Jascha Zapp1, Sebastian Domsch1, Sebastian Weingärtner1,2,3, and Lothar R Schad1
1Computer Assisted Clinical Medicine, Heidelberg University, Mannheim, Germany, 2Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States, 3Center for Magnetic Resonance Research, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States
reversible transverse relaxation time is currently under investigation as a
promising biomarker for diagnosis of lung diseases. We propose an enhanced
point-resolved spectroscopy sequence for precise relaxation quantification with
self-navigation robust to breathing state variation. The obtained relaxation
times show evidence for sensitivity to tissue structure alteration during
normal breathing. This approach potentially enables a precise assessment of
tissue structure in pulmonary diseases such as fibrosis and COPD.
reversible transverse relaxation time has potential as a clinical biomarker for
the assessment of tissue structure in diseased lungs, which has been
demonstrated in COPD patients1. Recently, a point-resolved
spectroscopy (PRESS) sequence combined with Gaussian relaxation model was
presented for relaxation time measurements with increased precision2. However, to obtain sufficient signal-to-noise ratio long acquisition
times and multiple averages are required. This renders the method sensitive
towards the level of lung inflation, which is subject to breathing motion, and
is known to induce changes in the relaxation time. These breathing artifacts
are a common source of misdiagnosis. Therefore, the aim of this work was to
integrate a self-navigation technique into a PRESS sequence for precise
relaxation quantification in human lungs robust to variation in the breathing
Self-navigation3 was integrated into a PRESS sequence4 with
Mao-optimized refocusing pulses5 and crusher gradients6 as schematically visualized in Fig.1.
total, 24 measurements were performed, 12 with two (2 males: 26 and 29 years
old) healthy volunteers (6 ROIs for each subject, normal breathing only) at
each field strength. ROIs were positioned in the upper lungs at height of the
aortic arch, where little breathing motion was expected, as shown in
were acquired using a 1.5T and 3T MR system (Magnetom Avanto and Trio, Siemens
Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany) with manufacturer provided thorax/spine coils as
receiver. The following sequence parameters were used for all measurements:
voxel volume 10x10x20mm3; TE/TR=27/300msec; 500 repetitions; acquisition
time=150sec; ADC for navigation: 32 data points sampled with BW=28-120kHz; ADC
for pulmonary relaxation: between 2,080 and 2,112 data points sampled with
BW=10kHz and nominal spectral resolution of 0.005kHz, that is ADC duration of
0.2sec, which enabled the extraction of a sufficient number of noise samples at
the end of the ADC sampling interval for error estimation of the signal
gating was performed retrospectively. The repetitions of each measurement were
classified into two breathing states, expiration and inspiration, depending on
their low pass filtered (pass band < 0.6Hz, stop band > 0.7Hz) navigator
signal phase or magnitude, as described below. Since the phase and magnitude
are not necessarily well correlated and their polarity can vary with ROI
position, a smoothed (span=5) histogram of the navigator signal time response
with 30 bins was used for automated breathing state classification including
selection of phase or magnitude for gating. For all measurements, the
histogram’s peak with the smallest width at 80% of the maximum height was
classified as expiration and the associated signal component (phase or
magnitude) was chosen for gating.
signal relaxations were obtained by coherently averaging the signals of the
repetition of the respective breathing state class. The Gaussian relaxation
model, used for the determination of the Gaussian relaxation time T2’,G, and
the fitting procedure were as previously reported2.Results and Discussion
Fig.3 presents the relaxation times of the Gaussian model T2’,G
for all measurements. Expiration and inspiration can be significantly
discriminated in 7 out of 24 cases (1.5T: Subj.1/ROI3, Subj.2/ROI2+6; 3T:
Subj.1/ROI1+4, Subj.2/ROI3+4). Hence, different breathing states during
acquisition can influence relaxation times even in upper lung regions, where
little breathing motion was expected. Except for one of these 7 cases (3T:
Subj.2/ROI3), the relaxation times for inspiration are lower than that for
expiration as expected.
Fig.4 illustrates the navigator signal characteristics together with the
differently gated pulmonary signal relaxations of one exemplary measurement
(1.5T: Subj.1/ROI3). Both phase and magnitude of the navigator signal oscillate
around their respective mean value at the characteristic breathing frequency of
about 0.2-0.3Hz. Depending on the ROI position, the navigator signal phase or
magnitude can exhibit typically high counts around end-expiratory values and
therefore both components are valuable for automated breathing state
this study we have proven the feasibility of a self-navigated PRESS sequence
for precise reversible transverse relaxation quantification in human lungs
robust to breathing state variation. The resulting relaxation times T2’,G show
evidence for sensitivity to tissue structure alteration caused by normal
breathing and hence represent a promising biomarker for tissue structure
assessment in pulmonary diseases such as fibrosis and COPD.Acknowledgements
We thank Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft for financial support (grant number: DFG SCHA546/14-2).References
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