Localized, indirect 1H-[13C] MRS measurement of glutamate and glutamine 13C-labeling in frontal cortex of human brain at 4 Tesla.
Henk M. De Feyter1, Raimund M. Herzog2, Peter B. Brown 1, Douglas L. Rothman1, and Robin A. de Graaf1

1Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, Yale University, New Haven, CT, United States, 2Department of Endocrinology, Yale University, New Haven, CT, United States


We present an indirect 1H-[13C] MRS detection method (selective proton-observed, carbon edited (selPOCE) that can be used in the frontal lobe of human brain, allows for separation of overlapping glutamate (Glu) and glutamine (Gln) peaks and provides well-defined spatial localization of the 13C-signal. The method was successfully implemented at 4 Tesla and allowed for the selective detection of 13C-labeling in Glu and Gln in a timely manner (15 min), indicating that the selPOCE can be used for quantitative studies of brain energy metabolism and neurotransmission in a relatively small volume localized in the human frontal lobe.


13C MRS in the frontal lobe of human brain during infusion of 13C-labeled substrates requires acquisition methods characterized by a low specific absorption rate (SAR). Avoiding high radiofrequency (RF) power deposition is critical for frontal lobe MRS applications because of the close proximity of the eyes. So far 13C MRS studies of frontal brain have relied on pulse-acquire-based sequences and 13C-labeling strategies that enrich the carboxylic carbons of brain metabolites (1,2). Because signals of natural abundance lipids from the scalp do not overlap with the peaks of interest detection of carboxylic carbons can be achieved without localization, thereby reducing the number of required RF pulses. Here we present an alternative indirect 1H-[13C] MRS detection method that can be used in the frontal lobe, allows for separation of overlapping glutamate (Glu) and glutamine (Gln) peaks, yet also provides well-defined spatial localization of the 13C-signal.


MRS. All MRS experiments were carried out on a 4 Tesla whole-body magnet interfaced to a Bruker Avance III HD spectrometer, running on Paravision 6 (Bruker Instruments, Billerica, MA, USA). The RF coil setup consisted of two circular surface coils positioned 10 mm apart in parallel planes: an outer 13C transmit only coil (∅ 135 mm) and an inner 1H transmit/receive coil (∅ 95 mm). MRS data acquisition relied on a selective proton-observed, carbon edited (selPOCE) pulse sequence. The selPOCE method is a combination between POCE based on stimulated echoes (3) and 2D HSQC (4). The conventional two-step POCE experiment is extended with two additional experiments that modulate the phase of two target signals (e.g. H4-Glu and H4-Gln), by utilizing the chemical shift difference on the 13C channel (e.g. 107 Hz between C4-Glu and C4-Gln at 4 Tesla). A similar approach was previously described for a HMQC-based variant on rat brain (5).

[1-13C]-Glucose infusion. A primed, variable infusion of [1-13C]-glucose (1.1M, 99% enriched, Cambridge Isotopes, Cambridge, MA, USA) was performed to rapidly reach plasma glucose concentrations of 10 mM. During the duration of the infusion (90 to 120 min), the plasma glucose level was allowed to gradually drop to ~7 mM.


SAR. RF power output was measured at the RF amplifier and corrected for hardware losses. Average effective RF power output was 0.51 W for the 1H channel and 0.31 W for the 13C channel. Using the B1+ profiles of the RF coils for an estimation of the head volume affected by the B1+ field, we estimate to be significantly below the FDA guideline for average SAR (3W/kg).

MRS. The selectivity of the pulse sequence for specific resonances is illustrated by data (Fig. 1) acquired in a phantom containing a mix of unlabeled and 13C-labeled acetate and lactate. The conventional POCE experiment (Fig. 1E and F) separates 13C-labeled from unlabeled resonances. The additional two scans of the selPOCE experiment modulate the phase of 1H signals, thereby allowing [3-13C]-lactate and [2-13C]-acetate to be separated based on their 13C chemical shift difference (Fig. 1G and H). Fig. 2 shows how this principle can be applied for the detection of [4-13C]-Glu-H4 and [4-13C]-Gln-H4, for which the difference in 1H chemical shift is only 0.11ppm (18.8 Hz at 4 Tesla). The 107 Hz difference on the 13C axis, allows robust separation of Glu and Gln H4 resonances. The faster in vivo T2* relaxation make the Glu and Gln overlap even more problematic as shown in the 1H MR spectrum acquired in the frontal lobe of a healthy volunteer (Fig. 4A). SelPOCE spectra acquired from a voxel (45 mL, Fig. 3) located in the frontal lobe during infusion of [1-13C]-glucose are shown in Fig. 4. Similar to the results obtained in the Glu-Gln phantom, combining individual in vivo selPOCE MR spectra generates difference spectra of all 13C-bound protons (Fig. 4B), as well as individual MR spectra of [4-13C]-Glu-H4 (Fig 4D) and [4-13C]-Gln-H4 (Fig 4E), respectively.

Discussion & Conclusion

The presented data illustrate the feasibility of a localized, 1H MRS-based 13C detection method that can be used to detect 13C-labeling of brain metabolites in the frontal lobe of human brain. The method was successfully implemented at 4 Tesla and allowed for the selective detection of 13C-labeling in Glu and Gln in a timely manner (15 min). In conclusion, selPOCE can be used for quantitative studies of brain energy metabolism and neurotransmission in a relatively small volume localized in the human frontal lobe.


We thank Terry Nixon, Scott McIntyre, and Peter Brown for maintenance and upgrades to the MR system.


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4. de Graaf RA, De Feyter HM, Rothman DL. High-sensitivity, broadband-decoupled 13C MR spectroscopy in humans at 7T using two-dimensional heteronuclear single-quantum coherence. Magn. Reson. Med. 2014:n/a-n/a. doi: 10.1002/mrm.25470.

5. Henry P-G, Roussel R, Vaufrey F, Dautry C, Bloch G. Semiselective POCE NMR spectroscopy. Magn. Reson. Med. 2000;44:395–400. doi: 10.1002/1522-2594(200009)44:3<395::AID-MRM9>3.0.CO;2-5.


Figure 1. SelPOCE on sample with 60mM acetate, 40mM lactate, 15mM [2-13C]-acetate and 8mM [3-13C]-lactate. (A, B) Spectra acquired without (A) and with (B) broadband 13C inversion. (C, D) Spectra acquired with a semi-selective HSQC element on-resonance for (C) [3-13C]-lactate and (D) [2-13C]-acetate. (E)=(A)–(B) provides the 13C-coupled 1H resonances, while eliminating resonances without 1H-13C coupling. (F)=(C)–(D) also removes resonances without 1H-13C coupling. In addition, it provides phase discrimination between [2-13C]-acetate and [3-13C]-lactate. (G)=(E)+(H) gives the pure [2-13C]-acetate signal, whereas (H)=(E)–(F) provides the pure [3-13C]-lactate signal.

Figure 2. SelPOCE on a sample with 100mM glutamate and 80mM glutamine. (A) 1H MR spectrum acquired in absence of 13C RF pulses showing strong Glu-Gln overlap. (B) Difference 1H MR spectrum between data acquired w/ol 13C inversion pulse, corresponding to ‘classical’ POCE. The difference spectrum shows 1H signals bound to natural abundant 13C nuclei of Glu/Gln. (C) Difference 1H MR spectrum between data acquired with HSQC module optimized for Glu-C4/Gln-C4 phase modulation. (D)=(B)+(C) displaying [4-13C]-Glu-H4 signal and (E)=(B)–(C) displays [4-13C]-Gln-H4 signal. (F) Overlay of signals from (D, black) and (E, gray) demonstrating good separation of Glu/Gln.

Figure 3. MR image acquired with the 1H RF coil (∅ 90 mm) with illustrations of the size and location of the 1H and 13C RF coils, and voxel size and position.

Figure 4. SelPOCE on human brain in vivo (45 mL, 15 min). (A) 1H MR spectrum obtained without 13C RF pulses. (B) Conventional POCE difference spectrum. [4-13C]-Glu and [4-13C]-Gln both have positive resonances, making their distinction difficult. (C) SelPOCE difference spectrum displaying positive [4-13C]-Glu and negative [4-13C]-Gln resonances. (D)=(B)+(C) cancels out the [4-13C]-Gln signal, leaving a ‘pure’ [4-13C]-Glu signal. (E)=(B)–(C) cancels out the [4-13C]-Glu signal, leaving a ‘pure’ [4-13C]-Gln signal. Signals from [3-13C]-Glx, [3-13C]-Asp, [3-13C]-Lac and [3-13C]-Ala can be unambiguously be obtained from the regular POCE 1H difference spectrum in (B).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 25 (2017)