SUNING HUANG1, William Dominguez-Viqueira1, Epi Ruiz1, Mikalai Budzevich1, Bruna v Jardim-Perassi1, Robert Gillies1, and Gary Martinez1
1Imaging and Metabolism, Moffitt Cancer Center, Tampa, FL, United States
explore heterogeneity in osteosarcoma using imaging “habitats”, which identify
different physiological subregions by MRI. We propose a method to establish the
relationship between the microenvironmental of a habitat by relating histology
to MRI. Computational image analysis was used to cluster tumor habitats with a
3D printing approach to co-register MR images with histology and
immunohistochemistry. Compared with H&E and the CA-9, we found that
cellular morphology and density were in concordance with the clustered
habitats, although there are subtle differences between histology and MRI
slices. Thus, identifying tumor habitats in osteosarcoma using multiparametric
MRI is feasible and promising.
Introduction: Osteosarcoma (OS) is the most common
malignant pediatric bone tumor, with a poor 5-years survival rate following
standard treatments. We hypothesize that this is due to phenotypic
heterogeneity within tumors that can rapidly evolve chemoresistance. Multiple
MR-derived parameter maps may be used to identify different physiological
subregions within a tumor, or “habitats” that harbor different phenotypes. These
regions have physico-chemical properties that provide forces that drive
Darwinian selection for these different cellular phenotypes within the tumor. Hence,
we hypothesize that these habitats may be used to quantitatively describe
intra-tumoral heterogeneity and may be associated with clinical outcomes. However,
determining the physical cellular basis of tumor habitats in vivo is a major challenge.
We propose a method to establish 3D relation between histology sections and in vivo MRI. In this work, we focused on
computational image analysis to cluster multiple MR-derived parameter maps and
used a 3D printing approach to co-register MR images with histology and
immunohisto- chemistry (IHC) in order to identify osteosarcoma habitats, and
elucidate their cellular and functional characteristics.
Methods: All MRI experiments were done by using a BioSpec AV3HD 7-T horizontal magnet (Bruker Biospin, Inc.), with nested
205/120/HDS gradient insert and 310 mm bore, by using a 35-mm birdcage coil
(Doty Scientific). Eight mice were surgically implanted patient derived osteosarcoma
(PDX) and were imaged. Reference images (axial T2-weighted), T2
(multiple spin echo) and T2* (multiple gradient echo) sequences
were acquired (TR/TE = 2000/48 ms, FOV=32x32mm,gap=1mm) with slice thickness of
1 mm. Diffusion weighted (DW) images were also acquired using three b-values =
100, 500, 750 s/mm2. Dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE) images were acquired
with multiple repetitions of T1-weighting (TR = 150 ms, TE = 7.2 ms)
upon injection of 0.2 mmol/kg Gd-DTPA over 35 minutes. The tumors were manually
segmented using T2 images, and exported as a 3D surface. SolidWorks
(SolidWorks Corp.) used to create a mold with integrated slots that are co-planar with MR
image slices. Habitat images were derived by from multiple
MRI-based parameter maps using a Gaussian mixture model fit with an expectation
maximization algorithm in MATLAB (Mathworks, Inc.). Using 4 clusters, the fit
was performed on all pixels within mulple slices but relegated to within the
tumor volume of interest, whereas a single slice is depicted (Fig 2a-b). Histological and IHC slices
were compared with the MR habitat images to identify microscopic differences in
cellular morphology and density that could explain the observations.Results & Discussion
Results & Discussion: Tumor heterogeneity was clearly visible in the
habitat images (Figure1), with multiple habitats distributed across the image. The red cluster indicates
the lowest diffusion and lowest perfusion/permeability, which could be necrosis.
The green habitats also described the low diffusion and low perfusion/permeability,
which may represent hypoxia. To some extent, we found that two clusters were in
agreement with IHC staining of CA-9 (Figure 2d). The third habitat (blue) with
high perfusion and low diffusion could be the presence of viable cell
population, but with some degree of hypoxia. We interpreted the highest
perfusion region (magenta) to indicate viable tumor that is highly vascularized.
These results are also in concordance with the H&E stain(Figure 2c).Despite the experimental design, which is meant to optimize co-registration,
there are subtle differences between
histology and MRI slices. We note a slight orientational change and slight deformations
in MRI to histology/IHC frames, while preparing histology slices. Conclusion
Conclusion: Feasibility was demonstrated in identifying tumor habitats in osteosarcoma
using multiparametric MRI and histology and IHC. Advanced co-registration
between histology and the MRI slices is promising. Improvements in image
co-registration will be required to investigate habitats at higher
resolutions. The spatial heterogeneity of tumor, and rationalization of the
underlying physiological characteristics of these habitats may be a promising clinical prognostic tool to assess
therapeutic response.Acknowledgements
This work has been
supported in part by the SAIL Core Facility at the H. Lee Moffitt
Cancer Center & Research Institute,an NCI designated Comprehensive Cancer
Center (P30-CA076292), and been funded by NIH/NCI Cancer Center Support Grant,
Imaging Habitats in Sarcoma (1R01CA187532-01A1).References
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