Fluorinated gases as hexafluorane (SF6) may be used to visualize ventilations in lungs clinical and preclinical acquisitions. SF6 is characterized by T1 ~ T2* ~ 1 ms, therefore is best visualized with sequences allowing for short TR and TE, such as 3D UTE. SNR is generally limited by low spin density and low thermal polarization. In this work, we applied a density-adapted sampling scheme, previously developed for 23Na imaging, to the visualization of SF6 in phantom and in-vivo lung mice acquisitions. We verified that it increases image SNR and sharpness with respect to regular sampling without significant drawbacks.
All acquisitions were performed with an 11.7 T small animal system (BioSpec 117/16, Bruker, Ettlingen, Germany) using a 1H/19F Tx/Rx volume coil from the same vendor. A DA sampling was implemented for a 3D UTE sequence. The gradient shape was defined as :
where GDA is the maximum gradient strength in DA UTE, tramp is the ramp time of the gradient , tlin defines the end of the constant part of the gradient, tacq is the acquisition length for a single spoke, γ the gyromagnetic ratio divided by 2π, and k is the k-space radius, with kDA= k(tlin).
The gradients of the conventional UTE acquisition were trapezoidal with maximum gradient Gute defined as:
Grad{\tiny UTE} (t) =\begin{cases} \frac{G\tiny UTE}{t\tiny ramp}t & 0<t\leq t\tiny ramp \\G\tiny UTE & {t\tiny{ramp}} <t \leq t\tiny acq \\ \end{cases}
Acquisitions were performed on a phantom, composed of 4 small glass vials containing 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% SF6 at 105 Pa and a plastic balloon filled with pure SF6 at the start of the acquisition. The acquisition parameters are listed in Table 1. In-vivo acquisitions were performed on 3 BalbC mice. Animals were anesthetized with an intraperitoneal injection of ketamin (2 mg/30 g) and xylazine (0.4 mg/30 g). Gas was delivered through a mask positioned outside the coil. Under air ventilation, a 1H 3D UTE scan was acquired for lung anatomy (TR = 4 ms, TE= 0.008 ms, FA= 3°, pixels 128x128x128, FOV 40x40x40 mm, acquisition time of 3min25s). The delivered gas was switched to a mixture of 80% SF6 and 20% O2. A 19F DA 3D UTE and a 19F 3D UTE scans were acquired. The acquisition parameters are listed in Table 1. Trajectory data was acquired afterward on a 1H phantom with the software tool made available from the vendor. All images were reconstructed with in-house developed software implemented in Matlab (The MathWorks, Natick, MA-US). In-vivo images were filtered with a 3x3x3 gaussian filter (σ = 2.8). A 2D Sobel operator was applied to axial and coronal slices to emphasize edges. SNR was calculated in phantom drawing Region of Interest (ROIs) inside (signal) and outside (noise) the balloon. For the in-vivo acquisition, ROIs were drawn in 3 coronal slices corresponding to the lung region (signal) and in correspondence of the liver (noise). A Rician correction was applied.
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