We present an automatic routine for alignment of GABA 1H MEGA-PRESS spectra to reduce subtraction artefacts which can compromise reliable GABA quantitation. The algorithm iteratively optimizes relative frequency and phase offsets between the edited and non-edited 1H MEGA-PRESS spectra by minimizing the sum of the magnitude of the difference spectrum. The proposed method was applied to simulated spectra with preset frequency and phase errors and in vivo MEGA-PRESS data and compared to spectral registration, an alignment method implemented in the open source FID-A toolbox1. Difference optimization demonstrated robust performance without requiring limitation of the input data range or user intervention.
The presented difference optimization method automatically aligns NED and ED mean spectra using an iterative Nelder-Mead Simplex method6 and minimizes the sum of the magnitude of the DIFF spectrum in the frequency domain for the relative frequency Δf and phase ΔΦ offsets:
$$sum_{DIFF}(\Delta f,\Delta\phi)=\sum|ED-NED(\Delta f,\Delta\phi)|$$
$$sum_{DIFF,opt}=min(sum_{DIFF}(\Delta f, \Delta\phi))$$
MEGA-PRESS brain spectra (TE = 68 ms, 2k points, BW = 2000 Hz, B0 = 3 T, LW = 6 Hz) were simulated using the FID-A toolbox1. Different noise levels were added to both NED and ED spectra (SNR = [30, 70, 110, 150, 1000], signal-to-noise-ratio with respect to the NAA peak) before introducing errors of Δf (0-6 Hz in 1 Hz steps) and ΔΦ (0-6 degrees in 0.75 degree steps) to the NED spectrum. Each simulation was repeated 20 times and Δf and ΔΦ drifts were corrected using, first, difference optimization, and second, for comparison, spectral registration4. Estimation error terms for Δf and ΔΦ were extracted by determining the absolute difference between the measured drift and the actual drift depending on SNR. Additionally, in vivo MEGA-PRESS data (TR/TE: 1800/68 ms, NAS = 192, 4k points, BW = 2800 Hz) were acquired from the posterior cortex (V = 13.1 ml) of 47 volunteers (54.8 ± 6.4 years) by using a clinical 3 T MR scanner (Magnetom TIM Trio, Siemens, Erlangen, Germany) and a 12-channel head matrix coil. For processing, all spectra of a single dataset were first zero-filled to 8k and subsequently processed separately for NED and ED spectra. Processing steps included frequency alignment, extraction of the reduced suppressed water signal, zero order phase correction and calculation of mean NED and ED spectra. The final processing step of correcting relative Δf and ΔΦ between NED and ED was conducted in three different manners: (a) no correction, (b) difference optimization and (c) manual correction (visual assessment). To investigate the performance of method (b) the correlation coefficients were calculated between the mean DIFF spectrum obtained from method (a) and (c), and between methods (b) and (c) in the range between 2.5 and 4.4 ppm.
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