Aim of this study was to test two available methods (FSL-SIENAx/SIENA and Icometrix-MSmetrix) used for brain atrophy estimation on MR images of multiple sclerosis (MS) patients for a future clinical use. The accuracy and precision of these methods, as well as their main steps, were evaluated on 3D-T1 and 3DT2-FLAIR sequences of a simulated dataset, MRI of MS patients acquired at different scanners, field strengths, and on longitudinal dataset. From the comparison, SIENAx/SIENA showed a worst image registration, brain extraction and higher dependence on image acquisition quality than MSmetrix software. FSL pipelines showed better accuracy for cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis.
A wide dataset composed by 3DT2-FLAIR and 3DT1-weighted MRI sequences was arranged. It consisted of 1) simulated data with different levels of noise, intensities non-uniformities and mild and severe lesion loads; 2) 10 MS patients with a scan/rescan MRI, acquired within the same day on a 3T Siemens, 3T Philips, and 3T GE scanners (all patients were acquired on all MR scanners); 3) 16 MS patients with two scans acquired on the same day on both a 1.5T Philips and a 3T Philips scanner; 4) MRI scans of 24 patients acquired in a multicenter (2 centers) context at baseline and 1 year follow-up. A MRI simulator was developed for the creation of the simulated data. The digital brain phantoms with mild and severe lesion load (respectively 0.42 and 10.1 ml), tissue MR parameters and Intensity non-uniformity (INU) fields available from BrainWeb6 were used. Standard 1.5T parameters were included into the Steady-state Bloch equation to obtain T1-weighted and FLAIR sequences (Figure 1):
For this study, the free available FSL-SIENAx/SIENA1 and the commercial IcoMetrix-MSmetrix,7 for both the cross-sectional and the longitudinal atrophy assessment, were selected. Both software were run on the dataset provided. In particular, for FSL-Brain Extraction Tool the optimized parameters according to a validation work were used.8 The main steps that compose each atrophy pipeline were identified and quantitative measures were formulated to assess each step: image registrations were evaluated using the percentage of normalized mutual information (NMI%) between the registered image and the reference one; brain extraction and lesion segmentation were assessed using the Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) against manual segmentation (gold standard). Lesion segmentation was evaluated only for MSmetrix software, since FSL does not include this step into the pipeline. Moreover, for both pipelines the accuracy in brain and GM volume calculation on simulated dataset was estimated considering the dependency on image noise, INU and lesion load.
ACCURACY(percentage)={1-[(VOLUME(measured) - VOLUME(real))/(VOLUME(real))]}*100
Finally, the precision in the estimation of the output (brain and GM volume) and the accuracy in longitudinal atrophy assessment were evaluated on repeated scan of MS patients.
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