This study investigated the spatial distribution of several myelin imaging methods. Myelin water fraction in GRE-MWI, apparent MWF in ViSTa-MWI, fractional pool size (F) in qMT, MT saturation, MT ratio, and FA in DTI were compared for their spatial distribution in white matter. Strong correlations were measured particularly between GRE-MWI and ViSTa-MWI and also among MT contrasts. FA showed least correlations with the other parameters.
Data were collected from three healthy subjects at 3T (IRB approved). GRE-MWI: 2D multi-echo GRE was acquired with TR = 1400 ms, TE = 2.5:2.2:33 ms, flip angle = 79˚, and number of echoes = 15. Complex data were fit to a three-pool complex model to generate myelin water fraction9. ViSTa-MWI: 3D segmented EPI acquisition with double inversion pulses was acquired5. TR/TE = 1160/6.4 ms, TI1/TI2/TD=560/220/300 ms. A reference scan (GRE, TR = 100 ms, flip angle = 25˚) was acquired for apparent MWF calculation. Quantitative MT: SPGR with 500˚ and 800˚ MT pulses (1, 2, 4, 8, and 12 kHz offset frequency) were acquired. Additionally, SPGR without MT pulse, a T1 map, and a transmit B1 map were acquired for qMT data processing10. Using the dataset of 800˚ and 1 kHz MT pulse, MTR and MT_sat were generated. DTI: TR/TE = 3500/72 ms, b-value = 1000 s/mm2, and gradient directions = 36. An FA map was calculated using FSL11. All sequences were acquired at 2 mm isotropic voxel size covering 48 slices except the B1 map (5 mm thickness and 11 slices). The scan times for myelin sequences were adjusted for approximately 10 minutes.
All images were aligned to the FA map using a rigid body registration. A white matter mask was generated by thresholding each image and multiplying all results. Then, a voxel-wise correlation was calculated within the mask for each pair of the six myelin contrasts. Additionally, myelin concentrations were estimated in major fiber bundles using the JHU template. The FA map was registered to the template using nonlinear registration12. This registration information was applied for all the other images. In the JHU atlases, 13 ROIs excluding small fibers, which showed large registration errors, were overlaid to calculate the mean ROI values. Using the ROI data, scatter plots were generated to calculate correlations between GRE-MWI and the other images.
This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) Grant funded by the Korean Government (MSIP) (No. NRF-2015R1A5A7037676) and by the Brain Korea 21 Plus Project in 2016.
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