Excessive tissue heating is one of the major concerns when performing MRI in patients with icEEG due to the RF interaction between the electrodes and head tissue. No electromagnetic field simulations has been performed on in-vivo iEEG-MR setup due to the subgridding limitations of the small dimensions of these electrodes relative to those of the human body. We showed the feasibility of full body EM-field simulations based on realistic icEEG-electrode design. The proposed FDTD method for simultaneous icEEG-MRI gives results that are in broad agreement with previous experimental observations while allowing for measurements of SAR/heating along the entire implant length.
Finite Difference Time Method (FDTD) simulations were performed on Duke (34-year old male from the Virtual Family5) with 78 different tissue types using Sim4Life 3.1 (ZMT, Switzerland) to evaluate the RF field interaction of a depth icEEG electrode (Ad-Tech, Racine, WI) with a head birdcage RF coil. Experimentally measured B1+ maps on a healthy volunteer, and simulated SAR maps in three different icEEG configurations were obtained.
A Low-pass head birdcage coil (Fig.1)(diameter: 13.5cm, length= 27 cm, 16 legs modeled as perfect electric conductor (PEC), C=6.65 pF, two-channel quadrature-driven) with the bore shield (diameter= 30 cm, PEC) was simulated and the circularly-polarized mode was excited. The coil and Duke were oriented along B0 field (z-axis). The simulation model was meshed in a non-uniform grid of approximately 34 MCells, with voxel steps ranging from 0.18x0.42x0.8 mm3 to 287x308x178 mm3. Perfectly matched layers of medium strength were used at the edges of simulation domain. A harmonic excitation at 64 MHz was applied, and steady-state conditions (convergence level: 50 dB) were achieved within 50 simulation cycles. The simulation time was ~8 hours/channel with the CUDA solver.
Strip icEEG electrodes (Fig.2) with four contacts, longitudinally aligned and 10 mm apart were designed on Solidworks (Dassault Systemes, France) and imported into Sim4Life. The electrodes consist of 4 mm diameter platinum PEC disc contacts (2.3 mm of which is exposed to tissue) imbedded within a silicon contact case and connected by nickel-chromium PEC wires (length: 250 mm) in polyurethane tubing. The electrodes were placed in three different locations on the brain’s surface (Fig.1) while insuring good contact between the iEEG contacts and brain parenchyma. The icEEG components were voxelized as having higher priorities (contacts:20, wires:20, contacts silicon case: 10, silicon tube:10) than the Duke tissues (priority:0).
Experimental B1 maps were acquired using the Double-Angle method6 on a 1.5 MR scanner (Avanto, Siemens Healthcare, Germany) on a healthy volunteer using the transmit-receive head RF coil and analysed using Matlab (Mathworks, USA) for comparison with the simulation results.
1. Lemieux L. et al. ., Magn. Reson. Med. 38 (1997) 943-957.
2. Carmichael, D.W. et al., Neiroimage 49 (2010)379-390.
3. Carmichael D. W. et al., Neuroimage 63 (2012) 301-309.
4. Boucousis S.M. et al., Neuroimage 63 (2012) 1237-1248.
5. Gosselin MC et al., Phys Med Biol 2014 ; 59(18) : 5287-5303.
6. Stollberger R. et al., Proc. SMRM ( 1988), p. 106.