Dynamic imaging of HP pyruvate shows tremendous promise for offering new insight into tumor metabolism with unprecedented sensitivity, specificity, and spatiotemporal resolution. Imaging constraints due to the finite, nonstationary, and non-renewable signal pool necessitate the use of complex imaging and reconstruction strategies, but current approaches to validation of complex HP MRI measurements are lacking and new methods are critically needed. In this work, we investigate a framework for external validation of quantitative HP MRI biomarkers of tumor metabolism using stable isotope tracer analysis (MS-SITA). We show good agreement between quantitative biomarkers of chemical conversion derived from HP MRI and MS-SITA.
We recently introduced a suite of pharmacokinetic models to describe the evolution of HP pyruvate and lactate signals in vivo6. A similar model describes incorporation of a bolus of labeled pyruvate (P0M+3) into intracellular pools of pyruvate and lactate:
If, after some time delay (Td) metabolic activity and checmical exchange is halted, and mass spectrometry is used to determine the amount of labeled pyruvate (PM+3(Td)), total pyruvate pool (P∑M), labeled lactate (LM+3(Td)), and total lactate pool (L∑M) then Equation [1] can be rearranged to solve for kPL. If reverse exchange (kLP) can be ignored over this interval, then the expression simplifies to:
To test the feasibility of this framework for comparison with kPL, the apparent rate constant for conversion of HP pyruvate into lactate and quantitative imaging biomarker for tumor metabolism, we acquired paired HP MRS, DCE-MRI, and MS-SITA of animals bearing orthotopic anaplastic thyroid tumors. Animals were administered various doses of 2-deoxyglucose (2DG; 500 mg/kg IP 2h or 24+2h before scanning), then anesthetized using isoflurane and placed head-first and supine at isocenter of a 7T Biospec small animal imaging system (Bruker Biospin MRI). A dual-tuned volume resonator was used for 1H localizer scans and 13C signal excitation, and a 20mm surface coil (Rapid Biomedical) was placed over the tumor and used for 13C signal reception. Dynamic slice- and coil-localized pulse-acquire spectroscopy (TR=2s, FA=20°, SW=5kHz, NOP=2048, NR=96) was acquired beginning approximately 10s before 200uL injection of 80mM HP [1-13C]-pyruvate. HP MRS was then followed by DCE-MRI to assess the influence of perfusion and eliminate vascular parameters as unknowns in the pharmacokinetic analysis of HP signal evolution6. After imaging, tumors were surgically exposed and animals were administered 50uL of 160mM [U-13C6]-glucose. (Labeled glucose, rather than pyruvate, was used to eliminate intravascular concentration of the labeled substrate as a potential confound.) After 60-90s delay for label uptake (Td), tumors were excised and quickly flash frozen, and stored at -80C until targeted tracer analysis was conducted using an Orbitrap Fusion Tribid mass spectrometer in our institutional Proteomics and Metabolomics Core Facility.
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