Imaging the developing mouse brain with conventional MRI is challenging. Manganese-enhanced MRI (MEMRI) has the potential to provide a noninvasive, in vivo approach for analyzing mutant phenotypes in the early postnatal mouse cerebellum. We present preliminary data generated using a CryoProbe (Bruker) suggesting that the primary source of Mn contrast in the mouse cerebellum is the Purkinje cell layer.
3D MEMRI results acquired using a conventional Litzcage volume coil (Doty Scientific) required 2hr acquisition time to produce 100µm isotropic resolution images, whereas images acquired at the same resolution using the CryoProbe (Bruker) required only 15 minutes. In addition, significant CNR gains in the cerebellum were also afforded by the CryoProbe (Conventional CNR = 23, CyoProbe CNR = 36). However, the 4-channel surface coil architecture of the CryoProbe contributed some receive field inhomogeneity-borne artifacts in the posterior cerebellum as well as the forebrain with respect to the conventional volume coil (Fig 1).
High-resolution (30µm and 60µm in-plane) CryoProbe MEMRI results showed Mn uptake localized in a thin, uniform thickness band interior to the molecular layer and exterior to the normally hypointense white matter tracts (Fig 2). Partial-volume effects were apparent in the 60µm in-plane resolution image, and were mitigated in the higher resolution 30µm acquisition. Based on these features, and qualitative correlation to matched histology sections, there is a strong likelihood that the primary source of Mn contrast in the mouse cerebellum is the PCL.
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Figure 1. 3D, 100µm isotropic resolution MEMRI images acquired using either a conventional volume coil or a 4-channel Bruker CryoProbe. Images acquired using the CryoProbe provide increased CNR in the cerebellum (Cb) at the cost of minor SNR loss and increased field inhomogeneity artifacts.
Figure 2. High-resolution 2D MEMRI images produced using CryoProbe show exquisite correlation to histopathology. A thin, uniform thickness band of hyperintensity in the MEMRI images suggests that the source of Mn contrast in the mouse cerebellum is the Purkinje cell layer (PCL). Interior to this layer is the inner granule layer (IGL), and hypointense white matter tracts (WM). Exterior to this layer is the molecular layer (ML).