Tumor delineation in radiotherapy planning of high grade glioma is challenging due to infiltrative growth patterns and physiological tumor heterogeneity. We used random forest machine learning to classify tissue types and predict tumor progression based on parameters derived from multi-modal functional and metabolic imaging. In an integrative approach, eight patients with recurrent high grade glioma were investigated retrospectively, and the resulting predicted tumor volumes were compared to standard T1 weighted contrast-enhanced MRI based segmentations. Predictions of tumor tissue could identify original tumor volumes well and yielded promising results with respect to tumor progression in terms of sensitivity and specificity.
Eight patients with recurrent HGG were investigated retrospecitvely. Clinical characteristics are presented in figure 1. All patients underwent carbon ion irradiation at our center3. No surgical resection was performed, which simplified identification of voxels between time-points. Patients showed progression of disease during follow-up.
The Medical Imaging Interaction ToolKit4 was used to develop a pipeline for tissue classification with random forests5 based on multimodal imaging. The workflow for training and prediction of the random forest is illustrated in figure 2. The original initial tumor volume was derived from the radiotherapy gross tumor volume (GTV). The progress volume (GTVprog) was contoured based on the progress confirming follow-up MRI by a radiotherapist. A training classification was derived by associating each image voxel with either one of the following labels:
- Cerebrospinal fluid
- Healthy brain
- Tumor before radiotherapy (GTV)
- Progress after radiotherapy (GTV \ GTVProg)
For classification features, focus was set on the physiological imaging modalities shown in figure 3, including T2 FLAIR MRI, diffusion MRI ADC maps, parameters derived from non-compartmental DCE-MRI (area-under-curve, mean-residence-time, maximum concentration), 18F-FET PET SUV and irradiated dose. Patients were analyzed in a leave-one-out manner, by training the forest based on images of seven patients and predicting tissue classification in the 8th patient. In the following, the predicted initial tumor before therapy is denoted as initial tumor mass ITMPred, whereas the predicted progress (GTV + progression after therapy) is referred to as progress tumor mass PTMPred. Prediction volumes Vpred were evaluated by calculating the intersection with the MRI based contours VGTV. Two parameters were defined for quantitative analysis: Sensitivity=Vpred∩VGTVVGTV Specificity=Vpred∩VGTVVPred
1 Gaspar, L. E., Fisher, B. J., Macdonald, D. R., Leber, D. V., Halperin, E. C., Schold, S. C. and Cairncross, J. G. ‘Supratentorial malignant glioma: patterns of recurrence and implications for external beam local treatment.’, International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics 24.1 (1992), 55–57
2 Breiman, L. ‘Random forests.’, Machine Learning 45.1 (2001), 5–32.
3 Combs, S. E., Burkholder, I., Edler, L., Rieken, S., Habermehl, D., Jäkel, O., Haberer, T., Haselmann, R., Unterberg, A., Wick, W. et al. ‘Randomised phase I/II study to evaluate carbon ion radiotherapy versus fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy in patients with recurrent or progressive gliomas: the CINDERELLA trial.’, BMC Cancer 10.1 (2010), 533.
4 Wolf, I., Vetter, M., Wegner, I., Böttger, T., Nolden, M., Schöbinger, M., Hastenteufel, M., Kunert, T. and Meinzer, H.-P. ‘The medical imaging interaction toolkit.’, Medical Image Analysis 9.6 (2005), 594–604.
5 Köthe, U. et al. ‘VIGRA-Vision with Generic Algorithms’, Cognitive Systems Group (2008), University of Hamburg, Germany
6 Weber, C., Götz, M., Binczyck, F., Polanska, J., Tarnawski, R., Bobek-Billewicz, B., Meinzer, H.-P., Stieltjes, B. and Maier-Hein, K. ‘Überwachtes Lernen zur Prädiktion von Tumorwachstum.’, Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin (2015), Springer, pp. 473– 478.