The aim of this study is to obtain normative reference 1H-MRSI data on the ratio of total NAA to total Cho in healthy subjects for subsequent use for clinical diagnosis of epileptic patients. Furthermore, we studied the effect of voxel content, primarily white matter and regional gray matter on metabolic levels.
Acquisition. MRI/MRS examination was performed on 20 healthy volunteers at 3T (Siemens TIM-Trio). 1H-MRSI was acquired using semiLASER with 4 outer volume saturation slices. Acquisition parameters were TR 1600ms, TE 288ms, 3 averages, bw 1200 Hz, 1024 data points, matrix 16x16, voxel size of 1.24 cc, weighted sampling, AT 6.88 min (figure 1). The MRSI results were compared with single volume spectroscopy (SVS) obtained using PRESS (TR 2700ms, TE 288ms, 256 averages, AT 7.25 min). MRI protocol consisted of 3D MPRAGE 1mm isotropic acquisition.
Analysis. MRS data were processed with Siemens spectroscopy application. FSL was used to segment MP2RAGE images in subcortical regions. Further labeling of cortical regions was performed by realigning Neuromorphometrics 1.0 atlas [3] on individual MPRAGE images. Realigned labels and subcortical segmentation were fused and aligned on the MRSI slice in order to determine tissue content of individual voxels. General linear model (R-studio) was built in order to express NAA/Cho of voxels containing hippocampus, respectively temporal cortex with respect to different tissue class as follows:
Where Hip=hippocampus, Thal=thalamus, GFR=gyrus fornicatus retrospinal (entorhinal and parahippocampus gyri), Temp=temporal cortex, PostCing=posterior cingulate cortex, Ins=insula, BG=basal ganglia, Occip=occipital cortex and WM=white matter.Table 1 shows NAA/Cho ratio of the hippocampus and the temporal cortex by a posteriori averaging hippocampus, resp. temporal lobe voxels (3 voxels) as well as by SVS acquisition. SVS showed systematic higher values and lower precision than MRSI (16.5% vs. 15% for hippocampus and 26.5% vs. 21% for temporal lobe). Temporal lobe showed more variable results that can be explained in part by chemical shift displacement error. Another source of variability comes from tissue content as the linear model demonstrates in tables 2. For the hippocampus, the major source of NAA/Cho variance is the posterior cingulate (r=0.42, p=0.001) followed by GFR (r=0.31, p<0.001). Thalamus has a weak effect (r=0.25, p=0.001), and WM has almost no effect (r=0.13, p=0.001). For the temporal cortex, linear model shows moderate correlation with insula (r=-0.45), but was not statistically significant, weather occipital cortex was only weakly correlated (r=0.23, p=0.001). Of note is the lack of relationship with white matter content (r=0.013, p=0.001).
Finally, lateralization index derived from the right vs. left NAA/Cho levels showed also higher variability with SVS than with MRSI acquisition and in temporal lobe than in hippocampus as shown in table 3.
1 Connelly et al. Proton magnetic resonance in MRI-negative temporal lobe epilepsy. Neurology (1998) 1:61-66
2 Ng TC et al. Temporal lobe epilepsy: presurgical localizazion with proton chemical shift imaging. Radiology (1994) 2:465-472
3 Maximum probability tissue labels derived from the ``MICCAI 2012 Grand Challenge and Workshop on Multi-Atlas Labeling'' (
3: Standard
deviation of lateralization index defined as: LI=NAA/Choright−NAA/CholeftNAA/Choright+NAA/Choleft⋅2