We examined the accuracy of MR-based susceptibility quantification relative to conventional measurements in preparation of making a standard susceptibility phantom. SQUID magnetometry of tissue mimics provides absolute accuracy of approximately 100 ppb while MR-based techniques give relative accuracy of 10 ppb.
Magnetic moment measurements were made in a SQUID magnetometer using NIST SRM #2852 for calibration. Gradient echo phase images of susceptibility phantoms were obtained in a pre-clinical scanner. Post-processing of the phase images included phase unwrapping and long wavelength background subtraction. The phase vs echo time was fit to a line to obtain the susceptibility using the long cylinder approximation (Eq.1): δB_L=\frac{ΔχB_0}{6}(3cos^2θ-1)
Tissue is predominantly diamagnetic at body temperature 310K as shown in Fig.1a, which plots magnetic moment vs. field of cow liver. The magnetic susceptibility is dominated by diamagnetic water (-9.05*10-6) and fat (~-10.0*10-6).9 Complex magnetic structure of tissue is seen at lower temperatures. Fig.1a shows a decrease in the diamagnetic (negative) slope as the temperature decreases indicative of a paramagnetic component. Deviations in linearity due to paramagnetic and ferrimagnetic components exist at low temperature (1.8K). A ferrimagnetic characteristic is seen in the moment vs. inverse temperature plot of Fig.1b. With only a paramagnetic component, the data would be linear. For liver, the paramagnetic and ferrimagnetic components are predominantly due to deoxyhemoglobin and iron oxide deposits (ferritin). To mimic the susceptibility properties of tissue, one can use paramagnetic salt solutions. Fig.1d shows schematically how water, with a diamagnetic susceptibility of minimal temperature-dependence and a paramagnetic component can approximate the magnetic properties of tissue. We present data from GdCl3 solutions, whose magnetic properties are shown in Fig.1c,d for a 5.0mM solution in deionized water.
To more precisely verify orientation dependence, a rotating phantom was constructed with continuously rotating 80mm vials (schematic shown in Fig.2b inset). Four 80mm vials filled with 1.0mM and 5.0mM GdCl3 solutions were scanned. A rod extended out of the scanner from the internal gears; each revolution corresponded to 19-degree mechanical rotation of phantom insert. Phase shifts across each water-surrounded vial were collected as a function of angle, Fig.2b. Results were fit using Eq.1 yielding Δχ= (3.24 ± 0.05)*10-7 for the 1.0mM solution.
Finite element simulations were used to compute the macroscopic field of the phantom in Fig.2b inset. The vials were filled with a solution with a magnetic susceptibility of 3.0*10-6 relative to surrounding water to simulate our 5.0mM GdCl3 experiment. Fig.3a,b show field distortions when the B0 field is parallel and perpendicular to the vial axes, respectively. The field profiles within the vials are not constant, as predicted by the simple models, due to the fields from neighboring vials, the finite length of the vials, and the phantom structure.
One main approximation in MR-based susceptibility measurements is to assume that the local field is the macroscopic field minus the Lorentz field and the local microscopic fields average to zero. To determine the local field, precise microscopic calculations are needed. As a simple test, Monte Carlo calculations were performed; 2.5*106 Gd3+ spins were randomly distributed in 2μm diameter sphere filled with 300 diffusing water molecules. The fields sensed by the water molecules after a time of 0.15 ms are plotted in Fig.4c. The Gd density corresponds to 1mM concentration and a susceptibility of 3.2*10-7. The microscopic field calculated from the simulation is 13.5nT, which is much smaller than the Lorentz field BL= 320nT. The simulation supports the assumption that the microscopic fields due to neighboring spins average to zero and the local field approximation is valid. For tissues, which may have more complex local geometry, this local field assumption may not be valid.
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