JED before and after peroxidase mediated oxidation. In this image, the Mn(2+) containing phantom is much brighter. Fig 4B depicts phantoms with 0.5 mM of the state of the art peroxidase sensing probe, Gd-bis-5HT-DTPA, that undergoes relaxivity change due to polymerization and subsequently restricted rotation of the Gd relaxation agent.6 At 4.7T, oxidation yields 15% relaxivity change – the difference is barely perceptible between the phantoms in a T1-weighted image. Figs4-D depict the same phantoms as 4A-B, respectively, but imaged using a 325 ms inversion pre-pulse to null the untreated phantom and generate positive contrast in the oxidized phantom. Regardless of the scanning protocol, the Mn-based agent senses peroxidase with superior dynamic range. Fig 4E compares percentage relaxivity change following oxidation of the Mn and Gd agents at 4.7. The Mn agent provides over an order of magnitude greater percentage relaxivity change compared to state of the art.


Mn-JED enables biochemically triggered interconversion between low relaxivity Mn(3+) and high relaxivity (Mn2+). Mn-JED is very sensitive to peroxidase activity with oxidation occurring in minutes in the presence of only 15 U/mL peroxidase, while peroxidase activities of 250,000 U/mL are reported in atherosclerotic lesions.7 We are unaware of any biochemically activated Gd-based agents that provide relaxivity change greater than Mn(3+) vs Mn(2+)-JED under any of the individual measurement conditions. At 4.7T, the biochemically mediated relaxivity change observed upon peroxidase oxidation of Mn is over an order of magnitude greater than the state of the art peroxidase-sensing Gd-based probe. Mn-JED offers a new paradigm for the development of biochemically responsive MRI contrast agents.


Mn-JED enables biochemically-mediated relaxivity change with dynamic range that supersedes known biochemically activated Gd-based agents.


This work was supported by grants from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (K25HL128899), the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (R01EB009062, R21EB022804) and instrumentation funded by the National Center for Research Resources and the Office of the Director (P41RR14075, S10RR023385, S10OD010650).


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(A) The Mn(3+) and Mn(2+) selective chelators, HBED and BPED, respectively, form the basis of JED, which support both Mn(3+)- and Mn(2+). (B) Redox triggered interconversion of Mn(3+)- and Mn(2+)-JED is enabled by isomerization between the Mn(3+) and Mn(2+) selective HBED and BPED binding modes, respectively

T1-relaxivity values of Mn(3+)- and Mn(2+)-JED recorded in water or human plasma (in parentheses) at 1.41T, 4.7Ta or 11.7T, 37 °C. Relaxivity of Mn(2+)-JED is much higher regardless of applied field strength. aRecorded at 25 °C.

Biochemically mediated interconversion of Mn-JED oxidation states by peroxidase and thiols. (A) Conversion of Mn(2+)-JED (top trace, 7.6 min) to Mn(3+)-JED (bottom trace, 6.1 min) triggered by H2O2/ peroxidase (25 U/mL) in PBS buffer monitored by HPLC. (B) Oxidation of Mn2+-JED in the presence of H2O2 (open circles) or H2O2/peroxidase (15 U/mL, closed circles) in human blood plasma monitored by NMR. H2O2 was generated in situ by the glucose/ glucose oxidase reaction. (C) Reduction of Mn(3+)-JED in human blood plasma without (open circles) and with 5 mol. equiv. L-Cys (filled circles) added.

MR phantom images at 4.7 T, room temperature, of water with 0.5 mM Mn(2+)-JED (A and C) or Gd-bis-5HT-DTPA (B and D) before (-) and after (+) incubation with H2O2/ peroxidase (45 U/mL). Images (A and C) acquired using a T1-weighted FLASH sequence, or (B and D) with a 325 ms inversion pre-pulse to generate large positive contrast in the oxidized sample. Note the high contrast between the samples containing Mn(2+)- vs. Mn(3+)-JED, but low contrast for the Gd-based system. (E) Percentage r1 change after peroxidase mediated oxidation of the Mn- and Gd- based agents.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 25 (2017)