Antoine Vallatos1, Joanna Birch2, Lindsay Gallagher1, Haitham F. I. Al-Mubarak1, Lesley Gilmour2, Anthony J. Chalmers2, and William M. Holmes1
1Glasgow Experimental MRI Centre, Institute of Neuroscience and Psychology, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 2Translational Radiation Biology, Institute of Cancer Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom
techniques probing brain perfusion and blood-brain barrier (BBB) permeability
were assessed in their ability to detect low tumour invasion in mouse glioblastoma
models. A multiple boli Arterial Spin Labeling technique was optimised, achieving
high SNR perfusion imaging. Diffusion-weighted arterial spin labelling allowed
to separate fast motion vascular components of the signal from slow motion
tissue components, providing with BBB permeability weighted maps. Evaluation
was performed by comparison with conventional MRI and immunohistochemistry
sections (HLA) cut in the MRI plane . Both perfusion weighted maps
and BBB permeability weighted maps allowed to identify low tumour regions
not detected with conventional MRI techniques.
(GBM) is one of the most aggressive and heterogeneous forms of brain cancer and
is very difficult to treat. A major obstacle to successful treatment is the
ability of GBM cells to invade healthy brain tissue. This makes complete
removal of the tumour by surgery impossible, leading to high recurrence rates,
and reduces the accuracy of target volume delineation for radiotherapy planning.
While magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a valuable tool for clinicians
treating GBM, conventional imaging techniques fail to detect regions of low
tumour cell density that may be responsible for subsequent tumour recurrence. Invading
tumour cells often progress along blood vessels and recent results indicate that
even individual cells can disrupt the normal function of the blood brain
barrier (BBB)1, providing an opportunity to detect tumour invasion
at its earliest stages.
research focuses on the development of MRI techniques that probe brain perfusion
and BBB permeability, and their assessment as biomarkers for detecting low
tumour infiltration regions in mouse GBM models. A high SNR multiple adiabatic
boli Arterial Spin Labeling technique was optimised for rodent brain perfusion
imaging2, and a method of diffusion-weighted arterial spin labelling
(DWASL) was implemented in order to probe the molecular mobility of perfused blood
water. Previous works3 suggest that the introduction of diffusion
gradients into the ASL sequence allows minimising the contribution of fast motion
vascular components of the signal, providing with perfusion images dominated by
the slower motion tissue component (Fig.1). Using this model, the ratio of
the tissue perfusion images obtained by DWASL to the overall perfusion ones
obtained by ASL was expected to produce BBB permeability weighed maps. The
resulting maps were compared with histological sections stained with (FITC)-dextrans
to assess BBB disruption. The ability of perfusion and BBB permeability
techniques to characterise tumour invasion was evaluated by comparison with
standard MRI techniques and immunohistochemistry sections cut in the MRI plane.Methods
study used nude mice (n=10) injected intra-cranially with human glioblastoma, presenting
highly invasive tumour margins. In week 12 post-injection, the mice were
scanned in vivo, injected with (FITC)-dextran and sacrificed. Imaging was
performed on a Bruker 7T Biospec instrument with 72 cm resonance birdcage and a
phase-array surface coil. Multiple Spin
Multiple Echo, Inversion recovery, Pulsed
Gradient Spin Echo and Arterial spin Labelling techniques were combined with
RARE or EPI acquisition to provide with the following imaging modalities: T2 weighted (T2W), T2 value, Diffusion
weighted (DW), Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC), Fractional anisotropy(FA),
perfusion weighted (ASL) and BBB permeability weighted (DWASL). Slice thickness was 1.5 mm and resolution varied according
to the MRI technique used. Three different histology stains were used: Human leukocyte
antigen (HLA) stain for tumour cell presence, 10 kDa and 70 kDa (FITC)-dextrans for
respectively minor and major BBB disruption. Five evenly distributed histological
slices were cut in the MRI plane and stacked to account for MRI slice thickness.
Post processing of the data (with in-house developed MATLAB code) included: noise reduction, surface-coil
sensitivity correction, re-gridding and MRI/Histology registration.Results and Discussion
permeability weighted maps obtained by the ratio of DWASL images to ASL images
presented high values in the regions surrounding the tumour bulk (Fig. 2a). Histological
slices stained with (FITC)-dextrans (Fig.2b) allowed identifying regions of BBB
disruption (10kDa) and low perfusion (70kDa). Despite the fact that abnormal
regions in the permeability weighted maps were found to be greater than the ones
in dextran histology, several similarities were identified. The ability of
perfusion and BBB permeability imaging techniques to characterise tumour
invasion was evaluated by comparison with standard MRI techniques (Fig.2 c) and
immunohistochemistry (HLA staining for human tumour cells) of brain sections cut
in the MRI image plane (Fig.2d). Both ASL and DW-ASL techniques were shown to identify
regions of low tumour cell density that were present on the HLA slices but not
detected by conventional techniques. Furthermore, these techniques reveal
additional qualitative properties of the tumour enabling a more detailed evaluation
of tumour heterogeneity.
Brain perfusion weighted maps (ASL) and BBB
permeability weighted maps (ASL/DWASL) were in produced in mouse glioblastoma
models. Their ability to probe tumour invasion was assessed by comparison with
in-plane HLA histology. Both techniques were shown to detect low tumour regions
not detected with conventional MRI techniques. Comparison with in-plane (FITC)-dextran histology allows to get a better understanding of the relation between
the resulting images, brain perfusion and BBB disuption.
This work was funded by The Brain
Tumour Charity (grant ref. 26/160).
The authors would also like to thank Mr James Mullin
for his advice and fruitful discussions on animal setup and scanning
1. Watkins, S.; Robel, S.; Kimbrough, I. F.; Robert, S.
M.; Ellis-Davies, G.; Sontheimer, H., Disruption of astrocyte-vascular coupling
and the blood-brain barrier by invading glioma cells. Nat Commun 2014, 5.
2. Valllatos, A.; Gilmour, L.; Chalmers, A. J.; Holmes,
W. M., Multiple boli Arterial Spin Labelling for high signal-to-noise
rodent brain perfusion imaging. Magn Reson Med 2016 (submitted)
3. Wang, J. J.; Alsop, D. C.; Song, H. K.; Maldjian, J.
A.; Tang, K.; Salvucci, A. E.; Detre, J. A., Arterial transit time imaging with
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