Comparison of non-Gaussian diffusion parameters using different diffusion times in head and neck tumors
Mami Iima1,2, Akira Yamamoto1, Ichiro Tateya3, Morimasa Kitamura3, Atsushi Suehiro3, Yo Kishimoto3, and Kaori Togashi1

1Department of Diagnostic Imaging and Nuclear Medicine, Graduate Schoolof Medicine, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, 2Hakubi Center for Advaned Research, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, 3Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery., Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan


The association of diffusion parameters in patients with head and neck cancers was investigated using the different diffusion times. Although ADCo significantly decreased (p<0.05) and fIVIM increased (p<0.05) using 51ms compared to 19.1ms, there was no difference of K values. The effects of the diffusion time on IVIM and non-Gaussian diffusion parameters are not clear in head and neck cancers. Our preliminary study requires further validation with shorter diffusion time or better SNR.


Diffusion MRI is found to be useful for the tumor characterization without the need for the contrast agents (1). Recently some groups have reported the possibility of different compartments of tissue molecules in the brain (2) or brain tumor xenograft models (3,4) using different diffusion times. Diffusion hindrance is supposed to increase with longer diffusion time, as more water molecules hit obstacles, such as cell membranes, the density of which increases in cancer tissues. Thus, our purpose was to investigate the association of diffusion parameters in patients with head and neck cancers, using the different diffusion times.

Material and Methods

This IRB approved prospective study included 10 patients diagnosed as head and neck tumors. Head and neck MRI was performed using a 3-T system (Prisma and Skyra; Siemens Healthcare) equipped with a dedicated head and neck coil. DWI MRI (WIP) images were acquired using 2 different diffusion times (diffusion gradient duration(δ): 12ms, and diffusion gradient separation(Δ): 23.1ms and 55ms, resulting in the effective diffusion time: 19.1 and 51ms), 8 b values of 0, 100, 200, 600, 1000, 1800, 2600, 3400 sec/mm2; repetition time/echo time; 4,900/87 ms; FOV: 180×180 mm2; matrix: 200×200; slice thickness: 4.0 mm; bandwidth 1680 Hz/Px, echo spacing: 0.71 ms and the total acquisition time was 5 min 14 sec.

ROIs were placed onto the lesion and images processing was performed using software implemented in Matlab (Mathwork, Natick, MA) comprising the following steps:

1/The corrected diffusion signal acquired with b>200 s/mm² was fitted using the kurtosis diffusion model to estimate ADCo and K (5):

S/So = exp[-bADCo + K(bADCo)²/6] [1]

where So is the theoretical signal acquired at b=0, ADCo the virtual ADC which would be obtained when b approaches 0, K the kurtosis parameter.

2/Then, the fitted diffusion signal component was subtracted from the corrected raw signal acquired with b<200s/mm² and the remaining signal was fitted using the IVIM model (5) to get estimates of the flowing blood fraction, fIVIM, and the pseudodiffusion, D*.

3/Synthetic ADC encompassing both Gaussian and non-Gaussian diffusion effects (6), sADCLb-Hb, was defined using only 2 b values as:

sADC Lb-Hb, = ln [S(Lb)/S(Hb)]/(Hb-Lb) [2]

here Lb is a low “key” b value and Hb is high “key” b value seleced to provide the highest sensitivity to non-Gaussian diffusion Lb and Hb: 200 and 1800 has been used in this study.


2 maxillary cancer, 6 pharyngeal cancer, and 2 laryngeal cancer were included in the study. The representative DWI/IVIM parametric maps of maxillary cancer are shown in Figure 1. ADCo value has decreased with the increase of diffusion time. There was an increase of fIVIM value with the diffusion time increased. There was no significant difference of K or sADC 200_1800 between the different diffusion times. Figure 2 demonstrates the comparison of DWI/IVIM parameters depending on the different diffusion times (19.1ms VS. 51ms). There was a decrease of ADCo (p<0.05) as well as increase of fIVIM (p<0.05) values using 51ms compared to 19.1ms.There was no significant difference of K between different diffusion times. sADC200_1800 value slightly decreased using 51ms, with no significant difference (p=0.13).


The decrease of ADCo values with the increase of diffusion time are well in agreement with the literature (4,7). However, no significant difference was observed in K value, which was not in agreement with the study using HCC xenograft model in mice (7). Considering no change of K value with different diffusion times, ADCo decrease and fIVIM increase might result from the artifact from the fitting rather than the increase of restricted diffusion in tumors (increased hindrance such as cell membranes). Sufficient SNR is important to evaluate the DWI images, particulary at high b values in head and neck region. The clinical investigation to associate IVIM/DWI parameters in tumors with different diffusion times has not been performed elsewhere as far as we know, and the development of clinical MRI scanner allowing shorter diffusion times such as OGSE and better SNR would be expected to investigate these effects further.


Although ADCo significantly decreased and fIVIM increased using 51ms compared to 19.1ms, the effects of the diffusion time on IVIM and non-Gaussian diffusion parameters are not clear in head and neck cancers. Our preliminary study requires further validation with shorter diffusion time or better SNR.


The authors would like to thank Mr. Yuta Urushibata and Mr.Katsutoshi Murata from Siemens Healthcare K.K. for their technical support in this work, and Dr. Thorsten Feiweier from Siemens Healthcare for the support in providing WIP sequence.


(1) Le Bihan D et al. Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging: What Water Tells Us about Biological Tissues. PLoS Biol. 2015 Jul; 13(7): e1002203

(2) Pyatigorskaya N et al. Relationship between the diffusion time and the diffusion MRI signal observed at 17.2 Tesla in the healthy rat brain cortex. Magn Reson Med. 2014;72:492-500

(3) Reynaud O et al. Surface-to-volume ratio mapping of tumor microstructure using oscillating gradient diffusion weighted imaging. Magn Reson Med. 2016 Jul;76:237-47

(4) Hope et al. Demonstration of Non-Gaussian Restricted Diffusion in Tumor Cells Using Diffusion Time-Dependent Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging Contrast. Front Oncol. 2016; 6:179

(5) Iima M et al. Quantitative Non-Gaussian Diffusion and Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Differentiation of Malignant and Benign Breast Lesions. Investigative Radiology 2015:50:205-11

(6) Iima M et al. Clinical Intravoxel Incoherent Motion and Diffusion MR Imaging: Past, Present and Future. Radiology 2016;278:1

(7) Iima M et al. Investigation of diffusion signal behavior at different diffusion times in a human hepatocellular carcinoma xenograft model. Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting of ISMRM, Singapore, 2016, p. 3418


T2WI, DWI with b value of 3400 sec/mm2 (left side), and ADCo, K, fIVIM, and sADC200-1800 parametric maps using the diffusion time of 19.1ms (upper row) and 51ms (lower row) of right maxillary tumor. The tumor observed in white rectangle on T2WI was analyzed. The decrease of ADCo and sADC values as well as the increase of fIVIM values was found with the increase of diffusion time, while there was no remarkable change of K.

Figure 2. Box-whisker plots for ADCo, K, fIVIM and sADC200-1800 at two different diffusion times.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 25 (2017)