We studied the chemical exchange kinetics of 17O-labeled glucose at the C1 and the C6 position with dynamic 17O-MRS. A profile likelihood analysis is performed to determine identifiability and confidence intervals of the metabolic rate CMRGlc. The exchange experiments confirm that the C6-17OH label is transferred via glycolysis exclusively by the enzyme enolase into the metabolic end product H217O, while C1-17OH ends up in water via direct hydrolysis as well as via glycolysis. From H217O-concentration time-courses cerebral metabolic rates of CMRGlc = 0.05‑0.08 µmol/g/min are obtained which are in of the same order of magnitude as 18F-FDG PET.
The 1-OH group at the anomeric C1 carbon of glucose (Glc-1) undergoes a known temperature and pH-dependent and concentration-independent chemical exchange with unlabeled water in aqueous solution7,8. Under physiological conditions the OH-group at the C6 position (Glc-6) cannot be replaced via chemical exchange in aqueous solutions, and no enzyme-catalyzed reaction is reported in the literature to substitute the C6-OH group in mammalians. However, recently we could show2 that the C6-OH label is transferred in the glycolytic downstream by the enzyme enolase into the metabolic end product H217O (Figure 1).
Exchange Measurements
To corroborate exchange dynamics, in a phantom experiment two 55 mM aqueous solutions of Glc-1 and Glc‑6 dissolved in phosphate-buffered saline PBS (pH = 7.4, Sigma Aldrich) were prepared. Dynamic 17O-MRS was performed of the solutions with a 500 MHz spectrometer (Avance III 500, Bruker Biospin) over up to 200 min. Each spectrum was measured with an FID sequence at a body temperature (37°C) with the following parameters: 90°-pulse duration Tpulse = 21.5 µs, acquisition delay 10 µs, TE = 21 µs, TR = 50 ms, spectral band width BW = 31.25 kHz (461 ppm). Within the acquisition time of Tacq = 33 ms each FID was sampled with 2048 points and a dwell time of 16 µs. In total, 1024 FID signals were averaged per spectrum resulting in a measurement time of 1 min.
Model Fit and Profile Likelihood Analysis
With the exchange rates of the phantom experiments it was investigated whether CMRGlc can be reliably determined from dynamic 17O MRS data. For this, a pharmacokinetic model was used 9 that requires an input function with model parameters α and ρ. These parameters were estimated from glucose tolerance tests 10 in mice after intravenous injection of unlabeled glucose. A profile likelihood analysis was then performed to assess whether CMRGlc can be determined reliably from the time course of the H217O-resonances; for this, it was considered that 1mol Glc-6 is converted into 1mol H217O during glucose metabolism.
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