The feasibility and suitability of using compressed sensing to accelerate the acquisition of 3D lung ventilation images with hyperpolarized 129Xe and to enable same-breath anatomical 1H imaging was investigated. Fully sampled and prospective data were acquired from one healthy smoker. Retrospective simulations showed a good agreement between fully sampled and reconstructed images using different error metrics. The method was further validated by comparing quantitative imaging metrics; percentage ventilated volume, distribution of signal intensity and maps of coefficient of variation in prospectively acquired data. The results indicate that the method can be implemented for clinical evaluation in patients with lung diseases.
A fully sampled (FS) 3D HP 129Xe ventilation dataset was acquired on a GE HDx 1.5T MR scanner (using 800 mL of 129Xe at ~25% polarization, 7 mixed with 200 mL of N2) from one healthy smoker (male, 31 years, FEV1 z-score>-1.64) in order to perform retrospective CS simulations and optimize the undersampling scheme. Imaging parameters were: 3D balanced steady-state free-precession 8 pulse sequence with elliptical-centric encoding, 96x78x32 matrix, FOV: 40x32.5x24 cm3, TE/TR: 3.6/7.6 ms, bandwidth: ±8.06 kHz, scan time of 19 s. Elliptical-centric encoding strategy was chosen for both FS and subsequent prospective under-sampled acquisitions in order to maximise image SNR. CS-reconstruction fidelity was evaluated with different image metrics including mean absolute error (MAE) and root mean square error (RMSE) of signal intensity in the original size images and pixel-by-pixel comparison in the segmented ventilated volume of the DICOM images (256x256x32 matrix). Coefficient of variation (CoV) of the ventilated lung 9 was also evaluated. After CS optimization, additional 3D FS and CS accelerated prospective acquisitions (acceleration factor AF = 3) of both HP 129Xe and 1H data were acquired in the same breath-hold. The anatomical 1H sequence was a fast spoiled gradient echo with the same resolution as the HP 129Xe ventilation image but with a square in-plane FOV of 40x40 cm2 (TE/TR: 0.6/1.9 ms, bandwidth: ±83.3 kHz, partial Fourier encoding in the frequency direction of 0.8 and acquisition time of 6 s). %VV values and CoV maps from FS and CS datasets were calculated using a semi-automated segmentation software 10 and compared. Additionally, both CS and FS HP 129Xe ventilation images were registered to each other to evaluate pixel-by-pixel correlation of signal intensity.Results and Discussion
A good preservation of image details and quantitative ventilation metrics was observed in retrospectively undersampled datasets (Figure 1 and Table 1). As expected with higher AF, there was lesser agreement between FS and CS reconstructed data due to increase low-pass filtering of the images. This resulted in more homogeneous signal distributions and reduction of mean CoV (Figure 2 and Table 1). A CS sampling pattern with AF = 3 (Figure 2a) enabled a reduction of breath-hold time from 28 s to 15 s and was used for prospective acquisition of same breath HP 129Xe and 1H images. A difference of 0.4% in %VV (Figure 3) was found between prospective FS (95.8 %VV) and CS (96.2 %VV) dataset, which is well below the previously-calculated mean inter-observer error (7%) using the same software.10 Example slices of 129Xe CoV maps and histograms are shown in Figure 4. Mean (± standard deviation) CoV value of the ventilated lung were in good agreement (11.1 ± 8.3% for FS and 11.2 ± 8.9% for CS).Conclusion
We have demonstrated the feasibility of acquiring 3D HP 129Xe lung ventilation images and anatomical 1H images in the same breath using compressed sensing. A good qualitative agreement was found between a FS and prospective CS datasets and quantitative analysis of the images showed that %VV, pixel-by-pixel comparison of signal intensity and CoV histograms were in good agreement. This method is therefore ready for clinical evaluation in lung disease patients.1. Horn F, et al. Lung ventilation volumetry with same-breath acquisition of hyperpolarized gas and proton MRI. NMR in biomedicine. 2014;27(12):1461-7.
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