In MR coronary angiography, the synchronization of the ECG-triggered imaging sequence with periods of minimal diastolic/systolic myocardial motion (resting phases) is essential. The selection of the resting phases is usually performed manually by an expert user. Here, automated detection of the period of minimal myocardial motion is described and tested in 30 cine patient datasets. After normalization of the cine image series, a 1D curve representative of the overall amount of motion for each cine frame is extracted. Frames belonging to diastolic/systolic resting phases are selected from such curve using peak detection and threshold-based region-growing. Testing is performed in comparison to manually expert-selected resting phases.
Data acquisition: The cine datasets for the 2-chamber, 3-chamber, and 4-chamber views in N=10 subjects were randomly selected from the patient database of the local cardiac MRI center, before undergoing the prototyping pipeline for automated resting phase detection. Acquisitions were performed on a 1.5T clinical scanner (MAGNETOM Aera, Siemens Healthcare) with the following sequence parameters: 2D-bSSFP, spatial/temporal resolution (1.2x1.6mm)2/40ms, slice thickness: 8mm, TR/TE: 2.4/1.2ms.
Automated extraction of cardiac motion parameters: All 30 2D-cine image series were first pre-processed by pixel intensities normalization. Then, for each pair of consecutive images in one series, the magnitude of the difference of their gradient magnitudes was computed. The resulting series is referred to as “difference images”. Such difference images are ideally zero when borders are not moving. To account for dark tissue motion (myocardium) as much as for bright structure motion (fat tissue and blood pool), the difference images were saturated at a normalized intensity of 99%. Finally, the Frobenius norm was calculated to represent the overall amount of motion for each difference image, thus resulting in a single parameter linked with the overall heart motion between two consecutive cine frames and that can be represented as a motion curve (Fig.1).
Detection of the cardiac resting phases: A threshold-based region growing algorithm was applied on the cardiac motion curve to determine the two sets of cine frames with the least amount of motion. The systolic and diastolic minima (example curves in Fig.2-3), were first extracted by standard automated peak detection. Then, a threshold (TH) was calculated as a percentage of the amplitude difference between these minima and the local maximum between them. This threshold was optimized in a subset of M=18 datasets, where manual selection of the cine frames corresponding to the systolic and diastolic resting phases was also performed by one experienced cardiologist (G.V., CMR level-III expert). In detail, for threshold selection, the problem of assigning each cine frame to a resting phase was considered as a statistical test, with the ground truth being the manual selection. For TH ranging from 0.00 (0%) to 1.00 (100%) in steps of 0.01, true positives (TP) and true negatives (TN) were computed. The maximum positive predictive value (PPV=(TP+TN)/M) was used to select the optimized threshold.
Validation: For validation, the resting phases automatically selected using the optimal threshold were compared with those manually selected (same expert as above) in the remaining Q=12 datasets. Validation results were reported as specificity, sensitivity, and PPV.
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