Pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling (pCASL) MRI involves labeling of flowing arterial blood water; therefore, the flow velocity of the blood water affects the efficiency of pCASL labeling. This effect has been quantified in healthy subjects but has not been examined in adults with sickle cell anemia (SCA). In this study, we illustrate that cervical flow velocities are elevated in adults with SCA, resulting in a reduced pCASL labeling efficiency of 0.72, and errors associated with this phenomenon are more than twice as large as those associated with bolus arrival time variability when long post-labeling delays times are used.
Experiment. SCA adults (n=19) and age- and race-matched controls (n=7), provided informed consent and were scanned at 3T (Philips Achieva). T1-weighted images were acquired using an MPRAGE sequence (TR/TE=8.2/3.7 ms; spatial resolution=1x1x1 mm3). Single-PLD pCASL data were acquired with Hanning-windowed RF pulses and post-labeling delay (PLD)=1900 ms (spatial resolution=3x3x7 mm3; TR/TE = 3675/13 ms; averages=20). In all control participants and a subset (n=8) of SCA participants, multi-PLD pCASL data were acquired with PLD=100, 400, 700, 1000, 1300, 1600, and 1900 ms for BAT determination. Single-slice phase contrast angiography (PC) data were acquired3,4 at the approximate level of the pCASL labeling plane for the left and right internal carotid (ICA) and vertebral arteries with in-plane spatial resolution=0.5x0.5 mm2.
Analysis. Mean flow velocities were computed for each of the four vessels-of-interest. Total blood flow was computed as the product of the mean velocities in and cross-sectional areas of the ICAs and vertebral arteries. Brain parenchymal mass was derived as the product of parenchymal volume, measured from brain-extracted T1-MR images, and brain density=1.06g/mL2. Parenchymal CBF (CBFPC) was computed from the PC data as the total blood flow (ml/min) normalized by the parenchymal mass (g). pCASL labeling efficiencies were then calculated by requiring that the CBF computed using PC and pCASL (using a 3-stage kinetic model5) be identical. BATs were computed for all participants with multi-PLD data using kinetic model fitting with the BASIL tool (FSL Toolbox, FMRIB). The mean BAT for controls and SCA adults was used along with the 3-stage model to simulate expected differences in pCASL due to BAT variations. A Wilcoxon rank-sum test was applied to determine differences in study measurements at two-sided significance level of 0.05.
We illustrate that cervical flow velocities are elevated in adults with SCA, resulting in a reduced pCASL labeling efficiency of 0.72, and errors associated with this phenomenon are more than twice as large as those associated with bolus arrival time variability when long post-labeling delays times are used1. Jordan LC, Gindville MC, Scott AO, et al. Non-invasive imaging of oxygen extraction fraction in adults with sickle cell anaemia. Brain. 2016;139:738-75.
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7. Wong EC. Vessel-encoded arterial spin-labeling using pseudocontinuous tagging. Magn Reson Med. 2007;58:1086-1091.