Mahdi Alizadeh1, Chris J Conklin2, Devon M Middleton1, Sona Saksena2, Laura Krisa3, Scott H Faro4, MJ Mulcahey3, and Feroze B Mohamed2
1Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, United States, 2Radiology, Thomas Jefferson Hospital University, Philadelphia, PA, United States, 3Occupational Therapy, Thomas Jefferson Hospital University, Philadelphia, PA, United States, 4Radiology, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, United States
In this study we have investigated on evaluating the ability of texture analysis of routine conventional pediatric spinal cord MRI to characterize the changes of diseased or injured spinal cord.
Texture analysis evaluates inter-pixel
relationships that generate characteristic organizational patterns in an image,
many of which are beyond the ability of visual perception. Given its promise in
detecting subtle structural alterations, texture analysis may be an attractive
means to evaluate disease activity and evolution [1,2]. It may also become a
new tool to assess therapeutic efficacy if technical issues are resolved and
pathological correlates are further confirmed [2,3]. The purpose of this study
is to identify and evaluate the patterns of texture features as a measure of
tissue integrity and its potential clinical relevance in typically developing
(TD) pediatric subjects and patient with cervical spinal cord injury (SCI) in
spinal cord MR images. Methods
A total of 15 subjects (10 healthy and 5 cervical
SCI patients) ranging
in age from 6-16 years old (11.78±2.99 (mean ±standard deviation))
were recruited, and scanned using 3.0T Siemens
Verio MR scanner with 4-channel neck matrix and 8-channel spine matrix coils. The
protocol consists of a conventional sagittal turbo spin echo (TSE)-T1-weighted
scan, a sagittal TSE-T2- weighted scan, and an axial T2-weighted-gradient echo
(GRE). The axial T2-weighted-GRE scan was prescribed from the sagittal
T2-weighted image to cover the cervical spinal cord (C1-(C7-T1) levels). The
imaging parameters included: voxel size=0.42×0.42×6.0mm3, matrix
size=384×384, TR=878ms, TE=7.8ms, slice thickness=6mm, flip angle=25°, number
of averages=1 and acquisition time=156s. Following data acquisition, texture
features were calculated by using ROIs drawn on
the whole cord
in T2-weighted-GRE images along
the cervical spinal cord by an independent board certified pediatric neuroradiologist.
A total of 33 features including 5 first order features based on the histogram
of the image (mean, variance, skewness, kurtosis and entropy), and 16 second
order feature vector elements, incorporating four statistical measures
(contrast, correlation, homogeneity and energy) calculated from grey level co-occurrence
matrices (GLCM) in directions of 0°, 45°, 90° and 135° (figure 1) were
calculated.In addition 12 high order texture features incorporating four
statistical measures (mean, variance, entropy and energy) was calculated from coefficients matrices (horizontal, vertical, and diagonal,
respectively) of wavelet decomposition (using
Haar wavelets) (figure 2). These features then were compared between TD and
cervical SCI subjects based on standard least squared linear regression model
and restricted maximum likelihood (REML) method (JMP pro 13.0 software).Results
There were 14 texture features that showed significantly differences
(using Fisher test and maximum likelihood) between TD and cervical SCI
population. These features are presented in Tables 1-3. Also averaged mean and
standard deviation of these features were calculated along cervical spinal
cord. Discussion
In this study, we have shown that consistent information from routine conventional pediatric spinal cord MRI can be extracted using texture analysis. Furthermore, despite the promising outcomes, pathological correlates of texture analysis are subject to confirmation and warrants studies in subjects with spinal cord injuries.
As can be seen in Table 1, mean and entropy (measure of the randomness of a gray-level distribution) decreases in SCI group. However, variance increases in SCI group which might be due to contamination of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in injury site. Table 2 shows, energy (in directions of 0°, 45°, 90° and 135°) which is a strong measure of uniformity increases in SCI group. Correlation (measure of gray level linear dependency of the image) shows different trends in directions of 45°, 90° and 135° and homogeneity (measures the closeness of the distribution of elements in the GLCM to the GLCM diagonal) in direction of 90° increases in SCI population. In the higher order texture feature analysis entropy (in diagonal and vertical directions) shows significant decrease and energy (in vertical direction) shows significant increase in SCI group.
These results show that texture descriptors
could be used a surrogate marker for quantification and visualization of the
spinal cord and has the potential to improve our understanding of damage and
recovery in diseased states of the spinal cord.Support
This work was
supported by National Institute of Neurological Disorders of the National
Institutes of Health under award number R01NS079635.Acknowledgements
No acknowledgement found.References
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