In this study, we proposed a Z-spectrum fitting
method based upon Lorentzian Probabilistic Sum (LPS) for computing CEST and NOE
contrast. Proposed fitting method was tested on multi-pool Z-spectra data
acquired using simulations and from in-vivo
human brain data at 7T. Proposed fitting results were compared with asymmetry
analysis and another fitting method based on Linear Sum (LS) of Lorentzian
functions. Results of this study show that both LPS and LS nicely fit
z-spectra; however, LPS provide more accurate estimation of NOE and CEST
contrast. Therefore, proposed LPS model can be used for improved estimation of
separate CEST and NOE components.
Z-spectra1,2 has
been used to study magnetization transfer (MT)3, chemical exchange
saturation transfer (CEST)4-7 and exchange relayed Nuclear
Overhauser enhancement (rNOE)8-10 effects. For in-vivo data, Z-spectrum is a function11
of direct saturation (DS), MT, CEST and rNOE effects. CEST contrast is
generally computed using CEST asymmetry analysis which provides a mixed
contrast from CEST, NOE and MT. Computation of individual CEST and
NOE contrast is challenging task; alternative Z-spectra fitting based methods are
being developed11. Linear Sum of Lorentzians (LS)12,13 has been used for computing
individual contrast components14. Recently, Z-Spectra fitting
using Lorentzian Probabilistic Summation
(LPS) for two pools followed by subtraction was used to compute CrCEST12 . In
this study, we propose a Z-spectrum
fitting approach based upon LPS for multi-pool (three, four and five) data and
compare the accuracy of results with conventional asymmetry and LS fitting for simulation and experimental data.METHODS
Numerical Simulation: For generating simulated Z-spectra,
Bloch equation with three or four pool model was
used9,15. Three types of Z-spectra were generated:
Z-spectra with DS, MT, CEST, NOE ; with DS, MT, NOE ;
with DS, MT, CEST for
different saturation amplitude (root mean square B1 (B1rms)) (0.35
µT, 0.7 µT,
1.05 µT, 1.4 µT, 2.1 µT, 2.8µT) and duration 1s, 2s, 3s.
Parameters12 for simulations are shown in Table-1.
data acquisition: In-vivo MRI
experiments were performed on 7T whole body human MRI scanner
(Siemens, Germany) using a pulse sequence reported previously16. The study protocol consisted of the
following steps: localizer, WASSR17, CEST and B1 map data
collection. Data were acquired at following frequency offsets (∆ω):±0 to ±5ppm
with 0.5ppm steps; ±6 to ±12 ppm with 1ppm steps. For CEST data, a saturation
pulse length of 1s and multiple B1rms of 0.7 µT, 1.4 µT, 2.2 µT, 2.9µT were used.
Fitting functions and Procedures:
In the
current study, we fitted two types of Lorentzian functions18 to z-spectra – LPS and LS
Where, Li (i=1 to 5) are the Lorentzian
functions described as
where A =amplitude, W=width, C =center, X =offset
Analysis : CEST asymmetry calculated as:
CEST_{asy}(∆ω) = [(M_{sat}(-∆ω)–M_{sat}(+∆ω)) /M_{sat}(-∆ω)]\times100
where Msat(±∆ω) are water
magnetization obtained at ‘+’ or ‘–’ ∆ω.
All Data analysis was performed using in-house
developed routines in MATLAB. At first Z-spectra fitting was performed on
simulated data. Accuracy of fitting and contrast computation was evaluated by
comparing with asymmetry analysis, particularly for 3-pool model. This was
followed by voxel-wise fitting of human brain z-spectra data.
Fig.1shows that both model fits nicely (Goodness of fit (R2) ≈ 0.99) for different saturation
parameters. NOE contrast using asymmetry (NOE_asy) is negative while it is
positive using LPS and LS fitting approaches (Fig.2). While comparing NOE_fit
with asymmetry analysis, we took absolute value of NOE_asy (abs_NOE_asy). In
the case of three pool model (Fig.2, column-2), NOE contrast using LPS fitting
(NOE_fit_LPS) at -3.5ppm provides almost similar values to that of abs_NOE_asy
(Fig. 3). Similarly, CEST analysis, three pool model (Fig.2, column-3), from
LPS is comparable to conventional CEST asymmetry (CESTasy) analysis.
Results shows that LS model provides underestimation of CEST and NOE contrast
compared to asymmetry analysis. Model fitted on different pulse saturation
durations having same B1rms shows similar result. LPS and LS also fits well for
in-vivo human data at 7T (Fig. 4,
row-1). LS shows underestimation for fitting human Z-spectra (Fig. 4, row-2)
Fitting based approaches
provide separate estimation of contrast from individual pools. LPS model provide more accurate estimation of
CEST and NOE contrast compared to LS. Main reason for underestimation
of contrast using LS is that it considers all the pools to be mutually
exclusive events (MEE). However, in Z-spectra, effect of various pools occurs
simultaneously and overlaps. Therefore, assumption of MEE is wrong. On contary, LPS model make no such
assumption and therefore provide accurate estimation of contrast. Another
observation from CESTasy of simulated data is that part of the
spectra close to water resonance deviate from the single Lorentzian line-shape
(L.L). This might be due better saturation of spins close to water, which
provide higher CEST effect. This asymmetric effect can be modeled by sum of two
Lorentzian functions. However in this study, for demonstration purpose we have
used a single CEST pool for simulation.CONCLUSION
In this study it was shown that proposed LPS
based fitting for multi-pool Z-spectrum data provide better estimation of individual contrast components
compared to conventional asymmetry analysis and LS fitting.Acknowledgements
Authors acknowledge internal seed grant from IIT-Delhi; This project was
partially supported by National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering
of the NIH through Grant Number P41-EB015893 and Centre for Magnetic Resonance
and Optical Imaging (CMROI), University of Pennsylvania. The Authors
acknowledge Dr. Ravinder Reddy, Dr. Mohammad Haris, Dr Kejia Cai and Dr
Hariharan for supporting acquisition of in-vivo
human brain data.References
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