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Use of Padding to Eliminate Low Convective Field Artifact in Conductivity Maps Obtained by cr-MREPT
Gulsah Yildiz1, Gokhan Ariturk1, and Yusuf Ziya Ider1

1Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey


Convection-reaction equation based Magnetic Resonance Electrical Properties Tomography (cr-MREPT) has been developed by Hafalir; however Low Convective Field causes artifacts. This study investigates how padding can be used in practice to eliminate the LCF artifact in conductivity reconstructions. Simulation and experimental results are given to demonstrate that conductivity images are improved by padding.


Convection-reaction equation based Magnetic Resonance Electrical Properties Tomography (cr-MREPT) has been developed by Hafalir and use of pads for removal of Low Convective Field (LCF) artifacts has been proposed1. This study investigates how padding can be used in practice to eliminate the LCF artifact in conductivity reconstructions. Simulation and experimental results are given to demonstrate that conductivity images are improved by padding.


Simulations are conducted in a birdcage body coil model using Comsol Multiphysics (COMSOL AB, Stockholm, Sweden). Figure 1 shows the simulation phantom containing four different regions: B and C represent anomaly regions with conductivity of 1S/m and 1.5S/m respectively, placed in the background region A with conductivity of 0.5S/m. The relative dielectric constants (ϵr) of A, B and C are taken as 80. D is the padding material for which ϵr is taken as 1 (no pad condition), 80 and 350 in 3 different simulations.

For MRI experiments, Siemens Tim Trio 3T MR scanner (Erlangen, Germany) with a quadrature body coil (transmit and receive) is used. A rectangular pad (24cmx18cmx1cm) containing water (ϵr= 80) is prepared and wrapped around the cylindrical phantom during the experiments. 3 different experiments are conducted consecutively: without pad, pad positioned on the left-side and on the right-side. 2D-SSFP (FoV=150mm, 1.2mmx1.2mmx3.0mm, FA=40°, TE/TR=2.44ms/4.88ms,duration=6.4min) is used to obtain B1 phase, and GRE (FoV=150mm, 1.2mmx1.2mmx3.0mm, FA=60°/120°, TE/TR=5ms/5000ms, duration=10.2min) is used for B1-mapping via the Double-Angle method. Noise is reduced using PDE-based diffusion filtering.

The cr-MREPT PDE is as follows: F¯u+2H+uiωμ0H+=0, where u=1σ+iwϵ0ϵr is the unknown admittance, H+ is transmit magnetic field from the simulation and experiment results. Since our phantoms are z-independent, partial derivatives w.r.t. z are zero; thus the calculation of the coefficients of the PDE and solution of cr-equation itself is done for 2D on a triangular mesh for the slice of interest2. In the 2D formulation F=[FxFy]=[H+xiH+yiH+x+H+y] is the convective field, where Fx=iFy. The cr-MREPT equation is converted to a linear algebraic system of equations. Conductivity reconstructions have artifacts at the regions where convective field is very low. Dielectric pad shifts the LCF region (low F region), providing us data sets with different LCF regions. These different data sets are solved simultaneously and the method eliminates the LCF artifact in the ROI if the convective field is high in that region in at least one of the data sets.


Conductivity reconstructions for the simulation phantom for the no-pad, left and right ϵr= 80 pads are shown in Figure 2. The corresponding LCF regions are also shown, with the magnitude of Fx is plotted such that its values are thresholded at a low value to emphasize the positions of the LCFs. With opposite pad locations, LCF region and the LCF artifact shift in opposite directions. Figure 3 shows the conductivity maps and LCF regions for ϵr= 350 pad case. Amount of the shifts (in mm) in LCF regions are given in the figure captions. In general, ϵr= 350 pads shift LCF more than the ϵr= 80 pads. Conductivity maps obtained by combining different data sets are given in Figure 4. Combining the ϵr= 350 left and right pads' data gives the best result; eliminating the LCF artifact and yielding correct conductivity values.

SSFP magnitude and phase images, and the B1-map as well as the conductivity reconstructions obtained from the experimental phantom are given in Figure 5. Amount of shifts in experiments are similar to simulations. However, experimental noise widens the LCF regions and therefore the two LCFs (from left-sided and right-sided pads) overlap. Combining the data from these two cases eliminates the LCF artifact but the reconstruction is distorted due to noise.

Discussion and Conclusion

Our experimental results are inline with the simulation results. However, to reduce the effect of the measurement noise, especially the B1 magnitude had to be heavily filtered. This filtering smooths the images but more error is induced in the conductivity values. Our future studies will cover experiments with high dielectric pads such as Barium Titanate3 slurries in order to increase the LCF shifts, and thereby making the method more robust against noise.

Simulations and experiments with different pad structures have also been conducted. In general, positioning the pad closer to phantom shifts the LCF region more. Thinner and thicker pads compared to current ones shift the LCF region less. Very high dielectric values disturbs the field undesirably. Small pads, which do not cover at least half the phantom surface do not shift LCF sufficiently.


This study was supported by TUBITAK 114E522 research grant. Experimental data were acquired using the facilities of UMRAM, Bilkent University, Ankara.


1. Hafalir FS, Oran OF, Gurler N ve Ider YZ. 2014. “Convection-reaction equation based magneticresonance electrical properties tomography (cr-MREPT)”. IEEE Trans Med Imag, 33:777-793.

2. F. A. Fernandez and L. Kulas, 2004, “A simple finite difference approach using unstructured meshes from FEM mesh generators,” in Proc. IEEE 15th Int. Conf. Microw. Radar WirelessCommun., May 2004, vol. 2, pp. 585–588.

3.G. Arit, D. Hennings ve G. de With, 1985, "Dielectric properties of fine-grained barium titanateceramics", Journal of Applied Physics 58, 1619 (1985); DOI: 10.1063/1.336051


Figure 1: a. Simulation phantom model (axial view). Radius of phantom is 6cm and height is 15cm. Anomaly regions have 0.9cm and 1.8cm radii. Pad is 1cm thick and 3mm away from the phantom. b. Simulation phantom model (side view). c. Simulation phantom model mesh structure. Given simulation results are from center slice, which has tetrahedral mesh size of 2mm.

Figure 2: a. Conductivity map for no pad case, where LCF artifact is circled. b. LCF region (no pad). c. Conductivity map for ϵr= 80 pad positioned on the left side. d. LCF region (Left ϵr= 80 pad) e. Conductivity map for ϵr= 80 pad positioned on the right side. d. LCF region (Right ϵr= 80 pad). Amount of shift in the LCF regions for left-sided ϵr= 80 pad case is 1.5mm and 2.12mm for right-sided ϵr= 80 pad.

Figure 3: a. Conductivity map for no pad case. b. LCF region (no pad). c. Conductivity map for ϵr= 350 pad positioned on left side. d. LCF region (Left ϵr= 350 pad). e. Conductivity map for ϵr= 350 pad positioned on right side. d. LCF region (Right ϵr= 350 pad). Amount of the shifts in LCF regions in the left-side positioned ϵr= 350 pad case is 8.75mm and 6.35mm for right-side positioned ϵr= 350 pad.

Figure 4: Combined conductivity maps a. No pad and left-side ϵr= 80 pad. b. No pad and left-side ϵr= 350 pad c. No pad and right-side ϵr= 80 pad d. No pad and right-side ϵr= 350 pad. e. Left and right-side ϵr= 80 pad, d. Left and right-side ϵr= 350 pad, the conductivity values of anomaly regions for this combination are similar to original values.

Figure 5: Experimental results. a. SSFP magnitude (no pad). b. SSFP phase (no pad, not filtered) c. B1 map (no pad, not filtered) d. Conductivity map for left-side positioned water pad. e. Conductivity map for right-side positioned water pad. f. Conductivity map for left and right-side positioned pad combination. Background of the experiment phantom is prepared using an agar/saline solution (20gr/L Agar, 2gr/L NaCl, 0.2gr/L CuSO4) and the higher conductive regions are prepared using a saline solution (20gr/L Agar, 4gr/L NaCl, 0.2gr/L CuSO4 ).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 25 (2017)