Diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) has applications in the screening, diagnosis, and treatment monitoring of breast cancer, but its clinical value in is limited by the low resolution and artifacts of standard methods. In this work we compared a standard method with two high-resolution techniques: read-out segmented EPI (RS-EPI) and single-shot simultaneous multi-slice EPI with in-plane slice encoding (SMS-IPSE). Both the SMS-IPSE and RS-EPI methods can produce high-resolution, accurate diffusion-weighted images at the cost of decreased SNR within a clinically practical 5-minute time window, enabling the detection of smaller lesions.
All measurements were performed on a Siemens 3 T PrismaFit scanner using a 16-channel Sentinelle breast coil. Three protocols using different sequences were configured to acquire bilateral axial ADC measurements within a time constraint of approximately 5 minutes (details Table 1). The standard protocol was based on the ACRIN 6698 clinical trial (6) and used a single-shot SE-EPI axial acquisition with nominal resolution 1.7 x 1.7 x 4 mm (11.6 μL). The RS-EPI protocol was based on Wisner et al.’s implementation of readout segmented EPI (4, 7) with 5 readout (RO) segments and nominal resolution 1.8 x 1.8 x 2.4 mm (7.8 μL). The third protocol used simultaneous multi-slice (SMS) and a strategy termed in-plane slice encoding (IPSE), in which slice-encoding is used for high-resolution encoding in the primary viewing plane, and phase encoding is used in the lower-resolution through-plane direction (8-10). This SMS-IPSE protocol had a nominal resolution of 1.25 x 1.25 x 2.5 mm (3.9 μL). A standard anatomical T2-weighted image was also acquired.
To compare spatial resolution and validate ADC values, phantom measurements were performed using a breast phantom featuring multiple ADC compartments, resolution grids, and solutions relaxation-matched to breast tissues (11,12). In vivo studies were acquired on seven normal volunteers and two patients under IRB-approved protocols.
Phantom measurements: A comparison of the resolution with all methods is given in Figure 1. The SMS-IPSE protocol demonstrated resolution comparable to the T2-weighted anatomical image. The smallest detectable feature size in the SMS-IPSE image is 0.5 mm, compared to 0.75 mm in both standard and RS-EPI images. All three protocols measure similar ADC values (Figure 2).
In vivo measurements: Figure 3 compares ADC maps across all methods for the nine subjects. Overall, SMS-IPSE provides finer spatial detail but substantially lower SNR than both RS-EPI and the standard method. All three methods have Nyquist ghosts in some cases. Figure 4 shows an example from a patient with a malignant lesion of 8 mm in its longest dimension. The in vivo resolution of the SMS-IPSE protocol is comparable to that of the T2-weighted anatomical image. In the ADC maps, the lesion is not easily detectible using standard methods due to partial volume effects and low resolution. While the lesion is visible in both the RS-EPI and SMS-IPSE methods, the SMS-IPSE ADC map most clearly characterizes the lesion with a low ADC, whereas RS-EPI is hindered by partial volume effects.
NIH P41 EB015894
NIH R21 CA 201834
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