Temporal variation of cerebrovascular transit time measured by BOLD-based time lag mapping
Toshihiko Aso1 and Shin-ichi Urayama1

1Human Brain Research Center, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto, Japan


A pilot study of perfusion-related signal component in fMRI signal, demonstrates possibility of measuring blood transit time variation by tracking BOLD lag through the vascular structure. Effect of short breath-holding and mild hyperventilation on the time-shift analysis of whole-brain BOLD signals were tested. Temporal variation of the relative BOLD transit time up to ±15% on average were found to be negatively correlated with the global BOLD signal change, which is consistent with the Central Volume Principle under the condition of small CBV change. This relative BOLD transit time is likely to reflect the global CBF/CBV dynamics with high temporal resolution.


The explosive growth of resting-state fMRI research has led to a recognition of rich physiological noises that need to be removed in functional connectivity methods1,2. Recently, tracking a signal component of systemic origin has been reported to be a promising technique for evaluating brain perfusion dynamics 3–6. Delay of BOLD signal in cerebrovascular disease is not new 7, but this method called “lag mapping” has been shown to provide a new, noninvasive perfusion-related biomarker in normal conditions 3. Given that the signal component is intrinsic to blood, it may serve as a virtual contrast agent for augmented blood tracking that can observe instantaneous flow velocity.


Two nine-minute fMRI runs were acquired from 10 subjects (3 female) on a Siemens 3T Tim Trio scanner with a gradient-echo multiband EPI (TR/TE = 500/33 ms; 35 slices; resolution = 3 × 3 × 3.5 mm3). Beat-to-beat fluctuations in mean arterial pressure and heart rate were obtained via a non-invasive MR compatible device (Caretaker, BIOPAC). During one run, subjects were instructed to immediately stop breathing at the appearance of “stop breathing” on the screen, irrespective of the respiratory phase, until the screen changes back to “relax” after 10s. This was repeated 5 times with a 90s interval. Another run was for hyperventilation, during which 5 second-respiratory cycles were repeated 5 times. Data were motion corrected and the 6 motion parameters were regressed out before spatial normalization to a template space. A modified recursive lag tracking method, with the global signal as the initial seed, was used to create lag maps 8,9. This procedure involves finding a set of voxels, using cross-correlation, sharing the delay relative to the current seed signal by 0.5s. These voxels were used as the seed for the next step with slightly different temporal profile in addition to the phase (Fig. 1). To measure the relative BOLD transit time (rBTT) from the resulting seed time courses, the fluctuation of relative phase between the neighboring seeds were calculated. The rBTT was calculated from 14 pairs of neighboring seeds corresponding to -3.5s - +3.5s lags. Owing to the broad frequency range of the lag structure, analytic methods such as Hilbert transform-based instantaneous phase were not appropriate. Hence a smooth sliding window algorithm was applied using a window length of 30 seconds and a Kaiser window with parameter of 4 to measure instantaneous time lag between those neighboring seeds. To facilitate the detection of small phase variation between 0.2 and 0.8s (centered at 0.5s owing to the resolution of the initial lag tracking), the seed signals were resampled to 0.02s resolution prior to this procedure. The local rBTT time courses from each pair of seeds were averaged to obtain the global rBTT. The raw rBTT value was then divided by 0.5s to express the relative change of velocity over time.


Fig. 1 shows a subject’s lag map and the seed time courses. Reddish voxels are found in the vicinity of major arteries presenting long travelling time to the global signal phase, or early arrival of the component (reddish lines in the plot).

Fig. 2, top shows the group-averaged time courses from the two conditions. For the rBTT measurement, deviation of the time lag from 0.5s between two neighboring seeds for each time point and each individual were measured. The actual time lags exhibited a distribution roughly centered on 0.5s, as expected (Fig. 2, bottom).

Fig. 3 shows the time courses of perfusion-related parameters. The global BOLD response showed delayed increase after the breath-holding period, consistent with a previous report 10. The rBTT (blue) was negatively correlated with the global BOLD time course (breath-holding, P=0.005; hyperventilation, P=0.008). No other combinations were statistically significant.


Here we show that rBTT may reflect the gross flow velocity in a similar manner to mean transit time (CBV/CBF) by comparing it with the global BOLD. Although we chose mild forms of respiratory challenges to minimize CBV changes as possible while invoking global BOLD response, concomitant measurement of CBV is at least required to formally address this 11. Looking at the temporal profiles, there is interesting discrepancy between 1/rBTT and BOLD time courses. For example, the discrepancy is less evident in hyperventilation, presumably reflecting relatively low sensitivity of CBV to hypocapnia 12. The slightly delayed positive peaks in 1/rBTT may also reflect differential effect of CBF/CBV on these parameters. Further research is required to confirm the complex information embedded in the BOLD signal and the potential of this new technique to track the temporal variation of blood transit time.


This work was supported by a grant from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas, 15H05875), Smoking Research Foundation and Takeda Science Foundation.


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Figure 1. Example map and corresponding lag structure from one subject during the hyperventilation task (lasting 25s, white rectangles). Late blood arrival in the border zone of the vascular territories was evident. The seed time courses are shown in roughly corresponding colors on the map; red indicate positive travelling time to the global signal phase, or early arrival of the blood. Blue colors correspond to venous part of the vasculature. This recursive method is robust against the change of the component’s temporal profile between arterial and venous regions. Note fluctuation of phase difference between the adjacent lines over time.

Figure 2. Top, Seed time courses pooled over 10 subjects. The effects of respiratory challenges vary across vascular structures. Bottom, Distribution of the measured “lags” between neighboring seed regions which must be 0.5s on average. Temporal fluctuation of the relative BOLD transit time is mostly within the range ±20% (-0.4s – 0.6s). Note that the fluctuation was calculated from individual raw time course without any averaging.

Figure 3. Temporal profiles of the perfusion-related parameters. The relative BOLD transit time (rBTT, blue) is plotted with its reciprocal (green) which presented a similar response to the respiratory challenges with that of global BOLD, but with some discrepancy in peak latency. Shaded regions show the 95% confidence intervals among subjects.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 25 (2017)