Yi Wang1, Yang Fan2, and Jia-Hong Gao1
1Center for MRI Research, Peking University, Beijing, People's Republic of China, 2MR Research Group, GE Healthcare China, Beijing, People's Republic of China
Chemical exchange effect can be evaluated by
off-resonance spin-lock sequence (CESL), but it remains unclear whether the
effect is accurately reflected. In this study, with the help of perturbation of
longitudinal relaxation rate in rotating frame (PLRF) analysis, we quantitatively
compared signal from CESL and chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST)
sequences and tested the condition for acquiring high-quality signal from CESL
sequence which can accurately reflect chemical exchange effect.
Besides the conventional chemical exchange saturation
transfer (CEST) sequence, an off-resonance spin-lock (CESL) sequence can also be
applied to evaluate chemical exchange effect1,2. The advantage of
CESL sequence over CEST sequence is the reduction of saturation time. However, with
an inhomogeneous B0 field, the
angle of the rotation pulses in CESL sequence would not be ideal, which may
probably affect the accuracy of CESL signal. Till now, few studies focus on
whether the CESL signal is still accurate with B0 inhomogeneity. Using
perturbation of longitudinal relaxation rate in rotating frame (PLRF) analysis,
we compared the signals from short-saturation-time CESL sequence and
long-saturation-time CEST sequence to evaluate the accuracy of the CESL signal.THEORY
Based on analytical solution of Z-value, the process
of chemical saturation transfer with saturation pulse amplitude B1 and
frequency offset Δω could
be treated as T1ρ relaxation
along the direction of →ωeff=(γB1,0,△ω) tilted
by an angle θ=arctan(γB1/△ω) off
the Z axis, combined with T2ρ relaxation perpendicular to the
direction of →ωeff 2,3. If the
magnetization along T2ρ direction (MT2ρ) has
a nonzero contribution to the final magnetization along Z axis before signal
acquisition, the signal would be contaminated, which places constrains on
repeatable quantifications in practice. To avoid the contamination
from MT2ρ in
CESL sequence, the flip angle of the rotation pulses β is frequency offsets variedly set to θ. It is theoretically ideal, but would be problematic
with an inhomogeneous B0 field.
As a result, the acquired signal at any offset may be significantly biased. To overcome this problem,
a fixed flip angle (FA) β could be applied. Thus, the contamination from MT2ρ would probably be neglected or near a given frequency
offset which satisfies β≈θ. It should be noticed that a change in saturation time
(tsat) would result in an alteration of ΔZ, therefore, to compare the signal from CESL sequence (short tsat) with that from conventional CEST sequence (long tsat) PLRF analysis is used for quantification,
specifically, for converting traditional to ΔR1ρ and/or SPACER3. EXPERIMENTS
with glucose
and glutamate (GL phantom) or
bovine serum albumin (BSA phantom) were prepared and used to
test the effect of CESL. MnCl2 was added into phantoms for adjusting
relaxation times. Continuous
wave rectangular saturation pulse followed by a SE-EPI sequence was used for
CEST imaging, in which B1=1μT, TR=2s and tsat=1.5s. were
applied. CESL sequences with or without a fixed flip angle (β=14.93°) were
tested. For both kinds of CESL sequences, two B0 inhomogeneity (ΔB0=30Hz and 50Hz) and
three tsat (516ms,
258ms, and 129ms) as well as B1=1μT and TR=2s were
applied for imaging. The corresponding maps of B1, T1 and T2 were
also obtained for quantification.RESULT
from the CEST sequence is treated as the gold standard to measure chemical
transfer effect. If a fixed flip angle is not applied, the accuracy of CESL
signal will strongly depend on B0 inhomogeneity (ΔB0). When
facing relative small ΔB0 (e.g.
30Hz), after quantification, the spectra (ΔR1ρ and SPACER) from
CESL sequence fits fairly well to the corresponding spectra from CEST sequence
in the range of 1ppm to 4ppm, although with a decreased tsat there
is a little difference between each pair of spectra (Fig. 1). However,
when a relative larger ΔB0 comes (e.g.
50Hz), the spectra (ΔR1ρ and SPACER) from
CESL sequence have poor performance. Specifically, in the range from 1ppm to
2ppm (Fig. 2), significant
difference exists between these spectra and corresponding spectra from CEST
sequence. On the contrary, if a fixed flip angle is applied, in the offset
range near the frequency offset satisfying β=θ, specifically Δω round 160Hz for β=14.93° and B1=1μT, the
spectra (ΔR1ρ and SPACER) from
CESL sequence are nearly identical to the corresponding spectra from CEST
sequence, despite the values of ΔB0 and tsat (Fig. 3, 4). DISCUSSION and CONCLUSION
CESL sequence is feasible in measuring chemical exchange effect with a shorter
saturation time than that required by the CEST sequence. This study reveals
that when there is great difference between θ and the
flip angle β, CESL
sequence cannot provide reliable signal. To ensure the CESL signal is of high
quality, the B0 inhomogeneity
should be relative small and tsat should
be relative large; or a fixed flip angle β could
be applied to maintain the high quality of CESL signal at the offset satisfying β≈θ. Acknowledgements
No acknowledgement found.References
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Med 2016; in press