Sudipto Dolui1,2, Guray Erus1, David R. Jacobs, Jr.3, R. Nick Bryan1, and John A. Detre1,2
1Department of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States, 2Department of Neurology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States, 3Division of Epidemiology and Community Health, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States
analyzing cerebral blood flow (CBF) maps generated from arterial spin labeling
(ASL) data averaged across 436 cognitively healthy middle-aged subjects from
the CARDIA study, we characterized the CBF distribution in white matter. CBF is
specifically decreased in periventricular regions in a pattern not reflective
of partial volume effects as estimated from the structural MRI segmentation.
White matter lesion frequency mapping based on Fluid Attenuated Inversion
Recovery (FLAIR) images from the same cohort demonstrates that lesions tend to
occur in regions where group averaged CBF is lowest.
white matter lesions (PVWML) are nearly ubiquitous with aging,1
and have been considered asymptomatic, but may contribute to age-associated
cognitive decline. While cerebral blood
flow (CBF) has been shown to be reduced within white matter lesions,2 it
is less certain whether ischemia is their cause, in part due to the challenges
in quantifying white matter CBF accurately using available methods such as
arterial spin labeled perfusion MRI.3 By analyzing CBF maps generated
from ASL data averaged across 436 cognitively healthy middle-aged subjects from
the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) study, we
characterized the CBF distribution in white matter and related it to white
matter hyperintensity lesion frequency estimated from Fluid Attenuated
Inversion Recovery (FLAIR) magnetic resonance images. Methods
MRI data from 436 subjects (54% female, age: 50.4±3.5 years) from the CARDIA
study were analyzed. This included 2D pseudo-continuous ASL (PCASL) data consisting
of 40 label and control pairs with voxel dimensions of 3.4x3.4x5 mm3, labeling duration of 1.48s and postlabeling
delay of 1.5s.4 Sagittal 3D FLAIR data was
acquired with TR/TE/TI=6000/160/2200 ms, resolution: 1 mm isotropic, 160
slices, matrix 256x220, pixel bandwidth 930Hz/px. Sagittal MPRAGE data was acquired
with 1mm isotropic resolution, TR/TE/TI=1900/2.9/900ms,
matrix=256x256, slices=176, flip angle=90, GRAPPA=2, and bandwidth=170
Hz/pixel. All data were processed using MATLAB and SPM8.5 CBF
maps were generated using ASLtbx6 and a structural
correlation and Robust Bayesian (SCRUB) based data cleaning approach.7 White
matter lesions were segmented using FLAIR images by the lesion prediction
algorithm as implemented in the LST toolbox ( To assess whether the
distribution of CBF may be driven primarily by partial volume effects, anatomical
T1 weighted images for each subject were segmented into grey matter (GM), white
matter (WM) and cerebro-spinal fluid (CSF) tissue probability maps (TPMs), and “structural
pseudo-CBF” maps were constructed for each subject by 50GMTPM+20WMTPM
assuming the mean CBF in GM and WM to be 50 and 20 ml/100g/min respectively.
CBF maps, WM lesion probabilities, and pseudo-CBF maps for each subject were
registered to the MNI template using a DARTEL template,8 and averaged across subjects.Results
1 shows the mean maps of CBF, pseudo-CBF, and WM lesion frequency. Both GM and
CSF are masked in the figure to show only white matter. WM CBF is specifically decreased in
periventricular regions. The lesion frequency map demonstrates that,
while lesion frequencies are low, lesions tend to occur in regions where group
averaged CBF is lowest. Indeed, 62% of WM lesions occur where CBF is less than
20 ml/100g/min, which is approximately the threshold for ischemic changes in
cellular function.9 In addition, the lesion
density is 16 times higher in this region of low CBF than region with WM CBF
greater than 20.
WM CBF in the pseudo-CBF
map is much more homogenously decreased than real CBF suggesting that the
observed WM perfusion gradient does not simply reflect partial volume effects. Although
the Spearman’s rank correlation between actual and pseudo-CBF is 0.77
(p<<0.001) for the whole white matter showing structural-functional
coupling, the correlation is much lower (0.19, p<<0.001) in regions where
CBF≤20 ml/100g/min. This illustrates that the WM perfusion decrease in this
region is not driven by the structure. The rank correlation between lesion
frequency and actual CBF for this region is -0.45 (p<<0.001) whereas that
between lesion frequency and pseudo-CBF is -0.07 (p<<0.001).
averaging ASL CBF data across a large cohort of subjects, the distribution of
WM CBF could be defined in excellent detail. The observed WM CBF was found to
be highly non-uniform, showing extended regions of reduced perfusion at the
“caps” of the lateral ventricles. FLAIR
WM lesions were found to coincide with the most poorly perfused regions in the
study cohort, and the distribution of the lowest CBF values also matched WM
lesion frequency maps derived from other data sets.10 These findings are consistent
with the notion that PVWMLs are ischemic in etiology,11 likely reflecting the
accumulated effects of chronic subthreshold CBF over many years. While, markedly
improved ASL MRI sensitivity will be required to quantify WM CBF in individual
subjects, patterns of WM CBF change can already be successfully assessed in
cohort studies.Conclusion
in the white matter is lower in the periventricular region and the distribution
of the largest CBF reductions is similar to the distribution of white matter
hyperintensities. WM CBF is a potential
therapeutic target for age-associated cognitive decline.Acknowledgements
grants R01 MH080729 and P41 EB015893 and Coronary Artery Risk Development in
Young Adults (CARDIA) study.References
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