The free-breathing MOLLI (FB-MOLLI) presented in our previous study allowed T1 mapping in vivo without breath-hold. In this study, we attempted to implement unsupervised reconstruction for FB-MOLLI data sets and used a deformable method for image registration to improve the reliability of free-breathing T1 mapping. The results supported that the method improved the image alignments of the FB-MOLLI data sets and thus increased the quality of the T1 map. The variations of the repeated T1 measurements were significantly reduced in the anterolateral of the LV walls.
Ten healthy volunteers (10 males, age 22.1 ± 2.47 years) underwent MR imaging with a 3.0T scanner (Siemens, Tim Trio, Germany). The FB-MOLLI sequence2 were performed with the parameters (TR/TE: 2.72/1.3ms, flip angle: 8°, matrix size: 256×208, GRAPPA: 2, slice thickness: 8 mm, three short-axis slices: basal, mid-cavity, apical short axis, FB-MOLLI: 20 inversion times, 3 repeated measurements).The T1 mapping procedure consisted of four steps performed in the Python software environment with the SimpleITK package. The step 1 is to identify a rectangular region covering the heart. We calculated a mean image of the 20 images and applied Otsu thresholding to produce a mask (Fig. 1). The procedure then moved a rectangle region (height and width: 1/4 FOV) across the whole mask and used morphological labeling to identify the objects inside it. The rectangle covering the heart region, outlined by red color in Fig. 1, was selected according to the property of object distribution. The property is, two major objects almost evenly occupied the rectangle. Finally, a rectangular region (height and width: 1/2 FOV) centered at the corner near the centroid of the cardiac region was selected for the further processing. In step 2, we calculated a mean image of the 20 images and used it as a template for the rigid-body image registration. In the step 3, we calculated a T1 map and used the T1 model to synthesized 20 images corresponding to the 20 inversion times of the FB-MOLLI images. We used the synthesized images as templates to perform a deformable image registration (transformation: spline, similarity: mutual information). The inversion times of the “fixed” and “moving” images were the same to match the image contrasts. The step 4 dealt with the uncorrectable factors of the image registration methods, such as in-plane cardiac movement related to respiration or failure of ECG triggering. We selected 15 images from 20 FB-MOLLI images according to a rejecting index2 related to the summation of T1 fitting residuals of each image and reconstructed T1 maps using the selected images. To access the variations of the 3 FB-MOLLI repetitions, we manually selected 16 ROIs from the 3 slices of T1 maps according to the AHA-17 standard, calculated the average T1 values of the ROIs and obtained the standard deviations of the mean T1 values of the three measurements.
[1] Messroghli, DR et al. Modified Look-Locker inversion recovery (MOLLI) for high-resolution T1 mapping of the heart. Magn Reson Med. 2004 Jul;52(1):141-6.
[2] Tsai, JM et al. Free-breathing MOLLI: application to myocardial T(1) mapping. Med Phys. 2012 Dec;39(12):7291-302. doi: 10.1118/1.4764915.