Averi Kitsch1,2, Brian Johnston1,2, Savannah Partridge1,2, and Habib Rahbar1,2
1Radiology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, United States, 2Breast Imaging, Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, Seattle, WA, United States
carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is a pre-invasive breast cancer that may be
overtreated due to lack of reliable clinical and pathological prognostic
features. Kinetics parameters on dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI have shown
promise as breast cancer risk biomarkers. We compared imaging parameters of
lesions and normal breast tissue between patients with DCIS recurrence and
matched controls and found that patients with larger lesions with higher signal
enhancement ratio (SER) and higher background parenchymal enhancement (BPE) on
preoperative MRI were more likely to recur. These MRI biomarkers show promise
for decreasing DCIS overtreatment and warrant further study in larger cohorts.
carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is a pre-invasive breast cancer that accounts for 17%–34%
of cancers detected by screening mammography, with an estimated 61,000 new
cases in the US in 2016.1 While some clinical, histologic2
and genetic3 features have been shown to correlate with risk of
recurrence, these features are not reliable enough to guide therapies. As a
result, the majority of DCIS lesions are treated aggressively due to an
inability to differentiate indolent from aggressive disease, leading to
overtreatment. Functional breast MRI parameters of lesions and background
parenchymal enhancement (BPE) in normal tissue have shown promise as breast
cancer risk biomarkers.4-6 However, few studies to date have explored
the relationship of such MRI features with meaningful clinical outcomes for
DCIS. Therefore, we aimed to assess whether preoperative MRI features can
predict DCIS recurrence after treatment.Methods
this IRB approved, HIPAA compliant study, we retrospectively identified all
patients diagnosed with pure DCIS who underwent preoperative MRI from 2004
through 2013 and had an ipsilateral recurrence (defined as a new diagnosis of
DCIS or invasive breast cancer) at least 6 months after definitive
surgical treatment. For each index case, a DCIS control patient who did not
recur was identified, rigorously matched on multiple clinical (age ± 4 years;
BRCA status; menopausal status; prior chemoprevention), Van Nuys Pathologic Grade
(nuclear grade/comedonecrosis), estrogen receptor status, final
surgical margins in accordance with the Van Nuys Prognostic Index7 classification
(widely free margins ≥10mm, intermediate margins of 1-9 mm, and involved or
close margins <1 mm), endocrine therapy, and radiation therapy. Preoperative
MRI scans were performed at 1.5T or 3T using a dedicated breast coil and imaging
protocol in accordance with American Colleges of Radiology breast MRI guidelines,
which included a T1-weighted, fat-suppressed dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI
sequence. 3D quantitative MRI features were assessed for lesion and ipsilateral
normal breast tissue using in-house, semiautomatic software tools.8,9 Enhancement kinetics were calculated for lesion
voxels that demonstrated ≥50%
increase in signal from pre-contrast to first post-contrast images, and
included percent enhancement (PE) (eq.1)and SER (eq.2): PE=SI1−SI0SI0×100 (eq.1), SER=SI1−SI0SI2−SI0×100 (eq.2), where
SI0, SI1 and SI2 are the signal intensities
for the pre-contrast, ~2 min initial post contrast, and ≥4.5 min delayed post contrast images,
respectively. Functional volume was calculated as the sum of all lesion voxels
with PE ≥50%, and washout fraction was defined as the percentage of lesion
voxels with SER ≥1.1. BPE maps were generated for the normal tissue at varying PE
thresholds (5-50%) (eq.1). Quantitative normal tissue features of BPE volume
and BPE mean were calculated by summing the volume or averaging the percent
enhancements of each voxel of the BPE map, respectively. Mammographic breast density
was also recorded. Differences in lesion and BPE features between the DCIS
recurrence and control cohorts were evaluated by Wilcoxon signed
rank test or Pearson’s chi-squared test, and an optimal enhancement threshold
for BPE metrics was identified based on areas under the receiver operator
characteristic curve (AUCs). Results
were identified in 14/415 (3.4%) women with pure DCIS who underwent preoperative
MRI during the study timeframe. Due to the rigorous matching criteria, matched
controls could not be identified for 3/14 cases. Thus, a total of 22 patients (11
with and 11 without ipsilateral recurrence) were included. For the 11 included recurrence
cases, median age was 46 (range: 33-78) years and median time to recurrence was
14 (6-60) months. Median follow-up time for control cases was 92 (42-130)
months. Compared to the matched controls, DCIS recurrence cases exhibited
significantly (p < 0.05) higher lesion peak SER, lesion volume, and BPE mean
on preoperative MRI, Table 1 and Figure 1. A 10% PE threshold was observed to
optimize model performance for BPE metrics. Mammographic density was not
significantly different between recurrence cases and their matched controls (p =
0.34). Conclusions
recurrence after treatment was a rare event in this patient population, in
keeping with general concerns of overtreatment. Women who did experience a
recurrence had DCIS lesions that demonstrated a larger volume on DCE MRI with
higher levels of SER than women who did not recur, suggesting functional MRI
measurements of size and vascularity have prognostic value. Furthermore, women
who recurred also demonstrated increased enhancement (BPE) in surrounding
normal tissue than those women who did not, suggesting MRI can identify normal
tissue environments that are more likely to promote recurrence after treatment.
These findings suggest that MRI biomarkers are promising for use to decrease
DCIS overtreatment and warrant further study in larger cohorts.Acknowledgements
This research was supported by a RSNA Research Scholar
Grant (Rahbar), an
ISMRM 2013-2014 Seed Grant, and a gift from the Safeway Foundation.References
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